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Here are webcam images for a number of sites around the UK. Click on the numbers on the map, or the thumbnails below to see panoramic views from the webcams. The local observations can also be seen in graphical form.

Webcam locations Exeter Eskdalemuir Aboyne Aviemore Loch Glascarnoch Trawsgoed
Loch Glascarnoch
1. Loch Glascarnoch
2. Aviemore
3. Aboyne
4. Eskdalemuir
5. Trawsgoed
6. Exeter
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All images displayed by the Met Office webcams are covered by Crown Copyright and remain the property of the Met Office. Please do not use them on other sites.

More about the webcam images

The Met Office webcam network is currently being upgraded to utilise the latest low-light cameras to deliver usable imagery in very low-light conditions. See an example of moonlight at Trawscoed.

Clicking on a camera site displayed on the map will open up a page displaying the most recent images available from that site, and the latest observations of temperature, pressure, visibility, wind and weather (if available). If you have viewed the page before it may be necessary to hold down the SHIFT key whilst clicking the reload/refresh button on your browser in order to obtain the most up to date series. Click on the graph icon at the bottom of the page to see time-series graphs of observation data for the last 24 hours.

The cameras are programmed to scan every 30 minutes and record images every 52°. Scans are made at elevations of 0°, 45°, and 90° - thus a series of images, covering the celestial dome, is collected.
Hyperlinks are set at 51°, 154°, 206° and 309° on the thumbnail presentation which, when selected, open up a 156° 'sector' of the globe.

The field of view of each camera is approximately 60° and overlaps between thumbnail images are apparent - hence, it is possible for the same area to be visible in possibly four adjoining images. For this reason the series of thumbnails should strictly be considered as an index, rather than a panorama.

Clicking on any of the thumbnails will enlarge that image for closer scrutiny.

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