Ztum-Setum Home

Ztum-Setum Online News

The Warring Factions

In their Own Words

House Rules

Model Index



Toyz are Uz

Dave Wilson - A Tribute

Photographing Miniatures

Basing Troops for AK47

The Real Thing


AK47 Links


AK47 Ztum - Setum

A Miniature wargames campaign featuring rival warlords battling for power in an imaginary historical setting based on Africa in the early 1980s.

This web site is dedicated to the Ztum - Setum wargames campaign being run by members of the South East Scotland Wargames Club using the AK47 Republic rules from the Rules for the Common Man (RFCM) team at Peter Pig. The name Ztum-Setum comes from the names given to the campaign area by two groups of tribes. The highland tribes call it Ztumsia while the lowland tribes insist on Setumsia.

Ztum - Setum Online News: An independent source of campaign news ( updated 4th April, 2003)

The Warring Factions: Notes on the background to the various factions in the campaign and pictures (lots) of the forces. These pages are graphically intensive and may take some time to download. You can tell something about the serious nature of this campaign from the names people have given to their armies.

In their Own Words: Propaganda from the Ztum-Setum wars as the faction commanders have their own say.
Semi -Official AK47 Amendments from RFCM and our own Campaign House Rules (updated 9 September, 2003)
Model Index: Index to pictures of painted examples model vehicles, aircraft and helicopters from Battlefront, Peter Pig, QRF, Skytrex and other manufacturers. Includes many conversions
Counters: download casualty and pinned markers for AK47 Republic.

Scenery: some pictures of the scenery we use in our games.
Toyz Are Uz: Model vehicles etc. that campaign participants have converted from children's toys.

Dave Wilson - A Tribute: A regular player in the AK47 Ztum-Setum campaign, Dave died last year. He was a skilled modeller and was forever converting and customising figures, particularly his Warhammer 40K Space Marines, or scratch building vehicles and terrain pieces. Some examples of his excellent AK47 conversions can be found on this page.
How I take the pictures for this site.
Basing troops for AK47: How we make the bases for the troops pictured on this site
The Real Thing - pictures of post-war armour from the le Musée des Blindés at Saumur in France: The museum is home to over 850 vehicles, a third of which work and there are over 200 on permanent display. This page has photographs of a small selection which may be of interest to players of AK47 Republic. The museum's website has a full list of the vehicles on display in the various halls.

Brixcon 2003: pictures from an AK47 competition.
AK47 Links: A collection of useful web links for people playing AK47 (updated 6th November, 2003).
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Sponsored by Pioneer Professional Painting
Many of the figures used in the pictures on this site were painted by Pioneer's Jack Glanville
Telephone : (+44) 0131 554 7712
E-mail : pioneerpaintig@tesco.net

Site created by Derek Hodge: derek@hodgenet.co.uk