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Science Back off, man, I'm a scientist.

Irreducible Complexity - Mathematical Definition and Refutation (Science)

By mberteig
Mon Oct 3rd, 2005 at 11:51:31 AM EST


There have been some recent articles here on K5 about Intelligent Design (1), (2), (3), (4). None of them have presented a formal logical approach to the question.

One of the foundational ideas behind intelligent design is the that of Irreducible Complexity. What follows is an amateur's attempt at a formal mathematical definition of irreducible complexity and then a brief analysis of a possible refutation of it based on the proposed definition. This work has been done mostly out of interest.

(This article was originally published at http://www.berteig.org/mishkin/IrreducibleComplexity.html - it is much nicer to look at there due to the limits of the html allowed here on K5.)

Full Story (91 comments, 2127 words in story)

The Great Thing About Intelligent Design (Science)

By codejack
Fri Sep 30th, 2005 at 12:53:10 AM EST


The latest foray into the continuing destruction of public education in the United States has taken the form of Intelligent Design, or ID for short. If you are one of the tens of people who genuinely believe in ID, that's fine. If you believe in creationism, good for you. But if you believe that ID is anything other than a stalking horse for christian fanatics to insert their agendas into the public schools, we have a problem.

So why is the title of this piece "The Great Thing About Intelligent Design" you ask? Simple: This is the next step in expanding the power of the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America.

Full Story (242 comments, 632 words in story)

Relativity, Uncertainty, Incompleteness and Undecidability (Science)

By chato
Wed Aug 31st, 2005 at 08:45:49 PM EST


In this article four fundamental principles are presented: relativity, uncertainty, incompleteness and undecidability. They were studied by, respectively, Albert Einstein, Werner Heisenberg, Kurt Gödel and Alan Turing. This is a very simple explanation without the technical details, but which tries to show at least the general idea behind each principle.

Full Story (199 comments, 3343 words in story)

Uncaused Force. Teach the Controversy! (Science)

By Coryoth
Thu Aug 25th, 2005 at 01:25:51 AM EST


It is time to closely and rigorously examine the prevailing ideas about gravity and force, its limitations and its failures. Our abilities to observe and record the very workings of the universe have improved astonishingly over the last hundred years. We now have space based telescopes, vast radio telescopes, and a stunning array of other equipment for astronomical observation. We also have at our disposal huge and expensive particle accelerators and other equipment to detect and observe interactions at the smallest possible scale. With these tools at our disposal, new observations comes an ever mounting weight of evidence that our very conceptions of gravity and force are deeply flawed.

Full Story (140 comments, 1132 words in story)

Colonoscopy Report (Science)

By Misterfixit
Tue Aug 2nd, 2005 at 09:01:25 AM EST


I hope this article should help people over the age of 50 to make the wise decision to obtain a colonoscopy test. Early detection of colon cancer is a "good idea".

Full Story (54 comments, 958 words in story)

The Genetic Origin of Ashkenazi Genius (Science)

By Thrasymachus
Sun Jul 31st, 2005 at 04:40:34 PM EST


A genetics paper published in the Journal of Biosocial Science in June, “Natural History of Ashkenazi Intelligence,” makes the following claims about Ashkenazi European Jews:

  • They have the highest average IQ of any ethnic group.
  • Their intelligence advantage is genetic.
  • Their intelligence advantage is recent.
  • Jews as a whole are not of above-average intelligence, just the Ashkenazi.
  • Ashkenazi intelligence is a result of natural selection.

The paper is important not just for what it says about the Ashkenazi, but also for what it says about the nature of intelligence and genes. A surprising amount of favorable press coverage was generated over it—positive coverage appeared in both The Economist and The New York Times—despite the fact that the authors are claiming that: a) some racial differences in intelligence exist, and b) that they can be genetic in origin.

Full Story (474 comments, 996 words in story)

Corpse Disposal Made Simple (Science)

By LilDebbie
Mon Jul 25th, 2005 at 12:20:10 PM EST


*Disclaimer*  Murder is against the law. Do not commit murder. Do not construe this article as encouraging you to commit murder. This is for educational purposes only.  *Disclaimer*

Full Story (233 comments, 665 words in story)

Fractals 101, Part 1 (Science)

By jd
Wed Jul 20th, 2005 at 11:36:19 AM EST


Fractals are well-known in rave art, popular culture and even the occasional movie. But what are they, where do they come from and what are we going to do with them now they are here?

Full Story (119 comments, 1796 words in story)

Peak Oil: the next big thing. (Part One.) (Science)

By Apuleius
Sat Jul 9th, 2005 at 03:25:26 PM EST


In between shark attacks, missing persons, Michael Jackson, and who knows what else, you might have missed a few important stories. On the 4th of July, a power plant in Grati, on Indonesia's island of Java, was shut down after it just plain ran out of its stored fuel oil. Another power plant on the island is going to close next. This should not be all that surprising. Oil is now trading at $60 a barrel, and the first to suffer from this are those who can't cough up that kind of dough. But this is just the beginning. The price won't come back down, and soon enough you will begin to feel the pinch. Grab a cup of coffee and read on.

Full Story (360 comments, 2370 words in story)

Maxwell's thermodynamic daemon realized ? (Science)

By chro57
Tue Jun 28th, 2005 at 04:34:06 AM EST


Maxwell's demon is a theoretical device able to bypass the second law of thermodynamics, allowing anyone to produce unlimited free energy with the device. Until now, it has always been possible to prove theoretically that they couldn't be constructed, or would fail to function.

This "badly published" article presents a version of Maxwell's demon for which there is currently no published theoretical proof of unworkability, and the author pretends to have built and tested it. If there are no flaws, then the invention is an industrial revolution waiting to happen.

However, as is, it may as well be an elaborated joke. But where is the theorical flaw? There are no obvious flaws in the design itself.

Full Story (133 comments, 356 words in story)

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Irreducible Complexity - Mathematical Definition and Refutation
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Finding the location, identity, or affiliation of email senders
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The Great Thing About Intelligent Design
by codejack

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