Rules Of The Internet

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Somehow, somewhere... There's a Rule 34 of this picture.
Somehow, somewhere...
There's a Rule 34 of this picture.

There is no real set of rules to the internet, only a standard 3 that everyone agrees on (1, 2, 34), and some bullshit rules that came out of nowhere. There have been countless renderings of the rules, all of which have sucked balls in one way or another, earliest of which coming from IRC faggotry. Nonetheless, since all 13-year-old boys subconsciously crave supervision because their parents are physically and emotionally unavailable, (much like converts to Islam crave direction in world gone mad after leaving the family hugbox), The Rules Of The Internet have become a virtual Internets Ten Commandments for them.

Of course -as with all religions- when divine laws are left open to interpretation by mere mortals, there will always be fucktarded zealots who insist on enforcing said laws with an iron fist.

Warning for people over 50.
Warning for people over 50.

[edit] These are the rules of the internet

Rule 36:No matter what it is, it is somebody's fetish. No exceptions.
Rule 36:No matter what it is, it is somebody's fetish. No exceptions.
  1. Do not talk about /b/
  2. DO NOT talk about /b/
  3. We are Anonymous
  4. Anonymous is legion
  5. Anonymous never forgives
  6. Anonymous can be horrible, senseless, uncaring monster
  7. Anonymous is still able to deliver
  8. There are no real rules about posting
  9. There are no real rules about moderation either - enjoy your ban
  10. If you enjoy any rival sites - DON'T
  11. You must have pictures to prove your statement
  12. Lurk moar- it's never enough
  13. Nothing is Sacred.
  14. Do not argue with a troll - it means that they win
  15. Bust'a Move!
  16. The more beautiful and pure a thing is - the more satisfying it is to corrupt it
  17. There are NO girls on the internet
  18. A cat is fine too
  19. One cat leads to another
  20. Another cat leads to zippo cat
  21. It is delicious cake. You must eat it
  22. It is delicious trap. You must hit it
  23. Cock goes in here
  24. You will never have sex
  25. Don't tell Monkey.
  26. PROFIT
  27. It needs more Desu. No exceptions.
  28. There will always be more fucked up shit than you just saw
  29. You can not divide by zero (just because the calculator says so)
  30. No real limits of any kind apply here - not even the sky
  33. Desu isn't funny. Seriously guys. It's worse than Chuck Norris jokes
  34. There is porn of it, no exceptions. (The only exception is Matt/Matsuda porn, characters from DeathNote. GO MAKE SOME)
  35. If no porn is found of it, it will be created.
  36. No matter what it is, it is somebody's fetish. No exceptions.
  37. Even one positive comment about Japanese things can make you a weeaboo.
  38. When one sees a lion, one must get into the car
  39. There is furry porn of it. No exceptions.
  40. The pool is always closed due to AIDS
  41. If there isn't enough just ask for Moar.
  42. Everything has been cracked and pirated
  44. The internet is not your personal army.
  45. There are 45 rules.
  46. Rule 45 is a lie.
  47. The cake is a lie.
  48. The rules are moar like guidelines, if your ok with being shot.
  49. If you want to shittalk people on a forum, just make a new profile.
  50. If you think that your cat is long, then check out longcat....he will own you.

[edit] Gallery of failed attempts

[edit] Rule Image Macros

Disregard them on 4chan, because we suck cocks.

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