Forever Knight

About Forever Knight Fan Fiction

Table of Contents

If you have any ideas, comments, suggestions, for this page, please, pretty please, send me an email.
Thanks!! Mel Moser

What is Forever Knight Fan Fiction?

Forever Knight Fan Fiction includes stories, poetry, songs, and mixtures of all three and more written by fans of the TV series Forever Knight. A show that is near and dear to the hearts of all of us fans, fan fiction is a wonderful way of being creative, capturing your thoughts and feelings about the show and characters, as well as venting your emotions, especially when TPTB have episodes we don't particularly agree with. Stories can range from any time in the show, on any topic, and including or excluding any characters you may which to write about (even your own). Upset with an episode or that the series is ending? Just remember the FK Fan Fiction Writers Motto:

If you don't like it, rewrite it.

Though Forever Knight was cancelled and last aired on May 17, 1996 in the episode Last Knight (check out the Last Knight Challenge stories!), Forever Knight lives on through fanfiction, including the Forever Knight Virtual Fourth Season. Forever Knight is now airing on the SciFi Channel which has recently started reairing Forever Knights first season episodes.

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How do I submit Forever Knight Fan Fiction?

Forever Knight related stories are always welcome and we're always looking for submissions to this archive.

Here's some basic steps to follow in submitting Fan Fiction stories to this Web site (

  1. Write your story/submission. Don't get too angsty whether it is too odd or too strange. There have been all kinds of stories submitted as fan fiction. If in doubt, read over some of the other fan fiction stored online or received on the mailing list, or you can also submit your story and/or story ideas to a FK Fan Fiction beta-reader. Be sure to abide by the rules listed below in the rules for submission, especially the new rule of only using fictional characters in your stories.
  2. Proofread your story, including spellchecking. Have your story proofread by one or more persons, typically called a beta-reader.
  3. Send your story to FKArchiver The best method for emailing stories is to include actual text in the email message, taking several email messages if necessary.
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What is FKFIC-L?

An offshoot of the FORKNI-L mailing list, FKFIC-L is the Forever Knight Fan Fiction Mailing List. Founded during the1st season of the Forever Knight series, FORKNI-L listowner Jean Prior and first assistant listowner Laurie Salopek started FKFIC-L explicitly for the posting of FK fan fiction. FKFIC-L is currently administered by Laurie Salopek, Lisa McDavid and Don Fasig. Many of the stories archived on this website were and are originally posted to FKFIC-L.

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How do I subscribe to FKFIC-L?

Send a command for subscription via email to WITH NO SUBJECT with the following command in the body of the email message:

SUB FKFIC-L (put your name here)

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What are the rules for posting stories to FKFIC-L?

For complete FK Mailing List rules, reference the The Sidekick's Guide the Forever Knight Mailing Lists page.

Here's some of the highlights from this page relating to FKFIC-L:

  1. No discussion on the FKFIC-L mailing list, which is for fiction only! Discussion of fan fiction and all other Forever Knight related topics should be posted to FORKN-L or FKSPOILR.
  2. No Adult topics without the specific use of the Adult Topic. FKFIC-L has an ADULT topic that requires the subject to start with ADULT: . This then tells the listserver to filter out this mail to those MAIL subscribers who have the adult topic turned off (see the FK Mailing List commands page for more info). Stories containing gore and explicit sex require use of the adult topic.
  3. Limit postings to 250 lines per post. Some email programs cannot handle messages larger than 250 lines. If your story is longer than 250 lines, break it into parts or chapters and label it appropriately (see #4).
  4. Label your fiction. Label the title of your submission and add the following labels as appropriate in the Subject and header lines of each and every one of your submission(s):
    • ADULT: If your fiction has adult topics in it.
    • SPOILER: If your story includes information still under spoiler protection. Also list the name of the episode(s) being spoiled.
    • Chapter/Part: If your fiction is the 4th part of 16, label that in the subject. Example: Storyname (01/10), Storyname (02/10)or Storyname (01/?), Storyname (02/?) if the number of chapters/parts is unknown.
  5. Be sure to include only fictional characters in your story. Per a post to FKFIC-L from listowner Laurie Salopek on May 21, 1996, because of legal reasons, stories containing real people, especially using the real names of people, cannot be posted to the FK Fan Fiction mailing list. Legally, you cannot use real people or their names in a fictional story without their direct personal consent.
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Miscellaneous FK Fan Fiction related questions:

What is a beta-reader?

Admit it, we're all human (unless you are a vampire ;-) ) and make mistakes: typos, grammatical errors, punctuation, missing plot details, etc. A beta-reader is a person that proofreads your story before you actually submit it to the archive. Having someone "beta-read" your story before submission is a good way to get feedback on your story plot, grammar, writing style, and general adherence to the FK genre (though adherence can be somewhat vague). It will also make reading your story more enjoyable for the readerst. If you're looking for beta-readers, you can sometimes post a message to the FK Mailing List, FORKN-L. Else, check here:

Current Beta-Reader List
(Coming Soon)
Look for beta-readers on this list.
Add me to the beta-reader listSend me an email to add or remove your name to the beta-reader list.


What are some common fan fiction related terms and references? (XOVER, Adult, Challenges, etc.)

Short for Crossover. Crossover stories involve characters from other genres, TV shows, films, science fiction/fantasy stories, etc. There are no restrictions on the types of crossover stories. Past and current stories have included crossovers with X-Files, Space Above & Beyond, Airwolf, Friday the 13th, Highlander, and much more, with Highlander being the most common (must be the immortality thing).
Adult topics should be labeled thus in the first couple of lines of the story. At this point, adult topics are those that involve gore and explicit sex. If you are interested in adult/erotica stories, please refer to JADFE, the Forever Knight Erotica mailing list.
(Bear with me on this definition, I'm doing my best). Occasionally, a list member will post a topic to the FORKN-L list declaring a Challenge, which usually consists of a topic to be used to write fan fiction stories about. Anyone is welcome to join in the storywriting challenge, with the story being posted to FKFIC-L with the the word Challenge: (Challenge-name) included in the subject or header of the post. Challenge stories will also be accepting and cateogorized on this website. Be on the lookout for Challenges sponsored by this web site!!!!
The Powers That Be. A term most often used on the FORKN-L mailing list, this refers to the executive producers, producers, etc. (basically, the ones with the $$$ that makes the difference) who have controlled and control the current and future of the Forever Knight TV show.

  What is JADFE?

JADFE ("James and Darkangel's Forever Erotica list") is the Forever Knight Adult Erotica fiction list. The list is for adults only. Subscription info for JADFE can be found here.


What is the Forever Knight Virtual Season?

Forever Knight Virtual Season consists of a group of unique and diverse Forever Knight fans who are working together to create a "Virtual Fourth Season" of the Forever Knight television series. The Virtual Season consists of a series of episodes which will be written by various writers. The Virtual Season allows for Forever Knight live on through the work and dedicationof its fans.


What about copyright information and disclaimers?

I am currently looking into this. If you have any information regarding copyright information or disclaimers, please email me.

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Where can I find additional FK Fan Fiction and related information?

For information on the Forever Knight Mailing lists, check out the The Sidekick's Guide the Forever Knight Mailing Lists page.

For links to additional FK pages, check out my Forever Knight Links page.

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All HTML pages and indexes © 1998; Mel Moser,
All stories © their authors, except for previously-copyrighted material.