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Rejecting God's Signs and Support In The Name of God

Niaz Aziz

There are some who try to use volumes of senseless rhetoric to deny facts/truth/knowledge of any observed phenomenon. As if truth itself is dependent upon the excuses one seeks to deny it. They are not looking to seek knowledge, as GOD has commanded, but seeking *excuses* to justify ignorance and remain regressed. The more excuses they seek, the more they get. For them anybody who takes the initiative to sit and study anything in the Quran that they do not wish to see becomes the "ulema" of their sarcasm. If you were to show them statistical evidence of why 19 manifests so clearly in the Qur'an, you become "ulema". They will say that the Quran is not meant for those they would like to call "statisticians and mathematicians", but for those who have no inclinations to strive to seek, learn or know anything. 

They tend to say that the mysterious initials are put in by GOD in the Qur'an as tools for Satan, though God Himself called it Ayaatul Kitab (Signs of the Book)! They tend to imply that GOD and Satan are teaming together to trick people into attaining certainty that the Qur'an is from God! While they think that they personally are better than Abraham, and all of the believers through time whose histories have been narrated by God in the Qur'an, in that they are in no need for such ("satanic", as they call it) proofs to attain certainty, regardless of GOD's decision or choice on the matter. 

To illustrate of the futility of their excuses and their deep alluring to ignorance, I narrate the following scenario. Obtaining knowledge of the observed fact that the sky is expanding, independant of the literal words used by God in the Qur'an takes some inclination to seek, understand and observe the world around us, and the inclination to seek the knowledge of what is known about the world around us. The fact that none of the steps involved in doing so is spelled out verbatim in the Qur'an (except for the persistent directive from God to think, reflect, ponder, study His Signs and seek knowledge), would not be an excuse to remain ignorant of all the facts that prove that the sky is expanding. If you were to show the link between 51.47 and the discovery of the expanding universe, those who are inclined intend to persist in ignorance could ask "Where did God say that you have to look through Hubble's Telescope? Where does God say about red-shifted radiation? Have you personally verified red-shifted radiation from all corners of the sky? (If not you are disobeying 17.36!). Where does God say that you have to study doppler effect and physics? 

If you listen to their rhetoric carefully, GOD would come forth as a champion of ignorance, who forbids people from studying His Ayaat (Signs), or observe or witness anything in the world around us. They are the perfect symbol for the decadence of intellect and allergy towards knowledge in the "muslim" world today, which has been the primary cause of their backwardness and regression, and I see this as an expression of their abject fear of the truth. 

Regardless of their stand, God tells us ... 

"We will show them Our Signs on the horizons as well as within themselves, until it becomes manifest to them (believers) that it is the Truth. Does your Lord not suffice as a Witness for everything?" [41.53]
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