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æ The Moar You Know Did you know
that... Morgan Spurlock only made "Supersize Me' as an excuse to pig out to his heart's content?

I'm lovin' it!
I'm lovin' it!

McDonald's is a place where fat ugly rednecks and niggers go to eat cheap, processed, greasy food for less.

Founded by Ronald McDonald at least 100 years ago in Britain, the restaurant was originally a glue factory, using extracted fat from millions of dying children to make the glue, but it wasn't until Ronald McDonald Jr migrated to the US that McDonald's began to serve the fatty glue as food.

Now a major political and military superpower, McDonald's has established many cells (called franchises) in countries all over the world, where they continue to kill innocent Chinese kids with American poison, at which time the bloated yellow carcasses are stripped of their delicious meat and sold back in America as Happy Meals.


[edit] Typical Mcdonalds commercials reported by FOX News

[edit] Why McDonald's is Fucking Fail

McDonald's is the symbol of American gluttony. Sitting outside a McDonald's and watching all the fatties go in and out is a source for hours upon hours of lulz, although you would have to be a sad cunt to stand out there for 2 hours watching them (the seventh definition of sad as listed as an English adjective).

Entering a McDonald's automatically makes you a furfag and a lardass. Their fries are inferior even to carrot sticks, and their white-meat Chicken McNuggets are a constant reminder that children will eat anything that appears on television. This is due to the fact that the McNuggets are in fact made from the toes of supple Mesoamerican natives, deep-fried and sold in packets of six for $3.95.

Bulimics are confused and scared by McDonald's, because their cheeseburgers taste even worse going down than they do coming back up. Also, double quarter pounders with cheese are capable of saving your soul. People who are so fucking fat from eating this shit that they actually become physically disabled are known in the medical world as lardfucks.

[edit] The Saving Grace of McDonald's

The only good thing to ever come out of McDonald's is Sneak King, a cheap-ass game for the Xbox 360, in which you assume the role of the King and almost rape people. (Almost, because as everyone knows, if you buy dinner for someone they owe you secks.)

I'm lovin' it!
I'm lovin' it!


Turns out, Sneak King was made by Burger King.

[edit] Pounders

Most people have heard of "Quarter Pounders" but not so many have ever had a "Pounder". It is a fact that you can buy a Pounder. Go up to the person and ask for one. However, the lulz effect is diminished because a Pounder has enough fat to kill you. Pounders are being phased out, and eventually they'll stop serving them. Why? Because the US Government classifies them as a threat to national security. Grab one while you can. It probably doesn't make a fucking difference anyway, most McDonalds eaters buy five burgers anyway.

[edit] Ronald McDonald

In 1968, hamburgerologists working at the Rand Corporation were horrified to discover that overdosing on McDonald's food would eventually lead to a degenerative disease called "Kroc's Syndrome." Symptoms include loss of skin pigmentation, frizzy red hair, and complete fucking-up of the fashion sense beyond even the ability of any queer guy to correct. In a typical philanthropic gesture, McDonald's began a series of public-service ads starring Kroc's Syndrome sufferer Ronald McDonald, who presents the important message, "Kids! Don't eat hamburgers!"

Many clones exist of him, which prove his ties with Mcpedo. Due to addiction to this greasy, nutrient-free diet, celebrity Michael Jackson is also afflicted with Kroc's Syndrome, though in his case, intervention and a stay in a Hollywood rehab clinic were able to save him before the final effects of the disease appeared.

[edit] Metahuman Abilities

Ronald stars in a fighting game of epically delicious proportions.
Ronald stars in a fighting game of epically delicious proportions.
  • Ronald McDonald can shoot hot beef tallow from his fingertips. And other places as well.
  • Ronald McDonald can splatter hot diarrhea on command.
  • Ronald McDonald dispenses Shamrock Shakes from his big red nipples.
  • Ronald McDonald can lower your cholesterol.
  • Ronald McDonald can shake his junk at speeds previously only attained by male strippers on Crystal Meth, which says all kinds of weird shit about him.
  • Ronald McDonald specifically created Double Quarter Pounders with Cheese with 5th dimensional vibrations to save your soul.

[edit] Advertising

McDonald's recently released the gayest fucking commercial in history to push their shitty chicken nuggets on impressionable urban youth. As watching the following may cause fits of uncontrollable rage, viewer discretion is advised:

Chicken McNuggets

[edit] Gallery

[edit] See Also

[edit] External Links

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