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[A-List] US news media: forwarded from Charles Brown

Thank you to Charles Brown for articulating so eloquently what I've been too
livid to express for days.

It's worth adding that rightwinger de Borchgrave, working for the
Unification Church's UPI agency and Washington Times, ends his article by
saying, "There was not one pro-American editorial in Friday's pickups from
the world's leading newspapers outside the United States."

And the Daily Star referred to here is the Beirut Daily Star, not the
British title, just in case you wondered.


Global media onslaught
By Arnaud de Borchgrave
UPI Editor at Large


BEIRUT, Lebanon, March 28 (UPI)


> It is slightly disingenuous
> of the attacking forces who have launched an unprovoked and
> internationally unsanctioned war against an already battered,
> embargoed and inspected country to point out how some Iraqis are not
> playing by the rules of war. The first and most serious rule of law
> that the Anglo-Americans have broken is that you do not launch a
> preemptive war for 'regime change'... when your rationale for war is
> deemed by virtually all of humanity to be unproven, non-credible,
> unacceptable, and slightly mythical."

CB: Thanks to the Daily Star for formulating this. I have been wanting to
write it, but I get so angry everytime I think of the nerve of the
motherfucking Norte Americanos to complain about anything the Iraqis do in
defending against the genocidal invasion. I'd rewrite this passage a little
stronger, something like:


It is extremely disingenuous, hypocritical and downright disgusting
of the attacking and invading forces who have launched an unprovoked and
internationally unsanctioned war against an already battered,
embargoed and inspected country to claim that somehow some Iraqis are not
'playing by the rules of war". What the fuck are these US racists talking
about ! Who do they think they are kidding ?The first and most serious rule

of law that the Anglo-Americans have broken is that you do not launch a
preemptive war for 'regime change'... when your rationale for war is
deemed by virtually all of humanity to be unproven, non-credible,
unacceptable, and slightly mythical." Secondly, launching Cruise Missiles
from hundreds of miles away or dropping bombs from high in the sky is not
"clean" but the height of cowardice and dirty terrorism in contrast with
whatever the Iraqis have done in totally legitimate self-defense against
horrendous slaughter. Yo mamas wear combat boots and raised you in Spartanic
rituals, Yankee dogs !

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