Properties of strontium atoms

Atom icon
strontium symbol icon

The electron affinity of strontium is 5.03  kJ mol-1.

Ionisation Energies

This section includes ionisation energies of strontium.

Ionisation energy number Enthalpy /kJ mol-1
1st 549.5
2nd 1064.2
3rd 4138
4th 5500
5th 6910
6th 8760
7th 10230
8th 11800
9th 15600
10th 17100
11th 31270

Ionisation energies of Sr

Electronic configuration

The following represents the electronic configuration and its associated term symbol for the ground state neutral gaseous atom. The configuration associated with strontium in its compounds is not necessarily the same.

Pointer to The Orbitron gallery of orbitals.

Kossel shell structure of Sr
A schematic representation of the shell structure of strontium - not what the atom of strontium "looks like".

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