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    BARRY SPYKER: Driven
    Lamborghini's Gallardo: Is it a car for daily duty?
    Lets fire up this new year and get into one of the most exclusive and exotic sports-car nameplates of all time: Lamborghini. There is good reason for this. There has been strange talk coming out of Automobili Lamborghini in recent months as the famed Italian carmaker celebrates its 40th anniversary.

    Off-roaders battle over land-use issues
    Responsible off-roaders who follow rules and want to minimize environmental impact take on the more free-wheeling renegades.
    In her two years as chief ranger at the Wharton State Forest, a stretch of more than 115,000 acres of the New Jersey Pine Barrens, Carmel Capoferri has seen her share of illegal activity. She has stumbled upon dead bodies and recovered stolen cars. But one group of criminals plagues her most: drivers of all-terrain vehicles.

    Price of wheel 'spinners' will make head spin, too
    Dear Tom and Ray: I was recently out shopping, and a car drove past with attachments on the wheels that spun around, making the car appear to have wheels that spin at a different speed than the car is going. They made a really cool effect and I want to buy some for my dad. Do you have any information about these spinning wheels? I'm completely in the dark about them, but I'm keen to find out more. Thanks.

    Winter ideal for major repairs
    Is there a time of the year that is best for getting major repairs done? During the late fall and winter, people seem to forget about their boats. Holidays are a busy time for other activities so boats often tend to sit. That makes it a good time to turn the boat over to mechanics, painters or upholsters for any mayor repairs.

    Newest Ninja on fast track in Homestead
    Kawasaki introduced its new liter bike, the ZX10R, to the global media recently at the Homestead-Miami Speedway. The consensus: Poetry in (fast) motion.
    No sane person can rationally justify owning a bike with this much power for street riding, but that's part of the fun of being a rider these days. If they build it, we will ride it.

    Yamaha leaps into '04 with quicker WaveRunner
    Yamaha combines more horsepower with a lighter hull to get more kick out of the WaveRunner FX HO. It is powered by a new high-output version of Yamaha's compact four-cylinder MR-1 engine, introduced several years ago.
    Probably the most hotly contested segment of the personal watercraft market are the three-passenger models. Manufacturers are continually tweaking their watercraft and boosting horsepower in an effort to get ahead in performance and sales.

    First-year models aren't the risk they used to be
    Dear Tom and Ray: What are your thoughts on first-year-production models? I'm looking at the new 2004 GMC Canyon or its twin, the Chevy Colorado. Do you think it's wise to buy a vehicle the first year it's on the market?

    Taut trailer ties keep boat off road
    What is the best means of securing a boat on a trailer? Improperly tied down boats have been known to end up on the road because they simply fall of the trailer. Some boaters foolishly think that, if they are going a short distance, the weight of the boat will be enough to hold it down. Not true.

    Here is a listing of some of the automotive clubs in South Florida...
    Here is a listing of some of the automotive clubs in South Florida. To list a club or update your listing, please send the information to: The Miami Herald, Wheels & Waves, 1 Herald Plaza, Miami, FL 33132, or fax to Barry Spyker at 305-376-5287.



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