From Frustration to Freedom
Read about the inspiring transformational journey of the Hilaros Fellowship from Johannesburg. Visit Link ]

Enroll in Transformations Now
How can you discover and actualize transformation? What real difference will it make in your life and your world? Presence is starting another "Transformations" course, six Thursday evenings online from February 8th through March 15, 2007.

Recently Added: 
Transformations: Q & A
Here is how the Transformations study program works. 
Transformations Syllabus
Discover how to transform your life and your world to a higher level. This six-week course will enlighten your path to creative change. 
Women’s Transformational Gathering
Presence is pleased to announce our first Women’s Inquiry gathering. 
Transform Your Holidays
The holiday season is often filled with stress. 
Fall 2005 Session Underway
The Fall 2005 session of Presence International's Transformations course has begun. 
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