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Combofags are part of The Cancer That Is Killing /b/. Combofags constantly try to make combos, which are inevitably hit with a COMBO BREAKER. They just don't know when to give up and appear to not realize that Anon will never let them complete their shitty combos. Instead of bringing something worthwhile to /b/, they repetitively post the same pieces of crappy combos over and over again, leading to massive amount of Fail and butthurt.

Usually they try to make combos of Slowpoke, Bropoke or Mudkips.

Thankfully, the Chemo that is curing /b/ has made the combofag all but extinct.

[edit] Gallery

[edit] See also

  • Sagefag - Another example of failure to read then figure out how things work.

Combofag is part of a series on the cancer that is killing /b/.

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