La Habra High School
Math History Timeline
1700-1789 A.D.
Non-mathematical history

Math History
Prehistory and Ancient Times | Middle Ages | Renaissance | Reformation | Baroque Era | Enlightenment | Revolutions | Liberalism | 20th Century ...
non-Math History
Prehistory and Ancient Times | Middle Ages | Renaissance | Reformation | Baroque Era | Enlightenment | Revolutions | Liberalism | 20th Century ...
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1700-1789 Enlightenment
Ruler 1706–90 Franklin, Benjamin
Literature 1707–54 Fielding, Henry
Phil/Rel 1711–76 Hume, David
Phil/Rel 1712–78 Rousseau, Jean Jacques
Music 1714–87 Gluck, Christoph Willibald von
Phil/Rel 1724–1804 Kant, Immanuel
Art 1727–88 Gainsborough, Thomas self portrait
Explorer 1728–79 Cook, James
Literature 1732–99 Beaumarchais, Pierre Augustin Caron de
Music 1732–1809 Haydn, Franz Joseph
Ruler 1732–99 Washington, George
Ruler 1735–1826 Adams, John
Inventor 1736–1819 Watt, James
Ruler 1738–1820 George III
Ruler 1743–1826 Jefferson, Thomas
Art 1746–1828 Goya y Lucientes, Francisco José de
Music 1750–1825 Salieri, Antonio
Ruler 1751–1836 Madison, James
Inventor 1752–1834 Jacquard, Joseph Marie
Ruler 1755–1804 Hamilton, Alexander
Music 1756–91 Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus
Explorer 1757–98 Vancouver, George
Inventor 1785–1859 Thomas, Seth
Ruler 1758–1805 Nelson, Horatio Nelson, Viscount
Phil/Rel 1762–1814 Fichte, Johann Gottlieb
Inventor 1765–1815 Fulton, Robert
Inventor 1765–1825 Whitney, Eli
Ruler 1767–1848 Adams, John Quincy
Ruler 1768?–1813 Tecumseh
Ruler 1769–1821 Napoleon I
Literature 1770–1850 Wordsworth, William
Music 1770–1827 Beethoven, Ludwig van
Phil/Rel 1770–1831 Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich
Literature 1771–1832 Scott, Sir Walter
Aviation 1773–1857 Cayley, Sir George
Phil/Rel 1775–1854 Schelling, Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph von
Ruler 1783–1830 Bolivar, Simon
Ruler c.1784–1884? Sacagawea
Biology 1785–1851 Audubon, John James
Literature 1785–1863 Grimm, Jakob
Music 1786–1826 Weber, Carl Maria Friedrich Ernst von
Phil/Rel 1788-1860 Schopenhauer, Arthur


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