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Kava is best known as an anti-anxiety agent. In my personal experience, it does not abort cluster headaches, although I have only taken relatively small doses when getting hit by the beast. In theory, kava may have some preventive value, as it blocks calcium and sodium channels and inhibits the release of glutamate. (PMID: 8960869 (cache)) Kava also has an anti-thrombotic effect, which may prevent clusters like other Anticoagulants. PMID:9063093 (cache)

Kava is produced from the root of the Piper methysticum plant. It is important to many Polynesian cultures, where it is consumed in a setting that includes socialization and relaxation. Kava consumption has been associated with a reduced incidence of cancer in Fiji, Vanuatu and other Pacific islands.

The Kava Controversy

Kava has been associated with liver problems and has been banned in most of Europe, although regulators are reconsidering the ban. It is legal in the United States, although some companies have dropped it from their product line due to fear of litigation.

It is my conclusion that the concern over kava is over-blown. Many of the cases in the United States involved products that contained no kava at all and were intended for recreational use/abuse.

The Honolulu Advertiser (cache) discusses interesting research from the University of Hawaii that suggests that the liver problems (which were linked with a particular brand that was most popular in Europe) were caused by contamination of the kava extract with kava stem peelings. In Polynesia (where kava has a long history of safe consumption), the stems are never consumed. But apparently, a European company used large amounts of the inexpensive stem material which is ordinarily thrown away. The stems contain a chemical which is directly toxic to the liver.

Kava should not be combined with Verapamil or any other calcium channel blocker. Kava can increase the effect of sedatives or alcohol, raising other cautionary flags. Operating a car or other heavy machinery should be avoided until you are familiar with the effects of kava - at low doses, the beverage does not seem to interfere with coordination, but individual reaction may vary, and a low dose for one person may be a high dose for another.

I personally enjoy the occasional cup of kava, but am careful not to mix it with other drugs. I have found that the root powder is more mellow than the extracts that are available in capsules. Kava is not only relaxing, but I have found that my brain is more 'musical' after drinking a cup of is more pleasant to listen to, and even when I am not listening to music, on kava, music runs through my mind...

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Created by: admin last modification: Wednesday 07 of September, 2005 [00:14:29 UTC] by admin