La Habra High School
Math History Timeline
Age of Revolutions
1789-1848 A.D.
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1789-1848 Age of Revolutions
Literature 1789–1851 Cooper, James Fenimore
Explorer 1790–1855 Parry, Sir William Edward
Inventor 1791–1872 Morse, Samuel Finley Breese
Music 1791–1864 Meyerbeer, Giacomo
Physics 1791–1867 Faraday, Michael
Music 1792–1868 Rossini, Gioacchino Antonio
Ruler 1794–1876 Santa Anna, Antonio Lopez de
Literature 1795–1821 Keats, John
Literature 1797–1851 Shelley, Mary Wollstonecraft
Music 1797–1848 Donizetti, Gaetano
Music 1797–1828 Schubert, Franz Peter
Art 1798–1863 Delacroix, Eugθne self portrait
Phil/Rel 1798–1857 Comte, Auguste
Literature 1799–1850 Balzac, Honorι de
Inventor 1800–1860 Goodyear, Charles
Inventor 1801–74 Borden, Gail
Music 1801–35 Bellini, Vincenzo
Literature 1802–70 Dumas, Alexandre
Literature 1802–85 Hugo, Victor Marie, Vicomte
Literature 1803–73 Bulwer-Lytton, Edward George Earle, 1st Baron Lytton
Literature 1803–82 Emerson, Ralph Waldo
Music 1803–69 Berlioz, Louis-Hector
Phil/Rel 1803–82 Emerson, Ralph Waldo
Literature 1804–76 Sand, George
Literature 1804–64 Hawthorne, Nathaniel
Ruler 1804–81 Disraeli, Benjamin, 1st earl of Beaconsfield
Literature 1805–75 Andersen, Hans Christian
Literature 1806–61 Browning, Elizabeth Barrett
Phil/Rel 1806–73 Mill, John Stuart
Ruler 1806–72 Juarez, Benito
Literature 1807–82 Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth
Biology 1809–82 Darwin, Charles Robert
Literature 1809–92 Tennyson, Alfred Tennyson, 1st Baron
Literature 1809–49 Poe, Edgar Allan
Music 1809–47 Mendelssohn, Felix
Phil/Rel 1809–82 Darwin, Charles Robert
Ruler 1809–65 Lincoln, Abraham
Music 1810–49 Chopin, Frιdιric Franηois
Music 1810–56 Schumann, Robert Alexander
Inventor 1811–61 Otis, Elisha Graves
Inventor 1811–75 Singer, Isaac Merrit
Literature 1811–96 Stowe, Harriet Beecher
Music 1811–86 Liszt, Franz
Literature 1812–70 Dickens, Charles
Explorer 1813–73 Livingstone, David
Music 1813–1901 Verdi, Giuseppe
Music 1813–83 Wagner, Richard
Inventor 1814–62 Colt, Samuel
Literature 1815–82 Dana, Richard Henry
Ruler 1815–1874 Cochise
Literature 1816–55 Charlotte Brontλ
Literature 1817–62 Thoreau, Henry David
Inventor 1818–1903 Gatling, Richard Jordan
Music 1818–93 Gounod, Charles Franηois
Phil/Rel 1818–83 Marx, Karl
Physics 1818–89 Joule, James Prescott
Literature 1819–80 Eliot, George
Literature 1819–91 Melville, Herman
Literature 1819–92 Whitman, Walt
Music 1819–80 Offenbach, Jacques Levy
Literature 1821–81 Dostoyevsky, Feodor Mikhailovich
Biology 1822–84 Mendel, Gregor Johann
Inventor 1822–95 Pasteur, Louis
Physics 1824–1907 Kelvin, William Thomson, 1st Baron
Music 1825–99 Johann Strauss
Literature 1828–1905 Verne, Jules
Literature 1828–1910 Tolstoy, Leo, Count
Literature 1828–1906 Ibsen, Henrik
Ruler d. 1828 Shaka Zulu
Ruler 1829–1909 Geronimo
Art 1830–1903 Pissarro, Camille self portrait
Literature 1830–86 Dickinson, Emily
Ruler 1831–1890 Sitting Bull
Art 1832–83 Manet, Ιdouard self portrait
Literature 1832–98 Carroll, Lewis, pseud. of Charles Lutwidge Dodgson
Literature 1832–88 Alcott, Louisa May
Ruler 1832–67 Maximilian
Inventor 1833–96 Nobel, Alfred Bernhard
Art 1834–1917 Degas, Edgar self portrait
Inventor 1834–1900 Daimler, Gottlieb
Literature 1834–99 Alger, Horatio
Literature 1835–1910 Twain, Mark, pseud. of Samuel Langhorne Clemens
Music 1835–1921 Saint-Saλns, Charles Camille
Aviation 1838–1917 Zeppelin, Ferdinand, Graf von
Music 1838–75 Bizet, Georges
Physics 1838–1916 Mach, Ernst
Art 1839–1906 Cιzanne, Paul self portrait
Music 1839–81 Moussorgsky, Modest Petrovich
Phil/Rel 1839–1914 Peirce, Charles Sanders
Art 1840–1917 Rodin, Auguste The Thinker
Art 1840–1926 Monet, Claude self portrait
Literature 1840–1928 Hardy, Thomas
Music 1840–93 Tchaikovsky, Peter Ilyich
Art 1841–1919 Renoir, Pierre Auguste self portrait
Explorer 1841–1904 Stanley, Sir Henry Morton
Music 1841–1904 Dvorαk, Antonνn
Music 1842–1912 Massenet, Jules
Phil/Rel 1842–1910 James, William
Music 1843–1907 Grieg, Edvard Hagerup
Art 1844–1910 Rousseau, Henri self portrait
Music 1844–1908 Rimsky-Korsakov, Nicolai Andreyevich
Phil/Rel 1844–1900 Nietzsche, Friedrich Wilhelm
Inventor 1846–1914 Westinghouse, George
Inventor 1847–1922 Bell, Alexander Graham
Inventor 1847–1931 Edison, Thomas Alva
Literature 1847–1912 Stoker, Bram


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