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Privacy Policy

Quizilla strives to maintain personal privacy. Hey, we're privacy freaks ourselves. This is how we feel about privacy -- this outlines what information we gather, what we do with it and how we keep track of you, the user.

Quizilla (hereafter "the site") will, for all users accessing the service, log files/resources access, the IP address access is from, the time of access and all other information passed by the users web browser including version and referrer.

For registered users, the site logs a unique username, a password for that username, account creation time, IP address and two email addresses -- one public and one private. Passwords will never be reveiled except through mechanisms designed for recovery of lost or forgotten passwords. Private email address will not be disclosed en masse to outside parties and email will only be sent to them in the event of password recovery, site issues or site specific features. Private email addresses will not be displayed to the general public and will never be sold to or otherwise given to untrusted 3rd parties for profit. Public email address, however, may be published and otherwise utilized.

Quizilla will log anonymous usage statistics for all users, registered or otherwise for use in demographics tailoring, advertising campaigns or any other purpose.

Quizilla will, for registered users, store data on the users web browser in the form of "cookies". These cookies will contain the users username, password and other credentials pertaining for determining said users status in the system.

Advertising systems and other sites and systems linked to by but not under direct control of the operating body of Quizilla shall be considered separate entities and not covered under this policy.

Persons under 13 years of age are not permitted to become members of Quizilla. Quizilla will not knowingly collect any information from unregistered accesee's regardless of age, including persons under 13 years old, except information passed automatically by the accessee's web browser software.

This site is in no way affiliated with GODZILLA or Toho Co. Ltd.