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There are currently 543 FAQs.
Bishops FAQs
 How can I contact Bishop Sklba?
 How can I contact Milwaukee Archbishop Timothy M. Dolan?
 How can I contact Retired Archbishop Weakland?
 How do I invite Retired Archbishop Weakland to attend an event?
 How old is Retired Archbishop Weakland?
 When did Archbishop Timothy M. Dolan become Archbishop of Milwaukee?
 When was Bishop Sklba made a bishop?
 Where does Bishop Sklba live?
 Who appointed Retired Archbishop Weakland the Archbishop of Milwaukee?
Catholic faith/theology FAQs
 Anointing of the Sick
 May a person who developmentally disabled be anointed?
 May a person with a serious mental illness be anointed?
 May someone other than a priest anoint the sick?
 What archdiocesan offices can provide more information about anointing of the sick?
 What information might you find in a sacramental record?
 When is it appropriate for someone to receive the sacrament of anointing?
 Does reception into the Catholic Church by baptism or profession of faith eliminate previous marriages from the background of the non-Catholic?
 How do I locate my baptismal records?
 If a young person was confirmed at baptism or was confirmed through the RCIA process, may he or she be confirmed again in adolescence?
 Is a baptized non-Catholic who was previously married before a civil official considered validly married?
 May a child be baptized if the parents are in an invalid marriage or one that cannot be recognized by the Catholic Church?
 May a non-Catholic serve as a godparent?
 May a priest or a member of a religious order be a baptismal sponsor?
 May a priest, deacon or parish director ever refuse the baptism of an infant?
 May baptism be conferred on stillborn child or fetus?
 What archdiocesan offices can provide more information about baptism?
 What are the requirements for someone to be a baptismal sponsor?
 What can be done at a parish after a child has been baptized in an emergency situation?
 What information might you find in a sacramental record?
 What should be done about children who were baptized in another Christian religion when the parent(s) either become(s) a Catholic or returns to the practice of the Catholic faith?
 What should be done about unbaptized children who are of catechetical age and wish to be baptized?
 What should be done if a baptismal record cannot be found or obtained for a Catholic person?
 What should be done if parents have adopted a child and they are unsure if he/she has been baptized?
 When may a baptism be celebrated?
 Where is baptism to be celebrated?
 Are young people who do not participate in any religious education program during high school able to be confirmed?
 Can confirmation be refused to those who request it?
 Can parents demand that their children be confirmed?
 Do candidates need a confirmation name?
 How do I make arrangements to have someone confirmed at the Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist?
 If a candidate is unable to be confirmed at his/her parish on the scheduled date, may he or she be confirmed at another parish?
 If a young person was confirmed at baptism or was confirmed through the RCIA process, may he or she be confirmed again in adolescence?
 Is it required that Catholics be confirmed before they marry in the Church?
 May a candidate have more than one sponsor?
 May a priest or a member of a religious order be a confirmation sponsor?
 May a spouse or fiancé serve as a confirmation sponsor?
 May a spouse or fiancé serve as a sponsor?
 May parents be confirmation sponsors?
 May someone who cannot be present be a sponsor and someone else fill in as a proxy for confirmation?
 Should a person be confirmed prior to marriage?
 What archdiocesan offices can provide more information about confirmation?
 What information might you find in a sacramental record?
 What is the age for confirmation?
 What should be done about unbaptized children who are of catechetical age and wish to be baptized?
 Who can serve as a confirmation sponsor?
 Who may be confirmed at the Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist?
 Why isn't confirmation celebrated at the Catholic high schools?
 If someone is allergic to one of the Eucharistic species, may a substitute be given?
 Is it permissible to celebrate the marriage of two Catholics without celebrating the Eucharist?
 Is it permissible to receive Communion more than once a day?
 Is there any health risk associated with the practice of sharing a common cup?
 May grape juice be substituted for wine?
 May mentally or developmentally challenged people receive Communion at Mass?
 May non-Catholics receive Communion at Mass?
 May reception of the Body and Blood of Christ by intinction be used?
 What archdiocesan offices can provide more information about Eucharist?
 What are the Archdiocese of Milwaukee norms for Communion services?
 What are the requirements for Eucharistic fast?
 What are the requirements for valid Eucharist bread and wine?
 What Holy Days of Obligation require my participation at Mass?
 What information might you find in a sacramental record?
 What should be done about unbaptized children who are of catechetical age and wish to be baptized?
 Who may receive Communion at a wedding Mass?
 Why are catechumens dismissed at the Eucharist?
 Holy Orders
 What archdiocesan office can provide more information about Holy Orders?
 What are the Rites of Ordination?
 What information might you find in a sacramental record?
 I am confused/unhappy/curious about a particular liturgical practice in my parish. What resources are available for me?
 What are the Archdiocese of Milwaukee norms for Communion services?
 What Holy Days of Obligation require my participation at Mass?
 What is the starting time for the Easter Vigil?
 When does Lent begin, and what is expected of Catholics?
 Why are catechumens dismissed at the Eucharist?
 Are there any requirements regarding who may act as witnesses to a marriage?
 Are there any special premarital preparation guidelines for members of the Hispanic community?
 Are there any special regulations that have to be followed if one or both parties that is being married belongs to or was baptized in a Catholic Eastern Rite Church?
 Does reception into the Catholic Church by baptism or profession of faith eliminate previous marriages from the background of the non-Catholic?
 If an inquirer, catechumen or candidate is engaged to be married, should the initiation process be abbreviated to allow for initiation before the marriage is celebrated?
 Is a baptized non-Catholic who was previously married before a civil official considered validly married?
 Is a priest or deacon permitted to officiate at the wedding of someone other than a parishioner?
 Is it permissible to celebrate the marriage of two Catholics without celebrating the Eucharist?
 Is it required that Catholics be confirmed before they marry in the Church?
 May a child be baptized if the parents are in an invalid marriage or one that cannot be recognized by the Catholic Church?
 May a non-parishioner be permitted to use a parish church for a wedding?
 Should a person be confirmed prior to marriage?
 What archdiocesan offices can provide more information about marriage?
 What are civil law requirements for couples who are preparing for marriage?
 What forms must be completed prior to a wedding?
 What information might you find in a sacramental record?
 What is the difference between "mixed marriage" and "disparity of worship?"
 What preparation is needed to marry in the Catholic Church?
 When a marriage dispensation is granted and a Catholic wishes to marry a Jewish person, may the wedding be celebrated in a hotel or reception hall?
 Where can marriage forms be obtained?
 Who may receive Communion at a wedding Mass?
 Why is permission required after a declaration of nullity or invalidity before a person may marry again in the Catholic Church?
 Are candidates obligated to celebrate the sacrament of reconciliation before their profession of faith?
 At what age should a child receive the sacrament of penance?
 How often should Catholics receive the sacrament of penance?
 I have not been to Church or Confession for quite a while. I'm nervous about going to Confession. What advice do you have?
 Is attending a Reconciliation Service with general absolution the same as attending a Reconciliation Service with individual confession and absolution?
 May parents delay the sacrament of penance?
 What archdiocesan offices can provide more information about penance?
 What information might you find in a sacramental record?
 Where is the proper place for the celebration of the sacrament of penance?
 Are candidates obligated to celebrate the sacrament of reconciliation before their profession of faith?
 Can inquirers who need a declaration of nullity be accepted into the RCIA process?
 Does reception into the Catholic Church by baptism or profession of faith eliminate previous marriages from the background of the non-Catholic?
 For whom is the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults intended?
 If a young person was confirmed at baptism or was confirmed through the RCIA process, may he or she be confirmed again in adolescence?
 If an inquirer, catechumen or candidate is engaged to be married, should the initiation process be abbreviated to allow for initiation before the marriage is celebrated?
 May a candidate have more than one sponsor?
 May a spouse or fiancé serve as a sponsor?
 Should a person be confirmed prior to marriage?
 What archdiocesan offices can provide more information about the RCIA?
 What services and resources are available to help us get started and/or do more formation for our Christian Initiation (RCIA) team?
 When a catechumen dies, what is his/her status in the Church?
 Who is a candidate?
 Who is a catechumen?
 Who is a convert?
 Why are catechumens dismissed at the Eucharist?
 How do I locate my baptismal records?
 How do I locate my sacramental records?
 What information might you find in a sacramental record?
 Who do I contact for information about a parish that has closed or merged?
Diocesan offices and agencies FAQs
 Are background checks performed on Catholic school teachers and staff members?
 Are there any rules for/against married couples serving on the same parish council committee? In my parish by-laws there is no reference.
 Can a Parish Council meeting be held without the pastor being present?
 Could the Archdiocese of Milwaukee budget be reduced instead of pushing for more funds from the Catholic Stewardship Appeal?
 Could you solicit individuals from parishes that have not met their Catholic Stewardship Appeal goals, as opposed to soliciting individuals from parishes that have already met their goals?
 Do Catholic school teachers need to have a teaching license?
 Do Catholic schools have an emergency plan?
 Do committee reports have to be "officially approved minutes" before a report is given to the council?
 Do students in Catholic Schools take standardized tests?
 Does the archdiocese have an undisclosed plan for my parish?
 Does the Archdiocese of Milwaukee establish standards for its students?
 Does the archdiocese offer a training program for council nominees or new members? If so, when? Where? Why are they important?
 Does the Department of Public Instruction have any supervision of Catholic schools?
 Does the Implementation Commission replace the Planning Commission?
 How are Catholic schools financially accountable?
 How are funds from the Catholic Stewardship Appeal used?
 How can I obtain a copy of the Catholic Herald?
 How can my parish receive the WORD OF LIFE intercessions and bulletin inserts?
 How do I obtain a copy of a photograph from the Archives collection?
 How do I obtain an answer to a historical question unrelated to sacramental or genealogy records?
 How do the Milwaukee Catholic Urban Academies benefit from the Catholic Stewardship Appeal?
 How does a parish benefit from the Catholic Stewardship Appeal?
 How does the Catholic Herald compare to other Catholic diocesan newspapers?
 How is the parish council membership data updated for Archdiocesan records?
 How long will it take our parish to develop a plan?
 How often should our parish be involved with the planning process?
 How often will we report our implementation progress?
 How will our parish benefit if we become involved in the planning process?
 How will the Archbishop know of our implementation progress?
 How will we submit our implementation plans/progress reports?
 If a parish council member perceives a problem with a staff member, what authority do we have to address the situation? Can we request that the person be reviewed/terminated if the situation is serious?
 In addition to cluster directives, is it important to implement the directives given to each district?
 Is it possible to get the complete manual from the internet?
 Is it possible to run the Catholic Stewardship Appeal without parish involvement?
 I've received multiple mailings from the Catholic Stewardship Appeal - why is this?
 Should parish council constitution/bylaws include an Article regarding the liability of council member?
 The Catholic Stewardship Appeal provides over one-quarter of the Archdiocese of Milwaukee operating budget. Where do other funds come from?
 We like our pastor and we want to keep him. Why does he have to move? What are the reasons for a Term of Office policy?
 What are the primary tasks of the Implementation Commission?
 What are the rules governing employees holding a position on Parish Council?
 What collections does the Archives hold?
 What is a Parish Council Orientation session?
 What is strategic planning?
 What is the Catholic Herald Parenting®?
 What is the Catholic Herald policy on letters to the editor or guest opinions?
 What is the Catholic Herald's web site address?
 What is the Catholic Stewardship Appeal operating budget?
 What is the difference between a commission and a committee?
 What is the Milwaukee Catholic Press Apostolate Inc.?
 What is the mission of the Catholic Herald?
 What is the relationship between the Catholic Herald and the archbishop?
 What is the relationship between the Catholic Herald and the Archdiocese of Milwaukee?
 What office provides training materials for liturgical ministers (lectors, ushers/greeters/hospitality, communion ministers, cantors, servers)?
 What regularly appears in the Catholic Herald?
 What standing committees does the archdiocese require parishes to have?
 When was the Catholic Herald first published?
 Who currently receives the Catholic Herald?
 Who do we contact for assistance?
 Who handles media relations for the Archdiocese of Milwaukee?
 Who is responsible for parish and cluster planning?
 Whom should we contact with other questions regarding the planning process?
 Why are more parishes “discerning” new members to council? Doesn’t that take away the right of all parishioners to be involved in the process of selecting new council members?
 Why are some priests exempt from the term of office policy?
 Why can't parish goals for the Catholic Stewardship Appeal be based on a per capita amount?
 Why does our parish need a plan if we already know that we want to build?
 Why is there an Implementation Commission?
 Will Archdiocesan staff be available to help us design implementation plans?
 Will we get feedback on our implementation progress?
Support services FAQs
 "Welcome Back"
 I have not been to Church or Confession for quite a while. I'm nervous about going to Confession. What advice do you have?
 How can I receive information on Project Rachel?
 Are there age limits for adoptive parents?
 Do you have to be Catholic to take advantage of Catholic Charities services?
 How do I know if adoption is the right choice?
 What does a home study involve?
 What if I decide to parent?
 What is open adoption?
 What is the legal process regarding adoption?
 What role does the father play in adoption?
 Why should I work with Catholic Charities regarding an adoption?
 Adult Ministry
 Does the Archdiocese of Milwaukee offer a men's ministry program?
 What resources and services are available for people interested in starting or continuing small faith groups?
 My parish is interested in starting a Bereavement Ministry program. What resources are available?
 What resources are available for children who have experienced the death of a parent?
 What resources are available for someone who is grieving?
 Where can I find information about a support group for somene who is grieving?
 Catholic Charities
 Catholic Relief Services
 Christian Burial
 Are the recitation of the rosary and other wake prayer services permitted at a Vigil?
 Can a flag be substituted for the funeral pall over the casket during the Liturgy?
 Can bequests be made for Mass intentions so a parish will benefit?
 Can Catholics be cremated?
 Can non-Catholics be pallbearers at a Catholic funeral?
 How best can families prepare for funeral rites?
 How can the funeral of a loved one affect faith?
 How does a homily differ from a eulogy?
 How is respect to be shown to the deceased?
 How many parts make up the funeral rites?
 How should bequests to parishes be made?
 Is it ever permitted for a funeral Mass to be celebrated in a cemetery chapel or at the grave site?
 May a funeral Mass be celebrated for a non-Catholic Christian or a non-practicing Catholic?
 May a Funeral Mass be ill-advised in some circumstances?
 May a person donate organs?
 May any of the funeral rites be omitted?
 May Catholics who have been committed suicide be buried with a Catholic ceremony?
 May Catholics who have been divorced and remarried outside the Church be buried with a Catholic ceremony?
 May persons pre-plan their funerals?
 May the ashes be mixed with cremated remains of other individuals, pets, or other objects?
 May the ashes be present for a Funeral Mass?
 Must a Catholic be buried in a Catholic Cemetery?
 Must funeral rites be led by priests?
 What about Mass intentions for the deceased?
 What archdiocesan offices can provide more information about Christian burial?
 What are good ways to memorialize the deceased?
 What is appropriate to use in a family’s “remarks of remembrance” in a Funeral Mass?
 What is the difference between a Vigil and a visitation?
 What is the preferred site for a Funeral Mass?
 What is the Rite of Committal?
 What kind of container is appropriate in which to keep ashes?
 What kind of music is appropriate for a Funeral Mass?
 What opportunities are present to share memories?
 When a catechumen dies, what is his/her status in the Church?
 When may Funeral Masses be celebrated?
 When should the parish be notified about someone's death?
 Where are the ashes to be placed?
 Where can the basic understanding and theology of Catholic funerals be found?
 Where should a Vigil be held?
 Where should the Rite of Committal take place?
 Which church is most appropriate for a Funeral Mass?
 Deaf/Hard of Hearing
 Are there religious education programs that specifically serve the Deaf and Hard of Hearing population?
 When is Hand In Hand, the newsletter written and prepared by the Deaf/Hard of Hearing Ministry Office, mailed?
 When is a sign language interpreter provided in church?
 Declaration of Invalidity (Annulment)
  Does a declaration of invalidity (annulment) affect the legitimacy of children?
  How can I learn more about a declaration of invalidity (annulment)?
  How long will a declaration of invalidity (annulment) take?
  What is a declaration of invalidity?
  Will my former spouse have to participate in the declaration of invalidity (annulment) process?
 ¿Como saber si debe solicitar a la Iglesia una declaración de invalidéz (anulación)?
 ¿Cuanto tiempo se lleva el proceso para obtener una declaración de invalidéz (anulación)?
 ¿Puede recibir un consorte la declaración de invalidéz (anulación)y al otro negarsele?
 ¿Que es una declaración de invalidéz (anulación)?
 ¿Tengo que ir a Milwaukee para que sea tomada mi declaración?
 ¿Una declaración de invalidéz (anulación) afecta la legitimidad de los hijos?
 Do I have to come to Milwaukee for my deposition?
 Could the Archdiocese of Milwaukee budget be reduced instead of pushing for more funds from the Catholic Stewardship Appeal?
 Could you solicit individuals from parishes that have not met their Catholic Stewardship Appeal goals, as opposed to soliciting individuals from parishes that have already met their goals?
 Does my child's school need a paid staff person in order to have a successful development program?
 How are funds from the Catholic Stewardship Appeal used?
 How do I become a member of the Campanile Society?
 How do our parish/school get started in planned giving?
 How do the Milwaukee Catholic Urban Academies benefit from the Catholic Stewardship Appeal?
 How do we begin to educate our parish leaders and parishioners about stewardship?
 How do we start a development program at our school?
 How does a parish benefit from the Catholic Stewardship Appeal?
 How does a successful school development program help the parish finances?
 How does establishing a planned gift help the future of the Archdiocese of Milwaukee or another archdiocesan beneficiary?
 How does Planned Giving fit into a parish's stewardship efforts?
 How will promoting Stewardship enhance our parish life?
 If we are considering including a bequest in our estate plans or want to make a deferred gift, what do we do?
 Is a planned gift a major gift?
 Is it possible to run the Catholic Stewardship Appeal without parish involvement?
 Is Stewardship all about money?
 I've received multiple mailings from the Catholic Stewardship Appeal - why is this?
 The Catholic Stewardship Appeal provides over one-quarter of the Archdiocese of Milwaukee operating budget. Where do other funds come from?
 What are the benefits of establishing a planned gift?
 What are the characteristics of a parish that embraces Stewardship as a way of life?
 What are the different types of planned gifts?
 What is a major gift?
 What is planned giving?
 What is school development?
 What is stewardship?
 What is the Catholic Stewardship Appeal operating budget?
 What is the difference between Stewardship and fund raising?
 What is the key to the success of Stewardship in parishes?
 What is tithing and how is it related to Stewardship?
 Why are the benefits of starting a development program at my child's school?
 Why can't parish goals for the Catholic Stewardship Appeal be based on a per capita amount?
 May Catholics who have been divorced and remarried outside the Church be buried with a Catholic ceremony?
 What resources are available for children whose parents have divorced?
 What support groups are available for separated and/or divorced individuals?
 Domestic violence
 What resources are available for victims of domestic violence?
 Drug abuse/addiction
 How are interfaith relations different from ecumenical relations?
 What is ecumenism?
 Are background checks performed on Catholic school teachers and staff members?
 Are teachers required to be Catholic in order to teach in a Catholic school?
 Do Catholic school teachers need to have a teaching license?
 Do Catholic schools have an emergency plan?
 Do students in Catholic Schools take standardized tests?
 Do teachers in Catholic schools have Religious Education certification?
 Does the Archdiocese of Milwaukee establish standards for its students?
 Does the Archdiocese of Milwaukee provide financial aid to families who send their children to Catholic elementary and/or high schools?
 Does the Department of Public Instruction have any supervision of Catholic schools?
 How are Catholic schools financially accountable?
 What assistance is available to help us with the children's catechumenate?
 What services and resources are available for the elderly?
 How can I find job vacancies throughout the Archdiocese of Milwaukee?
 Engaged Ministry
 How do I register for an Engaged Enrichment Day or weekend?
 What Natural Family Planning classes are offered throughout the Archdiocese of Milwaukee?
 What preparation is needed to marry in the Catholic Church?
 How does a person get started in evangelization?
 What is Elizabeth Ministry?
 What is Natural Family Planning?
 What resources are available for children who have experienced the death of a parent?
 What resources are available for children whose parents have divorced?
 What services and resources are available for the elderly?
 Food pantries
 Genealogical research
 Where can I get assistance with genealogical research?
 What is the Leaflet Missal service and how can I take advantage of it?
 Hospital chaplain
 How can I contact a chaplain at a hospital?
 Liturgical ministers
 How can we find out about upcoming events for our liturgical ministers or catechumenate team?
 What assistance is available to help us with the children's catechumenate?
 What office provides training materials for liturgical ministers (lectors, ushers/greeters/hospitality, communion ministers, cantors, servers)?
 Marriage ministry
 What is Natural Family Planning?
 What is Natural Family Planning?
 What Natural Family Planning classes are offered throughout the Archdiocese of Milwaukee?
 What Natural Family Planning classes are offered throughout the Archdiocese of Milwaukee?
 What preparation is needed to marry in the Catholic Church?
 What services and resources are offered by the Archdiocese of Milwaukee for married couples?
 What services and resources are offered by the Archdiocese of Milwaukee for married couples?
 What services and resources are offered by the Archdiocese of Milwaukee to couples who are experiencing difficulties in their marriage?
 Mass Times
 Where can I find Mass times and devotional services for parishes throughout the Archdiocese of Milwaukee.
 Men's ministry
 Does the Archdiocese of Milwaukee offer a men's ministry program?
 Mental illness
 What is the Leaflet Missal service and how can I take advantage of it?
 Can I receive pregnancy/parenting services without telling my parents if I am a minor?
 Can my family and/or the father join me when I receive pregnancy/parenting services?
 Do the pregnancy/parenting services provided by Catholic Charities cost anything?
 Do you have to be Catholic to take advantage of Catholic Charities services?
 I am pregnant - can you help me find a doctor?
 What if I decide to parent?
 What is Natural Family Planning?
 Who qualifies for pregnancy/parenting support services offered by Catholic Charities?
 Prison ministry
 What resources are available for family members who are in prison?
 Retreat centers
 What retreat centers are located in the Archdiocese of Milwaukee?
 Sacramental Records
 How do I locate my sacramental records?
 What information might you find in a sacramental record?
 What should be done if a baptismal record cannot be found or obtained for a Catholic person?
 Who do I contact for information about a parish that has closed or merged?
 Scripture study
 What resources and services are available for people interested in starting or continuing small faith groups?
 What scripture classes are available in the Archdiocese of Milwaukee?
 Sexual abuse
 When should I contact the Sexual Abuse Prevention and Response Services Office?
 Who is served by the Sexual Abuse Prevention and Response Services Office?
 Singles Ministry
 What activities are available for single people in the Archdiocese of Milwaukee?
 What is World Youth Day?
 TV/Radio Mass
 What is the Leaflet Missal service and how can I take advantage of it?
 What time is the Sunday Mass broadcast?
 Why is the TV Mass on so early?
 Women's Ministry
 Is there a list of speakers who can make presentations to our women's group?
 What groups are available for women in parishes?
 What publications could help me to understand the role of women in the church?
 Where can I find information about prayer practices by women of various cultures?
 Young adult
 How old do you have to be to participate in Global Youth Mission?
 What activities are available for single people in the Archdiocese of Milwaukee?
 What is World Youth Day?
 What resources are available for children who have experienced the death of a parent?
 What resources are available for children whose parents have divorced?
 How old do you have to be to participate in Global Youth Mission?
 What assistance is available to help us with the children's catechumenate?
 What is World Youth Day?
 What resources are available for children who have experienced the death of a parent?
 What resources are available for children whose parents have divorced?
 What should be done about unbaptized children who are of catechetical age and wish to be baptized?
Vocations FAQs
 What are frequently asked questions regarding vocations?
 What is a Deacon?
 What is a monk?
 What is Ordination?
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