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I really like the idea of using GitHub as a form of blogging about code, after all what better way to distribute code and small pieces of text describing it than a DVCS. I think I'll start doing the same with the code related posts on my blog.

" ... after all what better way to distribute code and small pieces of text describing it than a DVCS. "

Not that what Reg is doing isn't interesting, but what does a DVCS blog buy the reader? Will I be doing a local pull from someone else when github is down (or when he just doesn't feel like writing :) )?

On the other hand, the blog doesn't have support for comments, so I thought about forking the repo, adding my own comment to the text, then sending back a pull request. Presto.

> what does a DVCS blog buy the reader?

I don't know about the D part, but there are some advantages to a CVS. For example, if you cared to you could get everything for reading offline at your leisure.

And while it seems cumbersome for words, it is more convenient than a blog for code that I post. In the past I put some code up on web pages, some on FTP, and some on rubyforge, all linked from my blog. Now all the code you might want to download is in one unified repository.

This is an experiment, so we'll see how it goes. But I'm hoping that it will be a win for things that are code-y rather than wordy.

> On the other hand, the blog doesn't have support for comments, so I thought about forking the repo, adding my own comment to the text, then sending back a pull request. Presto.

I think you're onto something.

Developing a homoiconic entry in a distributed fashion.

How awesome

For comments, why not just use GitHub's built-in comment feature?

Comments are on a per-line, per-commit basis. No aggregate per-file means that readers are less likely to follow a thread.

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