posted on Thursday, March 24, 2005 1:02 PM by bradley

So how plugged in are you?

So Amy and Tavis posted in about their SBS Partner group experience [Amy on the ISA server listserve, Taz on his blog] and what I'm reading into these messages is that you partners out here don't know.

  • Aren't comfortable with ISA server because they haven't taken the time to learn it or understand it
  • Don't know about all the benefits of the Microsoft partner program, partner/user groups.
  • Don't know about how SBS and CRM are a win/win.

Now maybe if you are reading the blog you are already plugged in..... but come on folks... GET INVOLVED.

Did you see the last SMBnation newsletter?  Did you SEE all those Partner/User groups down there?  WOW!  And if you don't see one in your area, START ONE.  Go to the next TS2 meeting in your area and ask for like minded SBSers and just start one!

Well what the heck are you waiting for?  GET PLUGGED IN!
