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Re: [A-List] The Blackfoot Nation Today by Bella Yellow Horn

My salaam to Bella Yellow Horn, Blackfoot for resisting the illegal
domination of her land by the entitiy, "Canada'. A wrong cannot become right
however long it may have lasted.

Resisting a wrong for long enough does yield positive results but it is
better when all the wronged ones unite and resist in an orderly fashion.

I urge the Blackfoot and all the rest of indigeous people of the continent
now named 'America' to join forces with such dispossessed people on other
continents, like 'Australia', 'Latin America', 'India' and 'Africa'.

The indegenous people of the so-called newly founded continents are
fortunate enough for being deprived of their lands only for half a
millennium. Think of the Dalits of India who are dispossessed for over two
millenia and are meted out treatment that Black African slaves in the US or
the coloured people of Aparthiet times in South Africa will shuder to
exchange their plight with.

All the miserable people should join all their talent and other resources to
over throw their yokes.

Tariq Mahmood
Peshawar, Pakistan
Tel: 092-91-246950

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