Raising Sweet Savages

Jul. 23, 2008 - and you thought it was PRIDE....

Last night during dinner, while the children were finishing up eating their food, I did some Bible trivia questions with them.   Usually, my 3 oldest compete but  occasionally my 3 and 5 year olds will chime in on a particularly easy question if I say ahead of time that it is for them.

After about 20 questions, where my 5 yr old had only attemped 1 or 2 questions, I threw out another one that was for everyone.   I said,  "According to the Bible, what comes before a fall?" and before anyone else could answer, my 5 yr old, Josiah yells out......."SUMMER!"

Isn't he so cute?

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Jul. 15, 2008 - Hummingbirds for sale--cheap!

One of the highlights of summer for me, is when we see the first ruby-throated  hummingbird.   My mother in law and I always look for the first one. We even sometimes watch their migration on this map.

We put out the first feeder sometime in April usually.  See one here or there making the big journey North or stopping to re-fuel as he goes further up.  But come June and July, they are HERE with a capital H.   Right now, I have 5 feeders up, each one holding a QUART of sugar water EACH and filling at least 4 empty feeders every day.  That amounts to 5 lbs of sugar a week and a lot of work!!

First thing in the morning or at dusk, all 5 feeders are packed with 8 birds feeding at a time, and MANY more hovering and squawking at each other to move so they can have their turn.  They ram each other with their proboscis (needle noses) and dive bomb each other mercilessly.    These pics are only of 2 of my feeders......I love the little stinkers but, honestly, sometimes wish we were feeding a dozen or so, instead of the more than a hundred that I'm sure dine on our porch all day long.   

Everyone who comes to our house comments they have never seen so many hummers.


Now, when girls see them, they think "how pretty" or "How cute." 
What do 10 and 12 yr old boys think to do when they are hovering like a swarm of locusts?

That's right....my first born and his 10 yo sidekick had a brainstorm that if they painted a flower on their tummies and filled their belly button with sugar water..well...would the hummers go for it?

Maybe they needed to give it more than 5 min or maybe they should have showered first, but the birds still perferred the boring old hummingbird feeders to the skin and bones fake flowers. 

Now we won't have to wonder...

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Jul. 2, 2008 - Kids in the Kitchen

I have recently been having an email conversation with my best Singaporean friend, that I've never met, Serene.    You all have many best friends that you've never met in real life too, don't ya?    Anyway,

our conversation has been on what to allow or not allow children to do in the kitchen.    I was just thinking how often I've read someone's blog and it has given me vision and new motivation for reaching higher or doing something different.      There are some areas that I've been good about teaching my kids things in the kitchen, and it has paid off SO MUCH in helping me, and building confidence in them.

Other areas I still need to work on.   I thought it MAY help others, if I posted some ideas of what my children are able to do in the kitchen to encourage you to take the time to let yours help you too.   I realize that sometimes it's just quicker and easier to do it yourself....and some things might not be safe, but OFTENTIMES, we moms just want to take the easy road and do it ourselves for no good reason other than we are TIRED. 

I just wanted to encourage you to say "YES" more than "No" When the little ones (or bigger ones) ask to help.  If they are used to being told "No" you may need to initiate.  It is really neat to see their pride and excitement as daddy and siblings RAVE over what they have made.

3yog:   Loves to crack eggs (it takes a long time as she picks tiny pieces of shell off the egg and I have to retrieve some shell from the bowl, but she just loves this job...we have lost a few eggs on the ground, but not many)

Cuts olives in slices with a butter knife.

Dumps ingredients in the bowl after I measure them.

Uses the electric beaters

sets table and gets water for everyone

puts cupcake liners in muffin tins for muffins or cupcakes

5yob:  all of the above, plus makes toast in toaster oven,

pours bigger drinks like milk and juice for family

cuts lettuce/tomatoes/carrots for salads using a sharp knife

helps grate cheese

grinds wheat berries for bread with our electric grain mill

puts dishes away from dishdrainer

sweeps floor and cleans table

8yog:  she loves to cook most of all.

She can do all the above plus she has learned to make bread totally from scratch and does an amazing job.  She has taken this over a few months before her 8th birthday.

makes all the pancakes for breakfast

can follow easy recipes on her own

makes waffles for breakfast

washes dishes and even hard pots

10yob:  can do above except hasn't done the bread.

washes dishes,

can follow most easy recipes

makes eggs/pancakes/grilled cheese/waffles

is my chief watermelon/cantelope/honeydew slicer

Can make an awesome salad cuting everything up.

12yob:  Can make pretty much any recipe.  Has done some really hard ones and they turned out great.

Makes granola for family

He hasn't learned to make bread, but is able to make almost every recipe that I can do, with some guidance on variations. (I rarely follow a recipe as is...)

I'm sure there are more that I'm not thinking of.

The 4 oldest do most of the kitchen clean up.

They take turns rotating between:
wash dishes

put clean dishes away

sweep floor

clear/clean table

If one of them cooks, then I do their job for the meal.


If you have more ideas that your family does, please comment on that so we can all learn even more.


Oh, one last thing we have done is "turned our kitchen upside down"
We keep all the plates/cups/bowls on the lowest shelves so even the 3yo can reach them to put them away or set the table.  We put the other bigger items up higher.

So next time your 2yr old wants to "help" in the kitchen, find something for them to do so you can say "Yes!"   It will bond you guys together, help them want to obey you more outside the kitchen and give them a feeling of being needed in the family.


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Jun. 30, 2008 - Baby goats, baby chicks, baby ducks and baby humans.

Well, Mrs Bennett's 2 billy goats are almost 2 mos old.  Billy and Willy spend their days much like my sons do...eating and wrestling.   We thought that Harriet was due around the same time, so had given up thinking that she might be "with kid."  But last week, she surprised us, when we returned home from the wedding and saw the cutest little back fuzz ball in our barn.   Harriet is a good mama, and we have named her new daughter Nellie.  


We still have 2 incubators going full time hatching more chicks.  This next batch is for some friends though as we have about reached our max on birds for our farm.

In other news, one astute reader (momanna98)caught my hint in my May 29th blog and asked when we were expecting another sweet savage.  The answer is:  December 27th!!!

My sweet husband, upon finding out about the new arrival asked my due date. When I said, "Dec 27th" he said--"Oh a January baby!"     He got poked good in the ribs that night!


I felt a bit rough with fatigue mainly for 6 weeks and am now into the "feeling fabulous" phase that I love so much.

My favorite answer to "Why do you have all those kids?" is one that I first heard from Evangeline Johnson..."We're trying to take over the world...for Christ."

That about sums it up.

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Jun. 24, 2008 - Flower Girls.

This weekend, we had the privilege of going to a beautiful wedding of some dear friends and neighbors of ours.   We were able to watch the whole relationship unfold over the last year.

Last May, Jordan wrote a letter to Grace's dad asking permission to get to know her better.  Grace wasn't too sure about it all as she didn't know Jordan all that well.  In August, the whole family decided to take a 3 week trip to South Dakota where Jordan and his family live. (He is one of 11 children)

Jordan was very nervous and Grace wasn't too sure about it all, but by the end of the first week, he had won her heart and they were officially "courting."    They courted long distance through email and phone.  He surprised her right before Christmas by flying to Kentucky and popping the question.

They continued to court long distance and got married Saturday.  They are such a cute couple and will be very happy together.    The cool thing about this wedding is that at the altar when her dad (who is a licensed minister) pronounced them man and wife, they  each had their first kiss ever with anyone right there.  It was awkward and beautiful!  How special to save that first kiss for your wedding day!   It might sound weird to some, but this is the 4th such wedding we have been to in 3 yrs.  It is such a beautiful thing.

Anyway, Grace asked Hosanna and Jubilee to be her flower girls and it was so fun for them and me to get them dressed up all beautiful and have them feeling like princesses for the day.

We pray that our children's weddings are every bit as special as this one was.  What a perfect example of saving yourself for your Bridegroom.  The Bible likens our relationship with Jesus as Him being a Bridegroom who will one day return for His Bride without spot or wrinkle.  Will we be ready for him as Grace was for Jordan?





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Jun. 16, 2008 - 8 years old!

My oldest daughter, Hosanna, just turned 8 this weekend.  I don't have anything like cows bellowing in the middle of the night to blog about for now, so I thought I'd talk about her today and what God has taught me through her life.

I'll back up even a little bit before she was born.  9 mos and 1 week to be exact. 

It was Late September 1999.  We had 2 little boys who were 3 1/2, and almost 2.   We knew we wanted maybe 2 more children, but with Y2K soon to arrive, we figured, it would be "safer" to wait til after New Years to have #3.  We didn't *think* anything aweful would happen, but since everyone seemed to think there was a chance, we thought, we'd do the "responsible thing" and just wait it out.

Well...that was until God got involved.   Late Sept, Chris says to me, "I don't know why, but I feel that God wants us to pray for areas that we aren't trusting Him completely."   I said, "Like what? I think we do trust Him completely."  He didn't have a clue what God wanted to show us, but knew we were supposed to pray and listen.  Less than a week later, God sent a missionary family to visit our church, the Lokers.  I got to meet Jamie, the mom at a homeschool park day.   She mentioned that they had 7 children and just "trusted  God" with their family planning.     I though that was insane.  I remember saying, "Wow, I'd be pregnant every year and a half!"  She smiled and said that sometimes she was but that when she really needed a "break" she asked God, and that time, she had a 2 1/2 yr break that was just what she needed.    I admired her, but NEVER could imagine that.  Imagine all the kids you could end up with, and I was an only child!!  It was the first time I had EVER in my life heard that concept on not "planning" your own family.  She shared, "If God is big enough to plan and run the entire universe, then He can be trusted to plan our little family."   I was impressed by her peace and joy and the great kids she had though.....I was driving home, with 1 and 3 yr old boys sound asleep in their carseats just thinking about our conversation, when I hit me!!!      Was THIS one of the things that God wanted us to "trust Him" with?  NAW!

I went home and told Chris about the whole conversation and he didn't say much about it.   I kinda felt "Whew...that was a close one......."  until 7 days later, out of the blue he says, "Remember that conversation you had with Jamie?"  I said, "Um, yeah"  He said, " I think that that is an area that God wants us to trust Him in. "    I gulped and said, "You do?   Uh, okay."    Well,  I found out 2 weeks later that I was pregnant.   Knowing that that was a possibilty, I prayed like crazy, "God, if I do conceive could it PLEEEEEEESE be a girl....and if it's not asking too much, could she have dark brown eyes like her daddy?"

About 10 weeks into the pregnancy, I joined an email loop that I'm still a member of called MOMYS.

I remember clearly the post that some lady wrote. It was the cutest story about her bouncy little 3yr old daughter named HOSANNA.  I was instantly in love with that name.  Now I REALLY wanted a girl!!

I didn't think Chris would like the name, so when he came home that day  I wrote it on paper and showed him. .(I was afraid I'd say it wrong or it would sound bad. LOL) He actually liked it! 

At 16 weeks, I went for an ultrasound, but he wasn't able to come because he had to fly to KY for a funeral.   I went in and they easily could see it was a GIRL!  I was shocked.  I had them paranoid I think cause I said, "Are you SURE?"  You can't tease me about this, I have to know you're 100%"  LOL

The doctor did the ultrasound himself and said, "Okay, I'm 100%"  I was so excited. I remember for 2 days I was flying in clouds.   I called Chris in KY and he almost didn't believe me. He was sure it was another boy.  We decided on the phone right then to name her Hosanna.   I remember too driving home in the car and thinking, "And I bet she has big brown eyes too!"     (I had 2 boys with light blue eyes)

Fast forward to June 14.  Labor started 10 days early. It was a fast wonderful labor.   When she was born, Chris said, "She looks just like your mother! "  (my mom has curly black hair and she had a lot of dark hair that was all wet and looked curly too. LOL)  Later we both changed and thought she looked more like a Chinese monkey.  (swollen squinty eyes and very hairy all over her head/ears and upper back)  Not exactly the beauty queen I had envisioned, but she has definitely grown into a beatiful little girl, both inside and out....oh and BIG BROWN EYES TOO!

Let me add that we have six children...5 have blue eyes!!!   Coincidence or God showing me that even small details like eye color, if it is important to me , is important to Him? 

I figured that that was my miracle token girl.  I was so thankful though!!

Never would have imagined that 8 yrs later she would have 2 little sisters and 1 little brother.

What a blessing these little people bring to our lives.   We continue to trust God with planning our family.  Is it always easy for me?   Hahahahahah.   No way.   But God has grown me and caused me to trust Him in ways I feel He never could have taught me any other way that making me a mom of many.

The verse He showed me was in Romans 12:1-2  I beseech you therefore brethren by the mercies of God that you present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God which is your reasonable service. And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God is.

God has shown us many more areas since then that we weren't totally trusting Him in.  I venture to say there are many more that we don't yet realize as well.   What matters is that our hearts are willing to be changed by a Savior that loves us more than we can imagine and wants us to abandon ourselves to His will, whether is "makes sense" in our culture or not.

Well, now, we have an 8yr old girl now.  She is such  a "girly girl' which is funny to me. I was a tomboy most of my life. Interested only in matchbox cars and sports.  She has an ex- tomboy mom, and until 4 yrs ago, only had 3 brothers.  but God knit her together exactly according to His plan.

She is so compliant, quiet, sweet and helpful.  She is great with the little ones and loves to be a helper.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Hosanna.  (6/14)

Chinese Monkey:  (Was I kidding??)  THEN:



Blowing out birthday candles on her Dirt Cake at Subway:


Lastly, I asked her to write a wish list for her birthday.  This is too cute not to share written exactly as she wrote it:

1. Flowers that come back year after year (she thinks annuals are a silly concept. She wants flowers that will live forever not die every year..lol)

2. Things that you can make neclices

3. camra

4. big doll things  (She wanted clothes for her 18" dolls)

5. collor by number books

6. hugs

7. kisses

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Jun. 11, 2008 - Follow the Leader by Nancy Campbell

I just received a devotional from Nancy Campbell. Editress of Above Rubies Magazine.

I'm sure most of you know Nancy and receive Above Rubies, but in case you don't, please go to the website and request to be put on their mailing list.  The magazine is free and will encourage you like no other in the art of Godly motherhood.

I just wanted to share her devotional because it paints such a wonderful picture of how leading our children resembles so closely how the Lord leads us as our Shepherd.



 John 10:3-4, "The sheep hear his voice: and he calleth his own sheep by name, and leadeth them out ... he goeth before them, and the sheep follow him: for they know his voice."


Jesus is the great Shepherd of the sheep. He is the One who shows us how to be shepherdesses of our little flocks.

 I was born and bred in the land of New Zealand, down the bottom of the world. New Zealand is a sheep country and my father was a world champion sheep shearer. In New Zealand, the sheep farmers do not have a little flock of sheep like the eastern shepherd. They have thousands of sheep. When bringing the sheep in from the paddocks for drenching, crutching or shearing, the shepherds drive the sheep. They do this, riding on their horses and with the help of trained barking dogs called Hunterways. My father was an expert trainer of these dogs.

 However, the Eastern shepherd to whom Jesus is likened does not drive his sheep. He walks in front of them and leads the way. He watches out for the pitfalls. He faces the danger first and protects them. When visiting Israel, I loved to watch the Bedouin shepherd leading his little flock of sheep and goats across the desert.

This is what we have to do, dear mother. We must not drive our children. It only leads to rebellion and defiance. We walk in front of them and lead the way. Jesus beckoned each of his disciples to "Come, follow me." In the same way, we tell our children, "Come, children, follow me. I'll show you the way to go. I'll lead you on the right path. You won't stumble if you follow me." (Jeremiah 31:9) We give them vision. Inspire them to greatness. Motivate them to godliness. Encourage them to dream great dreams. Stir them to fulfill their destiny which has been marked out for them before the foundation of the world.

 I am always challenged by the Scripture in Ezekiel 16:44, "As is the mother, so is her daughter." As we walk out in front of our children, what kind of an example are we giving them? Are we happy for them to follow in our footsteps?

 The good shepherdess also leads her flock to still waters. She makes her home a place of peace. I know this is not an easy task, especially if you are raising a large family. Children are not perfect (nor are we) and there are often storms to quiet. The good shepherdess not only protects her children from the storms outside but seeks God's wisdom to quell the storms inside the home. (Psalm 23:3 and Isaiah 49:10)

 We are to also lead our flock in the paths of righteousness. Did you notice that it says to lead them? Our children will watch what we do and follow in our paths. They notice whether our walk with the Lord is genuine or hypocritical. They notice if we take them to church on Sundays but do not live like a believer throughout the week. They notice whether we love to pray. They notice whether we love the Word of God and it is a living book to us. They notice if we watch movies that we wouldn't want them to see. Do we have one standard for our children and another for ourselves?

 Remember, we are out in front showing them the way. May we be like the great Shepherd "Who teaches you to profit, who leads you by the way you should go." (Isaiah 48:17)



 "Lord, please help me to shepherd my little flock like you shepherd me. Help me to be a good example for them to follow. Amen."


 I am walking out in front of my children, inspiring them to godly living.

 If you know others who would be blessed by these devotions, you are welcome to forward them or let them know they can subscribe by sending a blank email to subscribers-on@aboverubies.org

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Jun. 7, 2008 - The Good or the Best?

I meant to blog on this 2 weeks ago, and then time got away from me.  Let me back up and talk a minute about the blessing of reading My Utmost for His Highest by Oswald Chambers.   I'd always known about the book.   Read it a few times years ago, and it always seemed kinda deep or something.

WEll, last year, one of my best friends, Eunice, kept commenting about what Oswald showed her this day or that day, and it was always good.  In January, I determined that I would read it every day this year too.  WOW....I know it's God not Oswald but it ALWAYS seems like the daily devotional is exactly what I'm dealing with in my own life.   You can start even now reading it...there is one for every day of the year.  You  don't even have to run to the store right now...it is all online for free....check it out           HERE.

Anyway, I will intentionally leave this testimony non-specific because I don't want you to be distracted by what my "issue" was/is.   I venture to say that ALL of you have an issue that you are dealing with where you have to make a choice between what you want and what God wants for you.   Sometimes (almost always)  this is a hard turning point, but once you make the decision, you will never be the same and never regret it.    I had a situation recently, where I had to allow God to work through me, even though I didn't want Him to.    I yielded on the outside, but inside was full of a bit of fear, and thinking, "I don't really want to go through this right now."   Well, the same day that I was spirtually feeling like I was on the high dive knowing I had to jump cause my "Daddy God"  told me to, but being afraid of the cold, deep water, I read this devotional.   It again reminded me of times past where I've been "here" and yielded to God and through it all, grew so much closer to Him because I exercised my faith despite my fear.

I was also encouraged recently to read that courage is when you press on despite fear.  It isn't the state of not being afraid, because then it wouldn't require courage. 

Anyway, I will let Oswald finish this blog for me.   I pray that whatever situation you are facing, that this devotional ministers to you as it did me 2 weeks ago.

The Good or The Best?
If you take the left, then I will go to the right; or, if you go to the right, then I will go to the left —Genesis 13:9

As soon as you begin to live the life of faith in God, fascinating and physically gratifying possibilities will open up before you. These things are yours by right, but if you are living the life of faith you will exercise your right to waive your rights, and let God make your choice for you. God sometimes allows you to get into a place of testing where your own welfare would be the appropriate thing to consider, if you were not living the life of faith. But if you are, you will joyfully waive your right and allow God to make your choice for you. This is the discipline God uses to transform the natural into the spiritual through obedience to His voice.

Whenever our right becomes the guiding factor of our lives, it dulls our spiritual insight. The greatest enemy of the life of faith in God is not sin, but good choices which are not quite good enough. The good is always the enemy of the best. In this passage, it would seem that the wisest thing in the world for Abram to do would be to choose. It was his right, and the people around him would consider him to be a fool for not choosing.

Many of us do not continue to grow spiritually because we prefer to choose on the basis of our rights, instead of relying on God to make the choice for us. We have to learn to walk according to the standard which has its eyes focused on God. And God says to us, as He did to Abram, ". . . walk before Me. . ." ( Genesis 17:1 ).

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Jun. 5, 2008 - The Invisible Woman

I just had the opportunity to watch this video.   If you're a mom, no doubt you need encouragment!

This will be 5 minutes very worth your time!!


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Jun. 4, 2008 - Our 1:30am Adventure on the farm.

We have a joke (sorta) around here that whenever my husband has to work all night, something has to happen adventurous.  The rest of the week, we might have a small adventure here and there, but it never fails that on a night he has to work, it's not uncommon to have an "event."  Last night was one of those nights.

I was asleep, having a really fun dream that I was in Nashville with my 8yo and an email friend Shyla finding all sorts of fun things to do for my daughters bday.   (I am taking Hosanna there in a few weeks for her bday and had asked her for ideas...)

I woke up and  looked at the clock...1:30am.  Hmm I NEVER wake up at 1:30.   A few seconds later I heard a weird noise that sounded like an owl outside my window.  I heard what sounded like "WHOOOO" really loud about every 15 seconds.   I said a quick prayer for safetly for Whitey and her ducklings. (Owls like ducklings)   I got up to go to the bathroom and opened the window to hear the owl better.  It's then that I realized the "WHOOO"  was actually a really loud, upset "MOOOOOOO!"

I went to our front porch w/ a flashlight but it was too dark to see anything, but the Mooing continued every 15 seconds.  I was picturing a cow being attacked by a coyote or something wondering how I'm gonna wake up our neighbor in the middle of the night to help with a cow problem.

I ran upstairs and woke up my oldest son who is12.  I explained that we had a cow problem and I needed backup.  (which means that I was too afraid to go out in a dark pasture alone in the middle of the night with a cow that sounded like something bad was wrong.)  So we headed out to the pasture with 2 small flashlights and our jammies on.    The cow was loud and upset about something.   He looked okay..no coyote hanging from his leg or anything.   No blood. Aslan scanned the field and we started to realize that everytime J.D. (short for John Deere...who is actually a girl.) mooed, we heard a tiny moo from Huckabee, her 6 month old baby who is still nursing.   Finally, we figured out the problem that the gate had accidentally shut and separated the 2.   Aslan opened the gate and they ran to greet each other just like a sappy, Hallmark commercial and Huckabee nursed happily.

We breathed a sigh of relief that it was only that.   I thanked him for helping and we went back to bed, with a quiet pasture once again. It did take a while to fall asleep after all that excitement.

It's never boring on the farm....

Our apologies to our 2 neighbors who likely heard the whole ordeal....

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May. 29, 2008 - Catching up...

Well, I haven't been the best blogger lately.   We have a lot going on with homeschool ending this week, lots of action on the farm, and Chris working a few extra days than normal to cover for a sick Nurse Practitioner who is out for 4 weeks.

I'll have to get some pics of the farm animals.  This is the most wonderful time of year.

Billy and Willy, our billy goats are growing quickly and spend their days romping and wrestling with each other in our pasture.    Whitey the Muscovy Duck, is still acting proud of her ducklings who still follow her around faithfully.  Though she is down to 4 ducklings now.   We have a bunch of new chicks and ducklings who are trying to grow quickly so they can be released to free range on our property like the big birds!   We have 10 chicks hatching today,  60+ more birds (chicks/ducks and guineas) over the next 10 days or so.

The human babies around here are enjoying the warmer weather and the end of school for a while.  Josiah, my amazing 5 yr old, hopped on his bike this week and just took off riding without training wheels, while Noah and I stood there with our mouths hanging open asking him, "How and when did you learn to do that?"   He is usually our more cautious child, so when he started riding unassisted this week, breaking all Konsavage kid records for early bike riding, we were all very excited and proud of him.

As with most homeschool moms, this is a time of year for perusing homeschool curriculum catalogs and placing orders.   A group of us went to the Nashville Convention 2 weeks ago and had a great time.  8 straight hours of drooling  looking through thousands and thousands of different books.    It was like heaven!  I went with a bunch of "baby" homeschoolers so was trying to help them as well not feel overwhelmed.  I'm not sure that they didn't get overwhelmed but I remember my first homeschool convention back in 1998....the HUGE one in Orlando Fl.  Something like 10,000 people or something.   I walked around so proud to be among the homeschoolers.   My 2 sons were finally old enough to start teaching.   They were the ripe old age of 2  and 6 months old.   LOL

Is anyone else happy that they will never again be a first time homeschooler.....or parent for that matter.   Oh the gift of time and wisdom.

Anyway, I have my Rainbow Resource order all set to click the "order" button, but I can't.  Every day I change one little thing here or there.  So, alas, it sits.  My shopping cart full for 4 days so far...as I continue to pray through everything.

This school year, I will have 4 grades:  7th, 5th, 3rd, Kindergarten  plus a 4 yr old, a 2 yr old and......well....I'll save that for another post.

I desperately want our homeschool to be God-led...to not feel stressed and pressured to conform to our society's standards of education.   To not feel chained down to checking off boxes and crossing off pages we accomplished...so I continue to ask God to give me wisdom on what TRULY matters.

Some things He has showed me is that reading and writing is important, but knowing what an adverb or an indirect object is or how to diagram them, is just not something that an 8 yr old needs to be tied down to right now.   In fact, as an adult, when do I ever need to prove that I know the present participle of anything.    I can actually be a good writer and not know those things.  (Though I do....)

Anyway, God has been showing me what is TRULY important in His eyes.  Would you believe that it is, in many ways, different from what our educational system would have us believe?   Even different from what most homeschool curriculum would have you teach.      I just think it's important for each family to pray though their choices and be God Led.   I still think, in the end, I'm doing too much.....but we can tweak it as we go. 

Because I LOVE to hear what other homeschoolers are using for their curriculum each year, I will type mine out.  If you decide to type yours out, please let me know so I can read it on your blog.

Main Curriculum:  STUDENT OF THE WORD.  We are in Year 4A this year.  (my oldest 4 will be doing this and my 4yo on occasion)

Mystery of History 1.  I have done Story of the World before but I just love how this curriculum meshes Biblical History with World history so you can see what was going on at the same time.  I never learned that in school.   They were taught seperately and I never realized that life was going on at the same time in the Bible and the World.

My 4 oldest will do this and I will also assign weekly reading  of books based around what topics we are studying in MOH to my 3 oldest.  I am using all the extra books from Winter Promise to supplement their reading.

Aslan 7th grader:

Total Language Plus

Apologia General Science

Rosetta Stone Spanish

Teaching Textbooks Algebra 1


Noah 5th grader:

Total Language Plus & some Book making using blank books

Apologia Elementary: swimming and Flying Creatures of the 5th day.  He wants to do both of these and work independently.

Rosetta Stone Spanish

Singapore Math 5


Lamb's book of Art 2. (He just finished book 1 and loves  it and learned so much!)

Handwriting without Tears

Hosanna 3rd grade:

Total Language Plus and book making with blank books

Singapore Math 3

Sonlight Science 1 with Josiah (Daddy teaches this)

Handwriting without Tears

Rosetta Stone Spanish (Starting this fall)


Lamb's Book of Art 1

Josiah Kindergarten

Learning Language Arts Through Literature Blue book (We're 1/2 way through now)

Handwriting without tears

Explode the Code

Singapore Math 1

Sonlight Science 1 w/ Hosanna and Daddy.

Of course this is all subject to change tomorrow.  (Grin)

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May. 15, 2008 - New Ducklings on the Farm...

Whitey, our white (of course) Muscovy duck, has been setting on eggs for what seemed forever, when finally this week, she emerged from under our shed with her masterpieces...


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Apr. 30, 2008 - TWINS!

We are happy to announce that Mrs Bennet had twins today!!!  Our first twins on the farm!

No names yet.  She won't let us weigh them...so that's all ya get. 

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Apr. 27, 2008 - It's chick season....say...Awe...cute!!

One of the many highlights of spring for me is that we get our incubators fired up and put some eggs in them to hatch.  Usually, with each hatch, I get better and better.  There is a definite science to it.  Exact tempurature, humidity, turning, etc.  I find it a fun challenge to try to get a better and better hatch rate each time.  If you live on some acrage, buy a little incubator and have fun too.  You can get the whole set up for under $100.   Our first batch (not the one I fried at 110 degrees...the real FIRST batch) hatched out about 21 chicks.   16 lived past the first, few, critical days.  We kept our 4 favorites and sold the other 12 on the local swap shop.   The  batch we have in now are mainly duck eggs from our own ducks and some eggs we bought off of ebay.  (Did you know you could do that?  That is so neat to actually SHIP eggs....out of 51 eggs only 3 had cracked...not bad...)

Anywhere, by far, our favorite chick from our first hatch is "HOT FUDGE."  He/she is a brown turken (naked neck chicken).    After he/she hit 2 weeks old, a mohawk started forming on his head too.  We all just love him.

Another naked neck that hatched is a yellow one Josiah named "Sunshine." 

Here are pictures of Josiah and Sunshine.....and Hot Fudge. 

The next batch hatches next weekend!




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Apr. 24, 2008 - Introducing...our new FAINTING GOATS!!

Last week, I received 2 belated birthday presents.  My birthday was last summer, and I was given a coupon for 2 fainting goats. I've wanted fainting goats for a long time!!!   (For Mother's Day I received 6 guinea chicks that are still alive, well and L O U D!!!--I love 'em!!)

A fainting goat is a breed of domestic goat whose muscles freeze for roughly 10 seconds when the goat is startled. Though painless, this generally results in the animal collapsing on its side. The characteristic is caused by a hereditary genetic disorder called myotonia congenita. When startled, younger goats will stiffen and fall over. Older goats learn to spread their legs or lean against something when startled, and often they continue to run about in an awkward, stiff-legged shuffle.


Because they are easily startled, and because we have been watching Pride and Prejudice and Little House on the Prairie lately, we have named them:  Mrs Bennet and Harriet.  Both of those characters are easily overwhelmed and overly emotional.  LOL

Mrs Bennet is pregnant and we're not sure when she's due.  Probably around June.  Harriet is supposedly bred too, but doesn't look "with kid" yet...

Here is a picture of our two new farm additions:

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Apr. 22, 2008 - Seeking the Old Paths--encouragement for moms, especially with lots!

I know a good blogger sticks to original stuff.  I mean, they are full of unique, amazing words all the time.   They always have something to read that makes you say WOW.   Well, I've never claimed to be a "good blogger."  I have a bunch of stuff to share, but I haven't yet taken pictures of our new farm additions...so that will have to wait.   

My brain is not at the moment full of anything except "mommy" and chirping of chicks in my guest room.   My 3 yr old at the moment is acting like "Mrs Bennet" from Pride and Prejudice because her blankets aren't tucked in exactly right (whatever exactly right means to a 3yo) and I'd love to go to bed myself, even if the blankets aren't perfect, but I need to eat my token piece of Hershey's Cacao Reserve 65% with Cacao Nibs and read Oswald Chambers for today's devotion and Jeremiah to prepare for school tomorrow. 

My knight in shining scrubs is working an all-nighter in the ER....

All that to say...no original blog today, but I was reading a blog that I found through another blog and was so encouraged by so many things she had to say, so I thought I'd copy them for you to read so I don't have to think of what to type while Mrs Bennet is trying to get to sleep.

This will mainly encourage moms of many, but I venture to say that any mama will like it.  Here are some quotes from the blog Seeking the Old Paths.

To my Family, I am a servant. I don’t bother with all those high-fallutin’ made-up titles like Domestic Engineer or Home Manager…I am simply a servant. The work of my life is loving them in the most humble of ways, sometimes hidden to all but my Father. I like it this way. A quote from G.K. Chesterton speaks to my position at home:

How can it be a large career to tell other people’s children about the Rule of Three, and a small career to tell one’s own children about the universe? How can it be broad to be the same thing to everyone, and narrow to be everything to someone? No. A woman’s function is laborious, but because it is gigantic, not because it is minute. I will pity Mrs. Jones for the hugeness of her task; I will never pity her for its smallness.

I cannot speak for everyone who has a large family, but ours… I know. Let the record show that I did think about it before I did it. I counted the cost of pregnancy, labor, birth, breastfeeding, homeschooling, raising these blessings of ours, and every detail involved. What I found is that it is hard. It involves excruciating pain… backbreaking, toilsome labor day in and day out, often giving what I did not know I had to more people than I knew I could love. (I love that part!)

Okay, me talking again.   That was a good reminder.   I have to laugh when someone meets me and hears that I have  6 children and homeschool.  Some of them actually say, "Is it hard?"  That really makes me want to fall on the floor and kick my feet and cry from laughter.  I would -----except I might spill my decaf french vanilla coffee...and that would be sad. 

Of course it's hard.  When I was the mom of ONE child it was hard.  But there aren't many things in life worthwhile that is easy.   I just wanted to encourage you that when you have a hard moment/day/week/month/pregnancy/year....that it is to be expected.   Because It is all worth it!!!   Everything we do as moms/wives when done with the right attitude is a sweet smelling sacrifice to our Heavenly Father.

Our culture tells us,  "What about ME?"  "I need time for myself."  "All I do is give and give, it's not fair."    But Scripture paints an entirely different portait doesn't it?  It tell us to cast our burdens on Him and He will sustain us. (Ps 55:22, 1 Peter 5:7)  It tells us that true joy is not found in being served but in serving. (Gal 5:13)  It says to look not on our own interests but on the interests of others.  (Phil 2:4)

No doubt, many of you reading this are TIRED.   You are WORN OUT.  It's okay to feel that way.  In fact, it goes with the job description.  But please, in the midst of being sometimes overwhelmed,  cast your burden on the Lord.....sing praises to Him...it will change your attitude.      Continually focus and realize that all we do, much of what goes unseen, is seen by our Daddy God who loves us so much.   He wants to meet you in the kitchen, the laundry room, the bathroom, and at the changing table.     Remember my favorite verse?  Zephaniah 3:17."The Lord will rejoice over you with singing, He will quiet you with His love, He will rejoice over you with gladness."    Yup  YOU...if you are a child of His.   He rejoices when we share our lives with him, when we ask him for wisdom in dealing with an emotional 3 yr old, when we need patience with a crying baby, when we feel like running away if one more person says, "Mommy mommy."     God is pleased when we do school with the children even when we'd rather do anything else sometimes.  He's pleased when we are patient with our children even if we don't feel patient.   He's pleased when we encourage our husbands even when we feel like we don't have much more to give  .Keep the attitude in check and everything else will flow....have a blessed week!

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Apr. 15, 2008 - How my 18 month old and the prophet Zephaniah explained loving correction to my older children.

We had one of those moments in school today that was just so cool!  We are studying the book of  Zephaniah in school right now using Student of the Word.    Today, we discussed the introduction and overview of the book of Zephaniah and listened to the 3 chapters on our audio Bible as we followed along. 

If you're like me before today, you have no clue what Zephaniah is about.  My favorite Bible verse is Zeph. 3:17 and I still didn't really know what the book is about before today.  It is 3 chapters long.  Chapter 1 basically talks about judgment and doom and gloom against Judah because of their complacency and lack of holiness.   Chapter 2 Gives a call to repentance and the beginning of a glimmer of hope when he writes in verse 3, "Seek the Lord all you meek of the earth, who have upheld His justice. Seek righteousness, seek humility. It may be that you will be hidden in the day of the Lord."

Now that was a major glimmer of hope after reading chapter 1. 

Finally, chapter 3 and the book, ends with a day of hope for the faithful remnant and finding joy in God's faithfulness.

It is interesting to note that this book was written during the time that King Josiah found the law and began instituting all the reforms of God that had been forgotten.

When the reforms began and they once again started obeying God and having a new relationship with Him...God rejoiced!

A neat analogy followed that discussion.  As anyone with an 18 month old knows, there are training sessions at this age where mama has to win!!!   Their future character depends on it.  What might be a cute temper tantrum at 1 is not so cute at 5 or 12 or 18.

Needless to say, our children go through a kind of "toddler bootcamp" around this age, where when they fail to obey, we have a "training session"  until they obey right away.

We have had a few of those in our house this week....mama vs Praise.  I'm happy to say that I have won 3 for 3 so far.  (and intend to keep my undefeated record)

One happened during our family time this week. I told toddler to sit in her chair --she turns her back to the chair and screams "NO" with her body language.   You mama's know what I mean.   After 20 minutes of me never losing my temper, her adamant that she will win...she finally throws in the towel and I see her begin to lift her knee to get in the kid-sized chair.     Time stood still..the room was silent....yes! She climbed all the way in the chair and there was loud clapping and rejoicing from 7 of her biggest fans!!!  She beamed and learned that it feels much better to obey than to disobey.  We hugged and kissed and danced and it was a beautiful moment that I have been through with all my children  around this age with great fruit of happy obedience.  (eventually--I'm not gullible enough to think we've "arrived" with this sweetie--haha)

Moving on to how this relates to Zephaniah....God had to punish Judah for their pride and self-will.  He was going to  unleash His discipline.  (chapter 1)  (They continued to not want to sit in the toddler chair.  )  God begins judgment...the book of the Law is found and they begin to realize that life would be better if they followed God afterall. (chapter 2) (toddler toys with idea of sitting in chair and begins to lift leg)

Finally, they submit to God, humble themselves and begin to follow His laws and live a life of righteousness!!!  (Toddler sits in chair!!)

God rejoices over them with gladness and singing and quiets them with His love. (Zeph 3:17)  (5 siblings, mom and dad clap and cheer and hug and praise her for her decision to obey and live righteously!! )

Now isn't that a neat analogy?

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Apr. 7, 2008 - New allowance system

Our church is having a 13 week class by Dave Ramsey called Financial Peace University.

He teaches anyone how to get out of debt and stay out of debt.  Even though we are out of debt, it is still a really interesting class.  In the 2nd week, he discussed his view of allowance for kids that makes a lot of sense.   Assign chores(or let them pick) and assign monetary value to them.  These are chores that are not critical for the running of our house.   The critical chores are still done, without pay, as we have been.  (Cleaning bathrooms/dishes/sweeping/laundry/animal care etc)

The ones that we have started doing this system to earn allowance are things like:
Washing the windows,  washing the vans, vacuuming the vans, washing the kitchen floor, ironing, etc.

Every Sat night, daddy sits with the 4 oldest and asks if they did the chores they signed up for, and he checks them off and calculates their allowance.  IF someone didn't do them all, they get to choose last for which chores they want to tackle for the next week.  (and get a cut in pay)

It has been 2 weeks so far and is going well.   If they want extra money for spending then they work for it.  It's kinda like the real world.  They get what they earn.  

The kids get excited when it's allowance time.  Here is a very candid picture I took this last weekend.

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Apr. 7, 2008 - Just an update.....

I wanted to post an update on how we're doing collecting money for the Hingle family.

We have received almost $6,000 towards the Hingle's medical expenses!  PTL   Many of them came from people who have never met the precious family!  It has been so neat to see fellow brothers and sisters in Christ pour out their love through prayers and money for another family.  That is what the Body of Believers is all about!! THANK YOU to anyone who has contributed either financially and/or prayerfully.    Steve is recovering from the pneumonia and is slowly getting stronger day by day.  He still is in need of a miracle for healing for the cancer.

It's not too late to send a check or pay by paypal though.  They have talked to the hospital and were told that if they can pay their bill in full within 30 days of receiving it, they would only have to pay $33,000 instead of the $50,000 they were expecting.  Please pray that they really take their time sending them the bill!!  (Grin)


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Mar. 22, 2008 - PLEASE Help us meet a HUGE NEED!!!

Some of our best friends, not just a family we KNOW, these are truly some of our best friends, are in need of help from lots of their brothers and sisters in Christ.   

We have been close friends with the Hingles for over 5 years now....they are a homeschooling family with 12 of the most incredible children  you will ever meet.   They are ages 4-24, all still at home.

The family also has a family cafe that the older children run called Cafe on the Square, so if you are anywhere near Columbia, KY, please stop in for a sandwich and cup of cappuccino.  They just opened a few months ago and it's awesome!!

Steve, the dad, is a very hard-working man, who has provided well and has been also great at volunteering both himself and his children to bless SO MANY other families over the years with help and expecting nothing in return.  He was diagnosed last spring with Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma.   He was just released from the hospital yesterday (3/21)  after a 17 day hospital stay for double pneumonia and sepsis (bacteria in the blood.)  The hospital bills will be over $50k and they do not have any insurance.

He is in need of a miracle for healing that only God can provide, but we can be part of another miracle to help them meet their needs of these huge medical bills.    This will be so much appreciated.

Anything you can do to help will add up.  If you are only able to send $5, please do that.  Every dollar is a dollar that the family doesn't have to try to come up with! 

If you would like to send a check, please make it out to ELLEN HINGLE and you can mail it to

me.  (Please email me for an address:   uarelovedbygod@yahoo.com)

We have also set up a paypal account just for these medical bills too.  They do take out a small fee for using their services, but it's fast and easy if you have a paypal account.

Go to www.paypal.com  and "Send Money"  to   giveforsteve@gmail.com   

Thanks so much!!  Here is a picture taken this summer of their beautiful family!


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