Tellurium: enthalpies and thermodynamic properties

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Thermodynamic data

Table: thermodynamic data for tellurium.
State Δf Δf CpH 298.15-H°0
Units kJ mol-1 kJ mol-1 J K-1 mol-1 J K-1 mol-1 kJ mol-1
Solid 0 0 49.7 25.7 6.12
Gas 196.7 157.1 182.6 20.79 6.20
Gas (Te2) 168 118 268.0 36.7 9.95


This tables gives a few thermodynamic data. Most values are those given in the NBS technical notes (reference 1) after conversion from the units used within those notes. Values labelled with an asterisk (*) are Committee on Data for Science and Technology (CODATA) agreed values for the thermodynamic properties of key chemical substances (reference 2). These values are published in a number of places including the WWW (reference 3).


  1. R.H. Schumm, D.D. Wagman, S. Bailey, W.H. Evans, and V.B. Parker in National Bureau of Standards (USA) Technical Notes 270-1 to 270-8, 1973.
  2. J.D. Cox, DD., Wagman, and V.A. Medvedev, CODATA Key Values for Thermodynamics, Hemisphere Publishing Corp., New York, USA, 1989.

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