Altar of the Goddess as Destroyer

Kali Kali

The Goddess also has a fierce and frightening aspect. Without death, there can be no life. Within the essence of the Goddess there are powerful and sometimes ruthless energies. Retribution, vengeance, detachment, rage and cosmic justice are often listed as attributes of both Kali and Lilith. The same Goddesses are also life givers and creation Goddesses.

Kali Ma

The worship of, and reverence for KaliMa is widespread throughout India. Many contemporary Pagans are also reclaiming a connection with these fierce Goddesses. Feminine power has often been represented as negative, rather than in a truer light, so it is also with both Kali and Lilith. Reclaiming these Goddeses is a way of reclaiming your sacred right to rage.

Dark Goddess
Knower of Mysteries
Mother who is Life and Death
Dancer adorned with Skulls
Destructive as Fire
Spark of Creation
Sacred Devourer
Sacred Creatrix
Kali Ma

Kali is the ever becoming, ever destroying force of Life. She is both unimaginable horror and abundant bliss, eternally intertwined in the dance of being. She is seen in the deadly dance of antelope and lion. She is the sacred cycle of all existence swirling with unbridled energy.

Kali is the Holy Paradox, like wild fire that destroys and births the forests.

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Copyright Abby Willowroot 1998-2001 ~ All right reserved (flames excepted)

Spiral Goddess Grove
