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Ask the Pros: You got video game questions? We have answers.

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Here you can find answers to all your burning questions, big or small. Every week, the highly specialized GamePro staff - the very same crew of hard-working men and women who publish your favorite monthly magazine will take the time to respond right here to your inquiries.

So what are you waiting for? Ask away!

Most Recent Questions

HD cable [Nintendo]

what i meant was you have to pay 15 bucks for the hd cable. It says you can change the screen to 1080p with the cable....

Wii Sports Resort [Nintendo]

Hey Gamepro! I heard that Nintendo was finally realeasing a sequel to Wii Sports after it was unveiled at E3 this month. What is the official name of it, what sports are gonna be in it, and when is it...

The Full Wii-port [Nintendo]

I've always wondered why the Wii is'nt chosen to have games that the Xbox 360 and PS3 have, is it because they are too mature or is it the companies that make those games dont like the Wii? Could you...

Bye-ess [Nintendo]

I know that plenty of people have probably asked you this question but why is gamepro so bias to nintendo, I mean, There is always new news about the PS3 and the xbox360. But none for nintedo, at firs...

Cheater [Microsoft]

hi i have a question about gamepro's cheat page. i mean lets lay im looking for a quick way to pass a level or get acheivement points. so i go to your cheat section for some help. but instead of he...

Wii In HD (Again) [Nintendo]

I have this question that has been bugging me for a bit. I know that the Wii supports, at best, 480p (EDTV). However, I recently read that Gran Turismo 4 had 1080i HD support. This confused me a bit, ...

Kameo Cheats [Microsoft]

cheats for Kameo xbox360...

Search engines are your friend... [Microsoft]

HOw to create 50cent in fight night round 2...

Wii In HD? [Nintendo]

I was wondering what popular wii games are in HD. I dont want to waste 15 bucks for a few games that are in hd. I see many clips of wii games in hd, does that mean that the game is in hd?...

Better Than Bad [Nintendo]

guiter hero on tour good???...

Straight Shooter [Nintendo]

can you use the perfect shot instead of the wii zapper on ghost squad? please try to reply before tomorrow....

Back(wards) To The Future [Nintendo]

I wonder: Why does the Nintendo Wii have FULL BC And can play all Gamecube games with no problems while PS3 and 360 have such an issue with it? What do you need to have the feature?...

Adaptation [Nintendo]

my brother and i really like guitar hero and the new one on tour for the DS might not work with ours. we don't have the ds lite so the cartridge slot is bigger than the lite version, I've heard about...

Wiich is better? [Nintendo]

My freind and I spend countless hours fighting over which system is better, PS3 or Wii, I keep telling him we each have our own opinions, but he keeps yelling about the PS3 advantages, (by the way, I ...

Can you hear me now? [Nintendo]

do you think that nintendo will make a headset for the wii? [maybe bundle it with the conduit> and now that sony will be making trophies, do you think nintendo will do the same? ...

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