The British National Party, BNP, is the only hope for the survival of British people in these islands. The BNP is not just a political party standing in elections, it is the only movement which encompasses political, community and cultural aspects to ensure that the British folk nations have a future.
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The BNP has a number of writers who regularly contribute material for the web site. Each of our writers has his or her unique style of writing, and the range of styles and subjects discussed is testament to the increasingly wide appeal of our message of honest British patriotic nationalism.

Already with us:

Controversial ethno-nationalist ideas to ignite discussion and action. A mix of poetry, plays and feminine insight into the world of identity politics. Hard hitting, logical articles from the Chairman of the British National Party.
Chairman's Column

Doc's Diary

John Bean


All material published on these pages represents the personal views of the individual columnists and should not be taken to represent official BNP policy, which is decided by the Chairman after a period of ongoing consulation and discussion at the annual conference each November.



Daily News Update

0906 553 2245
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PO Box 107, Wigton, Cumbria,

British national party monthly newspaper is called Voice of Freedom
Land and people website
BNP and the peak oil crisis

Great White Records for first class music

Excalibur is the place for merchandise, books, ornaments, household goods and clothing based on celtic and european designs.

digitaldownloads from BNPtv

British National Party monthly journal is called Identity

British national lottery
© ® 2004-2007 British National Party, PO Box 287, Waltham Cross, Herts, EN8 8ZU. Telephone: 0870 7576 267