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Just A Wii Bit Expensive [Nintendo]

Hey guys. Listen I own a Nintendo Wii and dont really like it that much. The selection of games it has does not fit my needs. I plan on selling it and using the money to buy a 360. Now here is my ques...

Balance. Wii has it. [Nintendo]

I was just wondering if the Wii fit board is now being treated as important as the Wii remote and nunchuck? And if it is, why? It is just on one game! Over and over again I see it as example along wit...

Know Your Roots [Nintendo]

who the hell is pit i know his from kid acreus but what is his story p.s who is rob...

New Nintendo Consoles Next Year? [Nintendo]

has anybody heard if Nintendo is coming out with any new systems in 2008-2009? ...

Uh, all of them? [Nintendo]

what are some good mario games for the wii?...

Wii Object! [Nintendo]

I was curious, should nintendo sue microsoft for pretty much copying their motion conroll system? I saw on X-play the design for their motion controls and I only saw a few differences, but microsoft <...

Metal Gear Solid IV On The Wii? [Nintendo]

I was wondering when Metel Gear Solid 4 was coming to Wii, and do you think Mario will be in it? Thanks!...

Cooperation [Nintendo]

What are some good Co-op games for the Gamecube? My wife and I have started playing some co-op gamecube games, but we are running out of titles and desperatly want to know what else is out there. ...

Next next-gen [Nintendo]

As we all know Nintendo is the the number 1 console today however lets have a look into the future we will have a new generation of consoles and if sony and microsoft are smart they will jump onto the...

Video Game Posters [Nintendo]

Are there any stores where I can buy nintendo power posters?Or just a store where I can buy videogame posters?Because im trying to fill up all the space on my walls with videogame posters but I can ne...

Kid Icarus and Sonic [Nintendo]

Hey A_a_A, If the New Kid Icarus comes out do you think it get a Good GOTY candidate? And what are your thoughts on it coming, like graphics and control, and of course the setting......

Stop! Hammer Time! [Nintendo]

What happened to Project H.A.M.M.E.R. for the Wii? I haven't heard anything about it for over a year. ...

HD Wii [Nintendo]

Is there such a thing as a hdtv or hdmi edition or version of the Wii console? Thanks for your help. John Salvo...

Wiitar Hero [Nintendo]

Do you think it would be possible for nintendo to make a version of guitar hero nintendo style? I love guitar hero, but not all the songs are appropiate for everyone. Imagine Link or Mario on a guitar...

Awesome Game Idea [Nintendo]

in issue number 237, the question of the month is somthing i was actually JUST going 2 ask. i have 1 thing more to ask however. i have a really AWESOME idea for a game. have been writing a sort of 's...

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