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How can I speed up the arrival of my web page in the search indices? I have submitted to Yahoo the usual way (web form), but it says that it might take weeks. Google doesn't know it yet, either, even though I use Google Analytics. And what about other search engines?

I haven't submitted the page to news.YC because it is german only, and not very tech cool: http://Mondhandy.de is about an astrological moon calendar for cell phones I developed some time ago...

Edit: I don't think the moon calendar is very popular outside of Germany, however, I might be mistaken, and if anybody is interested in marketing it in the US, I would of course welcome a contact.

Looks cool, how are you selling it?


Thanks! I am really happy with the web designer I hired for the design.

How to sell it - I am not sure yet. I was planning to try advertising in women's magazines (online edition), also I guess find all the astrology communities and write about it there. I am new to selling...

The mobile application gets "distributed" through a publisher, which unfortunately limits me a bit in my marketing efforts. I would have liked to try selling through Amazon, for example (so that people looking for print editions of moon calendars stumble upon the mobile application). But it is too complicated for the time being (distributor can't provide the API I would need). If there is any interest for the application, I might still pursue it at a later stage, though.


What I'm curious about his how the distributor works for mobile phone apps. I've created a few myself, but didn't really find a good place to sell them.


I am not sure what exactly you are asking? I think you could distribute them yourself, by signing up for a service that allows you to receive Premium SMS (that's what they are called in Germany) and send WAP-Push messages. The established distributors also try to put the application up on the portals of the mobile phone providers or popular portals (like Jamba in Germany). Then they do a lot of TV advertising.

I was hoping that there could be other ways to sell a mobile application, though.

Just looked at your homepage, I am impressed by the number of Open Source projects you have done...


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