Phone: 01392 214214 | E-mail: | Address: 115 Sidwell Street, Exeter EX4 6RY

Opening Hours: Monday - Saturday 10am - 8pm. Sunday: 12pm - 8pm.

Internet Access
£1 Per 20 minutes - minimum charge
£3 Per hour
£12 Per 5 hours on account - ask for details

£1 Per 20 minutes - minimum charge
£3 Per hour

20p Per page in black and white
£1 Per page in colour

£1 Per scan

£1 Per page

£1 CD-ROM burning - includes case
£3 DVD-ROM burning - includes case
50p Floppy disk

We can read most forms of flashcards, smartcards and USB-sticks

Whilst LifeBytes would like to offer a base price for our other services, such as repairs and upgrades, it really can vary depending on the task or problem. Usually charges will stand at £30/hour, but this can change depending on the amount of work involved.


Enhancements | Repairs | Restoration | Upgrades

That's right, we do the lot. We don't have anything to sell except years of experience. You get our advice and assistance, the lowest possible prices and all the help you need to improve your computer, or get it back together.

If you're unsure of what you're looking for, tell us what you want to spend and we'll tell you what's possible.

You can also talk to us about software and extras. It's probable that we've used it or abused it, so we can tell you the things the makers won't.


Besides computer services, LifeBytes also has experience with 2D/3D graphics, audio & video editing and DVD/CD production.

Likewise, if you have a design idea but are unsure of what you need to have or do to make it, you are always welcome to come and discuss your ideas with us and see what we can do for you.