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Not to be confused with Nigra, Nigger (often Nigga) is a term of endearment between good friends who have not seen each other for a long time*.


Yo I herds dat u lyks mudkipz
Yo I herds dat u lyks mudkipz


  • Prima: "Long time no see, nigga! How you doin'?"
  • Secunda: "What up, my nigga?"
*Usage note: Typically, in daily conversation, this usage is appropriate only if the participants are both black and have no sense of history. Those who otherwise invoke this usage should do us all a favor and GTFO.


Niggas tend to walk around with guns & 35 lb. weights. WTF
Niggas tend to walk around with guns & 35 lb. weights. WTF

"Nigger" is historically a pejorative term, especially in North America, where it is used as a jocular colloquialism for any person with dark skin. This meaning is still invoked by American blacks who haven't gotten over their victim complex and by American whites (often college professors) who bear it as part of the vast weight of postmodern liberal guilt.



The pejorative meaning of the word obviously does not apply to internet conversations because—despite Mr. T's assertions to the contrary on behalf of WoWthere are no black people on the internet. Certain political or social groups revel in that circumstance and create tons of laughably poor-quality web sites where they carry on crazy-assed one-sided conversations about the evils of niggerdom.


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