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akkartik 1725 days ago | link | parent

Why not submit a blog post the normal way? Is this a separate kind of post?

dpapathanasiou 1725 days ago | link

Well, people tend to dislike it if you submit your own blog posts (you're biased, too wordy, trumpeting your own horn, etc.). So this would be a place to hold virtual design reviews: ask people to look and provide objective feedback; the comments thread would function as the Q&A; part between the hacker and the community of reviewers.


phil 1725 days ago | link

wouldn't it be simpler to just decide that it's ok to submit your own posts? some people have done that already and it seems fine to me: they're among the best links here.


volida 1721 days ago | link

Probably they dislike the content and not the posting itself.


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