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The image in question.  Pretty much guaranteed to shake up any stale thread and/or lose the hotlinker a few e-pals.
The image in question. Pretty much guaranteed to shake up any stale thread and/or lose the hotlinker a few e-pals.
Nomadlisa pwned by the NO NIGGERS trick, which cost her several e-pals—though not as many as did her penchant for drunk driving.
Nomadlisa pwned by the NO NIGGERS trick, which cost her several e-pals—though not as many as did her penchant for drunk driving.

Jameth's hotlink bait-and-switch image of choice since October 2004 (replacing goatse in that role). Once jameth detects a large number of folks hotlinking to a given image, or perhaps a single hotlink that will yield particularly humourous results, he replaces the file with the one at the right.

The first use of the NO NIGGERS image occurred on October 28th when jameth noticed that nomadlisa was using his AIM banner whenever she posted a conversation to her jernal. After a brief consultation with and quick Photoshop by hardvice, jameth made the switch and the rest is history.

Perhaps the biggest use of the NO NIGGERS switch to date occurred on January 10, 2005, when jameth swapped the image in for the already-stale four-day-old grnd floor image, to which he had previously freely encouraged others to hotlink. This rendered many fairly lame comments in older threads far funnier than they had previously been.

[edit] Background of "No Niggers" Picture

The photograph depicts a lynching of Black African American men. The incident occurred in Duluth, Minnesota, on June 15, 1920, when three young African-American travelers were dragged from their jail cells (where they were confined after being accused of raping a white woman) and lynched by a mob of reportedly more than a thousand people. The photo in question is of a lynching accused rapists whom were said to have killed a white woman. Days after the photo was taken, the victim of the "rape" was found alive and had not been attacked at all. It is also notable for being taken in a Northern state, and at the time the incident was bigger than Applemilk1988's nudes.

[edit] Places containing NO NIGGERS

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