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Typical Greek warrior.
Typical Greek warrior.

Greece is widely known to be the cradle of western civilization, homosexuality, pederasty, beastiality and buttsecks. Early greek philosopher Milo of Thales, expressed his conclusion that buttsecks seperates man from animals, while the known uberkewl philosopher Diogenes uttered the first lulz in his great speech, titled Ur Mom, which was a reply against a negative remark by his pedophile bitch Socrates (perhaps the first IRL troll).

Being of the country of Greece, or being greasy in general.

Also a common name for buttsecks.

The Greek Orthodox church refuses to accept the existence of cows, leading to the Greek belief that everything under the sun should be made from goat milk. Mount Athos is a regular gay-fest, happy camp. No women are allowed.

From Conservapedia:  Greek is not only a style of wrestling, but also of love.
From Conservapedia: Greek is not only a style of wrestling, but also of love.

[edit] Greek history

Typical ςρΛrtΛn warrior.
Typical ςρΛrtΛn warrior.

At least 100 years ago, ancient Greece was divided into several provinces, much like Canadia. The two main provinces were Athens and Sparta. Athenians are most remembered for having been trolled by Socrates, as well as their love of art, philosophy, and gay sex. Spartans are most remembered for love of warfare and more gay sex, particularly sex with little boys. Being faggots, the Spartans actually banned every major occupation which was not directly involved in or beneficial to the military, and being paranoid pussies, they spent quite a bit of time sitting on their well-sculpted yet useless asses, worrying about what their mothers would say if they raped the neighbors. Occasionally the Greeks would take time out from pwning little boys in favor of pwning the Persians, and the Egyptians. The historical record "300" shows the Greeks pwning the Persians during the war of Ninjas vs. Pirates.

Spartans. The most butthurt of all jews.
Spartans. The most butthurt of all jews.

This led to much drama and emo tearz from later artists longing to bring back ancient Greece, or at least longing for buttsex.

Greeks may as well have invented furry when they decided to dress up as a horse and pwned Troy.

[edit] Greece today

Even though Greece is still located on an island off the coast of Italy, recent polls show that at least 90% of USAns believe that the Greeks have died out and that the only ones left are Cindy Margolis and Hercules.

See also 300.

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