Dying alone

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æ The Moar You Know Did you know
that... in order to die alone you must master the eternal art of misery?

The journey of dying alone is not unlike the Noble Eight-Fold Path of Buddhism. One must discipline the body and mind in preparation for alienating everyone who has ever loved or cared for you. The first step in this journey is often a self diagnosis of Asspergers or Antisocial Personality Disorder (Sociopath). Dying alone is an endeavor which takes a lifetime of dedication.


[edit] Doing It Right


There are several ways to Dying Alone, but put simply, self ruin is the best way you can achieve this path to Heaven.

Now, this process explained in the profit process.

1. Drink ludicrous amounts of alchohol

2. Huff dat jenk, and forget all your troubles away

3. ????

4. Profit

(Note: Suicide bombing is ineligible due to crowd participation).

[edit] Check List

  • You hate your family and they don't understand why.
  • You hate all your ex-girlfriends/boyfriends even though they want to 'like' you.
  • You have no relationship with your neighbours (who will only notice/report you because of the stench of decaying flesh).
  • You despise humanity and prefer the company of yourself, cats and 'people' you have never met and probably never will.
  • You are not your job. You're not how much money you have in the bank (less than zero). You're not the car you drive (you have no car). You're not the contents of your wallet (Zimbabwe dollars). You're not your fucking khakis. You're the all-singing, all-dancing crap of the world and is your duty to refuse to participate in the status quo.
  • Every Friday night, you dress in Vietnam War era camo, load your guns, take Morphine, drink Thai whisky, and watch "Apocalypse Now Redux" on DVD at full volume in the dark.

[edit] Those Who Have Died Alone Before Us

Owning one of these guarantees that you will be dying alone.
Owning one of these guarantees that you will be dying alone.
Owning one of these guarantees that you're gay, and will be dying alone.
Owning one of these guarantees that you're gay, and will be dying alone.

[edit] People with the Noble Aspiration of Dying Alone

[edit] People Who Deserve To Die Alone

[edit] See Also

Dying alone
is part of a series on
Dying Alone
Those Who Have Died Alone

Hitler | Ripper | Mitchell Henderson | Tyler Dumstorf | Lilo | Anna Nicole Smith | Chris Benoit | Arielle Newman | Otoya Yamaguchi | "Crush" Adams | Charmaine Dragun | Megan Meier

Those Dying Alone

Potty Pete| Nullcherri | Amy Winehouse | Jimbo Wales | Joy Nash | Argent009 | GoddessMillenia | Snapesnogger | Sceptre | Ahotwheelscar | Anonymous Borg | Chuck M. | Nihilanth

Their Methods

Self-seclusion | Jenkem | Drugs | Booze | AIDS | Anime | IRC | LiveJournal | MySpace | DeviantART | YouTube | Fleshlight | 4chan

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