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TenaciousMoses's Blog Posts

Halo 3 Killed My Xbox

I ignored the numerous complaints on forums everywhere. I thought my Xbox 360 was invulnerable. It turns out I wasn't so fortunate. Master Chief annihilated my 360.

At the end of a particularly shitty day, I decide to treat myself to an evening of delicious deep-dish pizza and round after round of Halo 3 into the wee hours of the morning. I call up my friends to make sure they have nothing else going on and to meet me online. Here we go; I load up the game and send out the invites.

With a mouthful of chicken-pesto pizza and a matchmaking lobby full of my friends, I'm mid-sentence into something deep and philosophical when I realize the game has froze. No big deal, I think to myself, this happens all the time, especially with Halo 3 which is already a problem. I wait a minute hoping the game will come to like it occasionally does, but nothing happens. I press the Xbox guide button. Nothing happens.

With no other options, I press the console on/off button and there it is, staring me red in the face: The Red Ring of Death. It might as well be the black spot. How could this happen to me? I feel like a chronic smoker diagnosed with lung cancer. A mother who just had a miscarriage.

Anyways, I'm pissed off. My first-generation PS2 still plays games like Shadow of the Colossus, God of War, Guitar Hero, and Metal Gear Solid 3 without a hiccup.


comments [ 105 ] - post your comment

LongHairedOffender LongHairedOffender

Posted at: 2007-10-09 16:46:00.0

Haw haw!
RiceBurner RiceBurner

Posted at: 2007-10-09 16:49:15.0

TenaciousMoses TenaciousMoses

Posted at: 2007-10-09 17:02:55.0

I'm having withdrawals.
RoadHeadSelf RoadHeadSelf

Posted at: 2007-10-09 17:12:49.0

I'm sorry, but owned!!!
kalell kalell

Posted at: 2007-10-09 17:57:42.0

I went through this a while ago. I sent it in because it wouldn't read 360 games (but would read everything else). I got it back and it worked for about a week and then it got the ring. I sent it back and they sent me a replacement. So far I haven't had problems with the replacement and it's been almost a year. I also had problems with my PS3 at the same time I was having problems with the 360. You're lucky you can still play games at work. Hopefully you'll get it back fast.
wiifreak33 wiifreak33

Posted at: 2007-10-09 19:09:00.0

Dang, its like an epidemic.
DGeneral DGeneral

Posted at: 2007-10-09 19:43:13.0

That's really sad Moses...
Shammon Shammon

Posted at: 2007-10-09 20:03:34.0

That really sucks, just go take Ahoy's, He doesn't play online j/k Ahoy.
RoadHeadSelf RoadHeadSelf

Posted at: 2007-10-10 04:45:07.0

Yes, it is DG.
hatefuldude hatefuldude

Posted at: 2007-10-10 07:39:17.0




gateguy gateguy

Posted at: 2007-10-10 11:37:07.0

Now do you find it a little ironic that you run a Halo 3 blog site without actually owning a 360?
theman777 theman777

Posted at: 2007-10-10 14:21:22.0

well now you know to believe what you hear. lol but this is a serious thing that should not be laughed at.... so for the sake of the 360 we'll play TAPS

Posted at: 2007-10-10 14:44:18.0

LMAO Dgeneral. Oh TM its not like you can't send it in. That just goes to show, even the GPs are vulnerable.
BubbaLove BubbaLove

Posted at: 2007-10-11 12:44:01.0

Who's to say it wasn't going to happen anyways? Would you be as pissed off if it was another game? I think not!!
DeadlyDarkness DeadlyDarkness

Posted at: 2007-10-11 13:53:55.0

hey tenacious give me a heads up is there goin to be a kingdom hearts 3 for the ps2 if not wut other consoles will it have
Blue_Destined Blue_Destined

Posted at: 2007-10-11 16:39:51.0

Feel you pain...If my Xbox360 craps out again...gonna have to chuck it down an overpass!
bigtime726 bigtime726

Posted at: 2007-10-11 19:06:51.0

ouch that sucks.
polo972 polo972

Posted at: 2007-10-12 00:48:35.0

I haven't had any problems with Halo 3 yet.
L0pht L0pht

Posted at: 2007-10-12 20:30:56.0

Oh man, very sad news. Hope you can get a new 360 soon so you can play Halo 3. I still wonder where is 360fanboy? After his Xbox 360 Red Ringed on him, he hasn't appeared on GamePro anymore. I don't think that Microsoft could take that long to send a replacement for his 360. Hope this helps him to stop whinning about the PS3 and see that the 360 also has its flaws...and he stared at the worst.
VerbalAbraysiveAbuse VerbalAbraysiveAbuse

Posted at: 2007-10-13 22:11:29.0

dang man/it didnt happen to me yet i take extra good care of it
Corallina Corallina

Posted at: 2007-10-14 10:25:51.0

Don't blame Halo 3.....DOA Xtreme 2 Beach Volleyball did the same to ours.....Must have been all the excessive bouncing....LOL
ScicoAssasin ScicoAssasin

Posted at: 2007-10-15 19:29:08.0

Master Cheif just pwned your 360. Nothing you can do about it exept send it in to Microsoft.
billyb77 billyb77

Posted at: 2007-10-15 22:04:30.0

Damn. Now is the time for all of us to practice at Halo 3 while Travis can't play. His skills may get rusty enough for us members to own him in a few rounds in a month when he gets his 360 back.
SA13 SA13

Posted at: 2007-10-16 23:56:22.0

Me too. I put it in and my 360 immediatly froze and I had to send it froze with any error message whatsoever!
lycan987 lycan987

Posted at: 2007-10-17 14:13:54.0

Everyone needs to know that those free 360 offers really work i just got and sold one on ebay for 357 bucks and only had to complete one offer which was pretty cool because i did the dvd club. and you just need to refer 8 people to get a free 360. Believe me i was skeptical but now i sell cheap 360's on ebay lol so check it out JUST CUT AND PASTE, USE SEARCH ENGINE OTHER THAN GOOGLE Just get a backup,lol
maniaczero maniaczero

Posted at: 2007-10-18 12:15:05.0

dang that sucks that happened to me with gears of war so i know how you feel
generaljesus123 generaljesus123

Posted at: 2007-10-22 14:29:19.0

its ok, your going through the denial stage, just let it out, thats what i did
vashthestamped vashthestamped

Posted at: 2007-10-23 04:58:21.0

i wish they would come out with something to stp that
rc360 rc360

Posted at: 2007-10-24 18:46:05.0

The sucks I hope you get your 360 back in a few weeks.
halokid123 halokid123

Posted at: 2007-10-26 06:12:28.0

Everyone needs to know that those free 360 offers really work i just got and sold one on ebay for 357 bucks and only had to complete one offer which was pretty cool because i did the dvd club. and you just need to refer 8 people to get a free 360.The sucks I hope you get your 360 back in a few weeks and i wish they would come out with something to stop that
Freakshow0341 Freakshow0341

Posted at: 2007-10-26 06:46:26.0

I had the exact same thing happen to me but I was trying to play Guitar Hero III demo on Tony Hawk's Proving Ground. Let me know what you did to fix it.
chantzguy chantzguy

Posted at: 2007-10-26 15:14:04.0

dont blame it on halo3. it is your first generation xbox360. they had a recall about a year ago and only 500 people sent them in and got replacments. i was in italy on my 4th year there when mine decided to commit suicide.(i am not italian my dad is in the army) so when we sent it to my uncle he sent it to micfosoft and they sent it to him who sent it to us. now i am happy. but that startup noise is louder than my sandwich.
purpleman33 purpleman33

Posted at: 2007-10-27 17:52:01.0

i hope to allah that dosent happen to me
MasterArbiter231 MasterArbiter231

Posted at: 2007-10-27 19:13:05.0

that sucks alot.... it happened to me a few times but then i realized it was overheated...i feel bad since halo 3 is a good game
asskicker246 asskicker246

Posted at: 2007-10-31 19:06:54.0

evel stupid ring die die die
Giant Clank Giant Clank

Posted at: 2007-10-31 20:44:36.0

there's nothing worse than the shock of that abrupt flash of red. You're so used to just restarting it and there being nothing different then there's some sort of reflex in the back of your head that somehow knows something's wrong, then the exact words pop into your head: "RED RING OF DEATH. NOOOOOOO!"
Emberwolf06 Emberwolf06

Posted at: 2007-11-03 07:20:34.0

Thats happened to me alot but the funny thing is i turn it off then on again and it works. tis a bit odd. Anotherw ierd thing is next gen consoles get jealous of eachother like i was playing y wii for like 3 days then i went to urn my 360 on but it had the red ring of death.I was so angry but after 30 minutes of trying to turn my 360 on it worked.Then my wii wouldn't work it's just very weird
mota1993 mota1993

Posted at: 2007-11-09 18:37:50.0

I got them red lights but i simply just turned it off and on again and they diappeared.
JasperFett JasperFett

Posted at: 2007-11-09 20:17:31.0

I know what you mean. I just got my red rings and just found out my fiancee is buying me the Halo 3 edition for Christmas. Any suggestions what to do with my old console?
johannesrules johannesrules

Posted at: 2007-11-10 11:32:22.0

i see the red ring all the time
Cville Cville

Posted at: 2007-11-10 11:55:47.0

My friend's son has been playing Call/Duty/4 since it's release - up to 18 hours a day. He's 19 - telling his mom that if he beats everyone else, he will win a bundle of money and "turn pro" and be set for life. Today, he told his mom that he is rank #5 and that the guys at 1 and 2 have been caught cheating and will be expelled. This is the 4th or 5th game that he's used the same story - it never happens. Is there such a thing as a pro gamer - who actually makes an income from it? Or is he just pulling the wool over his mother's eyes so he doesn't have to get a job or help around the house (he's too busy with his game!)
bazbeast94 bazbeast94

Posted at: 2007-11-10 20:08:58.0

Boo frigaty hooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
bigtime726 bigtime726

Posted at: 2007-11-11 23:51:20.0

i have joined in on your suffering mine blew up last weekend now i have to wait for ms to take sweet time in getting it back to me. i have no consoles left now. except psp. this has been a bit of a downpoor of crap this month in gaming for me but at least i got to look forward to when it gets back so i can start plaing cod4 and finish my halo3 campain. and the list is still growing. so that is one good thing.
ekfplation5 ekfplation5

Posted at: 2007-11-13 11:22:25.0

dont u just hate that
codyreed codyreed

Posted at: 2007-11-14 17:10:45.0

Jdee Jdee

Posted at: 2007-11-16 18:17:50.0

Mommy says "That really sucks"....maybe now you can get some rest!!
gamergx666 gamergx666

Posted at: 2007-11-17 14:22:10.0

Wow that sux i hope that doesnt happen to me ^___^
indy360 indy360

Posted at: 2007-11-19 17:41:14.0

so so sad.
jwiens jwiens

Posted at: 2007-11-22 15:22:56.0

I have the Halo 3 blues. Why does Bungie make Halo 3 achievements online? I can't get Xbox live because I have dial up. My friends always tell me of the sweetest of the armor permutations and I can't even get them. Did Bungie ever think I didn't want the Ascetic head? or perhaps the ODST? No! I can't even get the Security head because I need all of the achievements. What if I want a katana. They should make a second, extremely hard way to get these permutations. Maybe they should make it system link accesible. Please help me understand!
theevilman96 theevilman96

Posted at: 2007-11-24 04:13:07.0

awwwww that sucks. god damn those god damn rings of red light
gears_of_war_grl_fan gears_of_war_grl_fan

Posted at: 2007-11-25 10:41:02.0

hey did u fix it?
God120 God120

Posted at: 2007-12-06 20:25:56.0

and that is why ps3 is better
Jee_Man Jee_Man

Posted at: 2007-12-07 22:52:55.0

Yeah, I had that same feeling, and A DAY AFTER I GOT IT my Xbox lit the Ring of Death, so I had to send it back in. Then I got a new one, the eject button doesn't work on the console, so I had to buy a remote to eject my Halo 3 game from the box so I could send it in for a SECOND TIME 2 weeks after I sent it in the 1st time. It's a real stinkin hassle. PS. Did you get that question I sent you?
suleman suleman

Posted at: 2007-12-10 11:01:15.0

i had the same problem but i only got 3 rings and i think it was due to an intercooler i put on my 360 to prevent it from overheating luckily no red rings have shown up after i removed the cooler and hopefully i dont get the RED RING OF DEATH
lord_sesshomaru lord_sesshomaru

Posted at: 2007-12-11 13:02:20.0

i had the same problem except my brothers way of fixing it was throwing it out a 20 ft high window
crazyduds crazyduds

Posted at: 2007-12-11 19:47:45.0

Yea i feel ya.Im waiting for minez also.It froze on rainbow six vegas.It SUUUCCCKKKKSSSS SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO BAD!!!!
TheTeacher TheTeacher

Posted at: 2007-12-13 10:59:18.0

News like this doesn't even shock me anymore. That's sad.
brawlforever brawlforever

Posted at: 2007-12-15 08:13:49.0

brawlforever brawlforever

Posted at: 2007-12-15 08:14:10.0

brandonwilliams brandonwilliams

Posted at: 2007-12-15 21:33:34.0

i fear that my red ring may be coming soon my 360 has been reading discs the wrong way thinking there dvds
TravisMoses TravisMoses

Posted at: 2007-12-18 19:05:25.0

Wow. I never noticed so many people commented on this story. It just goes to show how serious of an issue the Red Ring of Death is. Yes, I got my 360 back and quickly too.
linfan691 linfan691

Posted at: 2007-12-22 07:42:42.0

i bet halo 3 cant kill the xbox elite
slayerfest99 slayerfest99

Posted at: 2007-12-22 07:48:44.0

Red Ring of Death= Gamer Black Plauge!!!!!!!!!! So far i've been one of the luck ones to not receive this....BUT if it does...i'm gonna put mine which i bought a month after launch in the closet and buy an elite...just so it matches my ps3 lol. (but if halo is the red ring of death bringer...i'm safe...i don't play halo lol)
Influence5x5 Influence5x5

Posted at: 2007-12-22 15:45:56.0

Sucks for you. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to get back to a game system that doesn't crap out on me, the Playstation 2.
crazyduds crazyduds

Posted at: 2007-12-26 14:52:19.0

finally got mine back and for all my trouble they gave me 1 month of x-box live free...whoaaaaa
erikgoya erikgoya

Posted at: 2007-12-27 13:31:29.0

happened to me too only it was guitar hero 2 not Halo3. Sucks though. i still have my problem. Now all i have to play is my Wii and my World of Warcraft.
muhammadkasule muhammadkasule

Posted at: 2007-12-27 19:47:11.0

wow , you people have many sad stories, glad i got mine 1 1/2 months ago
muhammadkasule muhammadkasule

Posted at: 2007-12-27 20:11:00.0

and i thought the red ring of death was done but only people who buy it later than when u did, any ways have u heard about youchoose it is a debate 360 vs ps3 and 360 is winning by 200 votes . check it out
AntiAmericanArmy AntiAmericanArmy

Posted at: 2007-12-28 00:36:03.0

I was playing Mass Effect when it started to sound funny. It took like 3 days for it to dye. Meaning it did not work at all! But you get the point. Well all I know is if MS wants to stay in the video game Biz, then they have to make there 3rd console work PERIOD! With less then a 1% faliure rate, and cheaper next time. Come out with a pimp machine for 300$ and it has a wirless controle bigger hard drive that actually has the gig's it says it does! 20 gig hard drive my butt, I boated up my first 360 and looked at the storage and it said 13 gigs? Thats crap! Where did the other 7 gigs go? I'll never know? I wonder if it would of been better to buy the cheep 300$ 360 and then buy the hard drive, to posible get the FULL 20Gig's! O well this will be a lesson for next time I buy a new system.
AntiAmericanArmy AntiAmericanArmy

Posted at: 2007-12-28 00:37:40.0

mcfonzster mcfonzster

Posted at: 2007-12-29 14:07:18.0

Everybody is saying that you need to send in the xbox when you get the three rings, not true, I got it a couple days ago and I simply restarted my 360 and it was good as new. that simple, no replacments required
USMCMatthew USMCMatthew

Posted at: 2007-12-29 19:26:35.0

Guess i'm going to wait for an Xbox360.
muhammadkasule muhammadkasule

Posted at: 2007-12-30 00:08:11.0

i think i have a way to stop red ring i is all about how u turn it off, i think, first take out the game then hold down the button in the centre of your controler until something will pop up on the side of your screen saying cancel , turn of controller and turn off console. click on turn console and there . keep on doing that and u will have no probs and turn on your console by turning on the controller, it might work, worked for me
mcfonzster mcfonzster

Posted at: 2007-12-30 12:38:15.0

just try turning the consol off or try what muhammadkasule says to do
jedediahjl jedediahjl

Posted at: 2007-12-30 21:48:13.0

"Knock on wood" i just read the question someone sent you about the rrod
mwendel mwendel

Posted at: 2008-01-07 13:04:20.0

Any update on your latest 360 woes??? what's the turn around time, and are they shipping you a Falcon/updated console???
brandon9662 brandon9662

Posted at: 2008-01-13 13:13:48.0

TenaciousMoses Rocks!
boerinusa boerinusa

Posted at: 2008-01-19 02:05:38.0

will the nyko ex save my xbox from rrod
Terran499 Terran499

Posted at: 2008-01-19 12:24:58.0

U should of got a PS3.
DrthAndrs DrthAndrs

Posted at: 2008-01-25 21:58:50.0

Sux to b u! DONT BUY PS3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
CharlieTheCAM CharlieTheCAM

Posted at: 2008-01-26 04:12:25.0

That sucks!, but i have to tell you that you're the first person i heard that had the ring of death playing, it always happen that one day you turn your system on and the ring appears. I'm really sorry, but if you don't have warranty left you can just go and buy a core version and install your actual hard disk on it. I'm really sorry, i hope this doesn't make you emigrate to the wii or something, that could be sadder than losing your 360.
roxas233 roxas233

Posted at: 2008-01-28 17:19:38.0

that's exactly why i dont like the 360!!!!!!!!!
cityofangels cityofangels

Posted at: 2008-02-11 08:06:03.0

Dude That sucks, my friend got the ring of death and sent it to microsoft, and they gave him a new on.
deathbyarrows1996 deathbyarrows1996

Posted at: 2008-03-03 14:30:36.0

Sorry to hear that.....i dont play much cuase i only have the orange box but still...i can imagine losing my xbox360 to the red ring
masionskillz masionskillz

Posted at: 2008-03-07 08:25:48.0

may your xbox rest in peace
mkplayer mkplayer

Posted at: 2008-03-15 11:38:49.0

hope you can get a new one..... that not fails...
yomite500 yomite500

Posted at: 2008-03-29 19:16:51.0

replace it, if the microsoft morons don't taunt you too easily with a Kameo game.... or you could just curse at the gods for a bit, and then replace it, watevr works for you.... personally, PS3 is more my drift... dude....
SquashTheSmurf SquashTheSmurf

Posted at: 2008-03-30 17:21:30.0

God, that sucks!
wiinut81 wiinut81

Posted at: 2008-03-31 15:37:19.0

That's a 360 for you.
SquashTheSmurf SquashTheSmurf

Posted at: 2008-04-06 14:34:43.0

Whattda mean?!
nintendo360ninja nintendo360ninja

Posted at: 2008-04-12 15:53:12.0

will there ever be an xbox handheld?
SquashTheSmurf SquashTheSmurf

Posted at: 2008-04-13 19:17:53.0

I guess that would be cool. but what im wondring if is there will be a Wii handheld...
IwasBurgandy IwasBurgandy

Posted at: 2008-05-02 20:17:01.0

that would be awkward
yomite500 yomite500

Posted at: 2008-05-04 09:36:19.0

360 handheld was crap.. thats why u dont see it anymore. wii handhelds controls would be wierd, and i seriously doubt that they will ever make another handheld, as the Ds screwed them over as it is...
PimpLord PimpLord

Posted at: 2008-06-12 20:05:39.0

how can you get out of noob status
Biohazard301 Biohazard301

Posted at: 2008-06-15 17:25:16.0

darn man two of my friends lost there x-box to the red ring too all in one week.....its coming for me next!!!
gamemaster3000 gamemaster3000

Posted at: 2008-06-18 12:28:43.0

it happened to me and it still is.they already sent me 3 boxes from microsoft and all 3 of them got lost in delivery.theres another box on the way,i cant wait 3 weeks.i want my 360 now
gamemaster3000 gamemaster3000

Posted at: 2008-06-18 12:32:18.0

need for speed:prostreet screwed up my 360
yomite500 yomite500

Posted at: 2008-06-21 17:33:22.0

PS3 has neither red rings nor failures.... thats why we conquered =)
yourgod yourgod

Posted at: 2008-07-02 09:30:23.0

my 360 broke so i called Microsoft to get a new one. i got my first one new when it cost 500 dollars, i bought a new one i want a new one. Microsoft sent me a dusty one with no faceplate and it will not even turn on.
CyberNet_Crisis CyberNet_Crisis

Posted at: 2008-07-04 14:40:04.0

Master Chief may be to good for you and/or your 360.
Grimmis Grimmis

Posted at: 2008-07-08 22:52:58.0

I have almost had a "Red Ring O' Death' experiance before, right when i got my Xbox 360, luckily it was only 3/4 Red Ring of Death experiance.
SquashTheSmurf SquashTheSmurf

Posted at: 2008-07-15 00:24:29.0

KingxKayos KingxKayos

Posted at: 2008-07-15 11:43:02.0

Ive had my 360 for about a year now and its been ok... im scared though... one minute killing little kids on BF:Bad Company the next im staring at RED RING OF DEATH... ITS LIKE HELL... WAITING!!!!!
saynotofup saynotofup

Posted at: 2008-07-22 22:40:18.0

does the ring of death also happen when the power goes out or your 360 gets unplugged. mine does that but when i turn it back on its fine

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