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There are currently 543 FAQs.
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Catholic faith/theology FAQs
 Anointing of the Sick
 May a person who developmentally disabled be anointed?
 May a person with a serious mental illness be anointed?
 May someone other than a priest anoint the sick?
 What archdiocesan offices can provide more information about anointing of the sick?
 What information might you find in a sacramental record?
 When is it appropriate for someone to receive the sacrament of anointing?
 Does reception into the Catholic Church by baptism or profession of faith eliminate previous marriages from the background of the non-Catholic?
 How do I locate my baptismal records?
 If a young person was confirmed at baptism or was confirmed through the RCIA process, may he or she be confirmed again in adolescence?
 Is a baptized non-Catholic who was previously married before a civil official considered validly married?
 May a child be baptized if the parents are in an invalid marriage or one that cannot be recognized by the Catholic Church?
 May a non-Catholic serve as a godparent?
 May a priest or a member of a religious order be a baptismal sponsor?
 May a priest, deacon or parish director ever refuse the baptism of an infant?
 May baptism be conferred on stillborn child or fetus?
 What archdiocesan offices can provide more information about baptism?
 What are the requirements for someone to be a baptismal sponsor?
 What can be done at a parish after a child has been baptized in an emergency situation?
 What information might you find in a sacramental record?
 What should be done about children who were baptized in another Christian religion when the parent(s) either become(s) a Catholic or returns to the practice of the Catholic faith?
 What should be done about unbaptized children who are of catechetical age and wish to be baptized?
 What should be done if a baptismal record cannot be found or obtained for a Catholic person?
 What should be done if parents have adopted a child and they are unsure if he/she has been baptized?
 When may a baptism be celebrated?
 Where is baptism to be celebrated?
 Are young people who do not participate in any religious education program during high school able to be confirmed?
 Can confirmation be refused to those who request it?
 Can parents demand that their children be confirmed?
 Do candidates need a confirmation name?
 How do I make arrangements to have someone confirmed at the Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist?
 If a candidate is unable to be confirmed at his/her parish on the scheduled date, may he or she be confirmed at another parish?
 If a young person was confirmed at baptism or was confirmed through the RCIA process, may he or she be confirmed again in adolescence?
 Is it required that Catholics be confirmed before they marry in the Church?
 May a candidate have more than one sponsor?
 May a priest or a member of a religious order be a confirmation sponsor?
 May a spouse or fiancé serve as a confirmation sponsor?
 May a spouse or fiancé serve as a sponsor?
 May parents be confirmation sponsors?
 May someone who cannot be present be a sponsor and someone else fill in as a proxy for confirmation?
 Should a person be confirmed prior to marriage?
 What archdiocesan offices can provide more information about confirmation?
 What information might you find in a sacramental record?
 What is the age for confirmation?
 What should be done about unbaptized children who are of catechetical age and wish to be baptized?
 Who can serve as a confirmation sponsor?
 Who may be confirmed at the Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist?
 Why isn't confirmation celebrated at the Catholic high schools?
 If someone is allergic to one of the Eucharistic species, may a substitute be given?
 Is it permissible to celebrate the marriage of two Catholics without celebrating the Eucharist?
 Is it permissible to receive Communion more than once a day?
 Is there any health risk associated with the practice of sharing a common cup?
 May grape juice be substituted for wine?
 May mentally or developmentally challenged people receive Communion at Mass?
 May non-Catholics receive Communion at Mass?
 May reception of the Body and Blood of Christ by intinction be used?
 What archdiocesan offices can provide more information about Eucharist?
 What are the Archdiocese of Milwaukee norms for Communion services?
 What are the requirements for Eucharistic fast?
 What are the requirements for valid Eucharist bread and wine?
 What Holy Days of Obligation require my participation at Mass?
 What information might you find in a sacramental record?
 What should be done about unbaptized children who are of catechetical age and wish to be baptized?
 Who may receive Communion at a wedding Mass?
 Why are catechumens dismissed at the Eucharist?
 Holy Orders
 What archdiocesan office can provide more information about Holy Orders?
 What are the Rites of Ordination?
 What information might you find in a sacramental record?
 I am confused/unhappy/curious about a particular liturgical practice in my parish. What resources are available for me?
 What are the Archdiocese of Milwaukee norms for Communion services?
 What Holy Days of Obligation require my participation at Mass?
 What is the starting time for the Easter Vigil?
 When does Lent begin, and what is expected of Catholics?
 Why are catechumens dismissed at the Eucharist?
 Are there any requirements regarding who may act as witnesses to a marriage?
 Are there any special premarital preparation guidelines for members of the Hispanic community?
 Are there any special regulations that have to be followed if one or both parties that is being married belongs to or was baptized in a Catholic Eastern Rite Church?
 Does reception into the Catholic Church by baptism or profession of faith eliminate previous marriages from the background of the non-Catholic?
 If an inquirer, catechumen or candidate is engaged to be married, should the initiation process be abbreviated to allow for initiation before the marriage is celebrated?
 Is a baptized non-Catholic who was previously married before a civil official considered validly married?
 Is a priest or deacon permitted to officiate at the wedding of someone other than a parishioner?
 Is it permissible to celebrate the marriage of two Catholics without celebrating the Eucharist?
 Is it required that Catholics be confirmed before they marry in the Church?
 May a child be baptized if the parents are in an invalid marriage or one that cannot be recognized by the Catholic Church?
 May a non-parishioner be permitted to use a parish church for a wedding?
 Should a person be confirmed prior to marriage?
 What archdiocesan offices can provide more information about marriage?
 What are civil law requirements for couples who are preparing for marriage?
 What forms must be completed prior to a wedding?
 What information might you find in a sacramental record?
 What is the difference between "mixed marriage" and "disparity of worship?"
 What preparation is needed to marry in the Catholic Church?
 When a marriage dispensation is granted and a Catholic wishes to marry a Jewish person, may the wedding be celebrated in a hotel or reception hall?
 Where can marriage forms be obtained?
 Who may receive Communion at a wedding Mass?
 Why is permission required after a declaration of nullity or invalidity before a person may marry again in the Catholic Church?
 Are candidates obligated to celebrate the sacrament of reconciliation before their profession of faith?
 At what age should a child receive the sacrament of penance?
 How often should Catholics receive the sacrament of penance?
 I have not been to Church or Confession for quite a while. I'm nervous about going to Confession. What advice do you have?
 Is attending a Reconciliation Service with general absolution the same as attending a Reconciliation Service with individual confession and absolution?
 May parents delay the sacrament of penance?
 What archdiocesan offices can provide more information about penance?
 What information might you find in a sacramental record?
 Where is the proper place for the celebration of the sacrament of penance?
 Are candidates obligated to celebrate the sacrament of reconciliation before their profession of faith?
 Can inquirers who need a declaration of nullity be accepted into the RCIA process?
 Does reception into the Catholic Church by baptism or profession of faith eliminate previous marriages from the background of the non-Catholic?
 For whom is the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults intended?
 If a young person was confirmed at baptism or was confirmed through the RCIA process, may he or she be confirmed again in adolescence?
 If an inquirer, catechumen or candidate is engaged to be married, should the initiation process be abbreviated to allow for initiation before the marriage is celebrated?
 May a candidate have more than one sponsor?
 May a spouse or fiancé serve as a sponsor?
 Should a person be confirmed prior to marriage?
 What archdiocesan offices can provide more information about the RCIA?
 What services and resources are available to help us get started and/or do more formation for our Christian Initiation (RCIA) team?
 When a catechumen dies, what is his/her status in the Church?
 Who is a candidate?
 Who is a catechumen?
 Who is a convert?
 Why are catechumens dismissed at the Eucharist?
 How do I locate my baptismal records?
 How do I locate my sacramental records?
 What information might you find in a sacramental record?
 Who do I contact for information about a parish that has closed or merged?
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