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1 point by davidw 3 days ago | link | parent
I really get the impression, from reading this site, reading PG, listening to the interview with Jessica, that they are much happier if you have a co founder that you've known for a while, so just finding someone to plug into that role isn't as likely to work, even if they're good.

Maybe I'm wrong though, because my mind reading abilities leave a lot to be desired.

1 point by DaniFong 3 days ago | link
That would be my choice as well. It's just really fairly to get someone to join in a cofounder capacity, because the people I know well are all on the east coast or Canada, and I have a lot of pull them away from.

I've had a lot of people willing to work part time. It's just all of the people who are likely to be interested in my project are also likely to be very, very busy -- part time is all I think I can get in the short term.

On the other hand, in the design stages many companies (Apple, Microsoft, Yahoo, for example) had only one person working on things. Turning it into a business before a prototype emerges might be premature.


1 point by aston 3 days ago | link
Apple had Jobs and Woz. Microsoft had Bill and Paul. Yahoo had Jerry Yang and David Filo. Dani and ?


2 points by DaniFong 3 days ago | link
Woz did the Cream Soda Computer, and the Apple I and II on his own (though he had Job's support after Apple I). Bill did BASIC for the Altair on his own, and Yahoo was just David's list, to start.

There's a distinction between the seed stage and the regular early stage that I'm trying to point to.
