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•  Battle Arena Toshinden Remix on Sega Saturn

Gee, Where Did The Pretty Graphics Go?
Toshinden Remix features the same ten characters as the original version on the PS1, and adds a new one. This new character is a staff-wielding female warrior known as Cupido. Thankfully, she plays very well and is a welcome addition to the lineup.
•  Battle Arena Toshinden URA on Sega Saturn

A Curse Be Upon Your Mustache!
The Toshinden series has always been known for its shockingly dumb AI, and Toshinden URA is no exception. Even on the higher difficulty settings, the computer is really stupid.
•  Street Fighter The Movie on Sega Saturn

Much Better Than The Suck-fest Movie Of The Same Name
For characters, you get a nice assortment of Street Fighter favorites including Ryu, Chun Li, Cammy, Ken, Zangief, Vega, Bison, Akuma, and of course Guile. You also get Capt Sawada, who was a minor character in the film. And thankfully he turned out to be a very cool and highly playable as well. Sadly, the Bison trooper, Blade, has been cut.
•  Street Fighter Alpha: Warriors Dreams on Sega Saturn

Oh No, The Super Shadows Aren't The Right Color
If you're a gamer and haven't heard of the Street Fighter Alpha (Street Fighter Zero in Japan) series by now, there's something wrong.
•  Astal on Sega Saturn

To help you conquer each of the levels, Astal has a number of different moves he can perform. He can grab and toss enemies, jump up and pound them with his massive fist, toss huge trees at them, strike the ground to knock them off balance, and blow them off the screen with his mighty breath.
•  Virtua Racing on Sega Saturn

Flat Shaded Polygon Madness
TIME/Warner Interactive has also added a number of new tracks to race on. While the arcade and Genesis versions had three tracks and the 32X had five, the Saturn version has ten.
•  Fighting Vipers on Sega Saturn

I've Fallen, And I Can't Get Up!
The characters in Fighting Vipers mainly consist of teenage kids that look as if they were ripped out of some bad 80s music videos. Characters include the cowboyish Bahn, a heavy metal rocker called Raxel, a plastic dress-wearing chick called Honey (Candy in the US version), and the military girl Jane, who looks as if she was ripped out of the film Aliens.
•  Panzer Dragoon Zwei on Sega Saturn

Time For My Dragon To Get Medieval On Your Buttocks
The story in the second chapter of Panzer Dragoon saga actually takes place several years before the original game.
•  Panzer Dragoon on Sega Saturn

Take To The Skies On The Wings Of A Dragon
The soundtrack by Yoshitaka Amuza is simply one of the best I have ever heard. It sounds like it was ripped out of some big budget film. I don't know where Sega got this guy or what he's done since, but they need to get him back.
•  Street Fighter Alpha 2 on Sega Saturn

Tatsumaki Senpu Kyaku!
As far as gameplay goes, things have been altered slightly from Alpha 1. The most noticeable and only major gameplay change was the removal of the Chain Combo system for an upgraded system.
...More Reviews in Games - Sega Saturn
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