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[A-List] UK imperialism: back to Africa

This little item appeared in the FT's usually pisspoor diary/gossip column,
which occasionally earns its crust by including this sort of item. No wonder
Blair is trying to pull out of Northern Ireland and Gibraltar when there is
a whole continent to defend from rapacious US imperialists. The French must
also be kept in their place.


British Army goes back to Africa
Financial Times, October 30 2003

Coincidence, or impeccable military timing? Just as reports that President
Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe's health is failing, Observer hears the British
Army is planning a large military exercise in neighbouring South Africa.

Operation African Shield, to be conducted jointly with the South African
National Defence Force, will simulate the swift deployment of peacekeepers
in an African country that has just suffered a coup. Perhaps after a
longstanding autocrat who stole an election and presided over economic
collapse is toppled?

Some 800 personnel from the two countries, including Britain's 16th air
assault brigade, a rapid reaction force comprising paratroopers, will take
part from Novembet 8 to 26.

The UK Ministry of Defence, predictably, denies the exercise is linked to
South Africa's crisis-torn neighbour. "It would be entirely wrong to suggest
this has anything to do with Zimbabwe," it says.

"It could be Montserrat, or anywhere the army might be called upon. We are
doing more of these peace support operations around the world."

Observer notes only that the exercise will take place at an airbase in
Pretoria, in the north of the country, which is a bit nearer Harare than

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