Mozilla Firefox

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We are not furries.
We are not furries.
Since the dawn of time.
Since the dawn of time.
Dave Hyatt, co-creator of Firefox.
Dave Hyatt, co-creator of Firefox.
Your normal Firefox installation. Well, except this one hasn't crashed yet.
Your normal Firefox installation. Well, except this one hasn't crashed yet.
So Firefox uses less memory than Internet Explorer? ORLY?
So Firefox uses less memory than Internet Explorer? ORLY?
Aliens travel many light-years to download shitty browsers
Aliens travel many light-years to download shitty browsers
Sweet Jesus! Gimme summa dat furry luv!
Sweet Jesus! Gimme summa dat furry luv!

Mozilla Firefox FAGfox (moar liek furryfox, amirite?) is a web browser from the Mozilla Fagdation, of which version 1.0 was released at least 100 years ago.

Designed exclusively for FAGGOTS experiencing Netscape Communicator withdrawal, Firefox quickly became the browser of choice for fags who have nothing better to do. Fagfox is commonly used by 13-year-old boys to look up porn so their parents don't find out.

Fagfox was famous after its launch since it is one of the few open source programs to actually achieve version 1.0. Since then, Fagfox has reached over 5 downloads. To get an idea of how many downloads that is, you need to go to and download it 6 times.


Why Switch to Fagfox?

You should switch to fagfox if you are a FAG!


Fagfox is very useful for passing time if you are a FAG.

The Browser for Treehuggers

Fagfox claims on its website to be a 100% organic browser, attempting to turn the issue of browser preference into an environmental dilemma with severe moral implications. This gimmick is sure to entice hippies, poseurs, and fuckwits. Nevermind the fact that all computer programs are nothing but electrons, and the act of sitting on your fat ass surfing the internet and producing methane does nothing to counter global warming, whether the crumbs of food that get stuck in your keyboard were produced with the use of pesticides or not.

Spreading Firefox AIDS

Beta version fine-tuned for CP browsing.
Beta version fine-tuned for CP browsing.

Fagfox was such a phenomenon that a whole bunch of non-furry Fagfox lovers (not that any of them aren't closet furries, mind you) got together on a website called fags) and made it their purpose to make everyone a Fagfox user. With their battle cry of "Bring back the AIDS", they showed their love and devotion to rectal intercourse.

Unfortunately, these people were (and are) largely unaware that Mozilla Corp. spent millions of dollars on a traditional, big-evil-corporate ad campaign to inform of the dangers of faggatory.


At Toorcon 2006, notorious Bantown cybercriminals revmischa and weev announced that they had found over 30 vulnerabilities in Firefox Javascript, which they planned to use to take over the Internets. Much drama ensued, especially among the open sores community who were distressed at the thought that they could no longer bore people by explaining how secure their browser was. It was later revealed that the whole thing had been a troll, and that Bantown didn't have 30 vulnerabilities at all, just one shitty one. Except weev, who had over 30 Firefox 0days revealed to him in mystical communion with the prophet Jah Lightning, after he accidentally took acid and meth at the same time.

These vulnerabilities pwned lawlnufags left, right and center. It is also remembering that people who go around promoting Firefox are FAGS.

Firefox 2.0

Screenshot from Firefox 3.0 beta
Screenshot from Firefox 3.0 beta

It's not very often we like to mention factual information on ED, but we would like to inform you that this program is unstable as fuck. At the request of our website owner, Joseph Evers, Here's a link to "fix" (downgrade) your shitty 2.0 installation for Windows.

Firefox for Pedos

A while back, a group of pedophiles launched their own version of the browser, featuring a lolifur splash screen, and links to several CP sites. It is also rumored to contain embedded FBI monitoring software.

Prepare to be shocked and amazed.

Demonic Connection

Any user trying to find out the true meaning of Firefox needs not look further then the supplied information pages. Simply type in about:mozilla and you will recieve FireFox's true meaning

    • Mammon slept. And the beast reborn spread over the earth and its numbers
    • grew legion. And they proclaimed the times and sacrificed crops unto the
    • fire, with the cunning of foxes. And they built a new world in their own
    • image as promised by the
    • sacred words, and spoke
    • of the beast with their children. Mammon awoke, and lo! it was
    • naught but a follower.
    • from The Book of Mozilla, 11:9
    • (10th Edition)

Without doubt the foxes represent Microsoft who using their unique brand of logic atempted to take over the world by distributing medicore webbrowsers thus resurecting the beast that is and was Anonymous. This red is an acurate rendering of the blood of Opera.

Tabbed Browsing

Some argue that tabbed browsing decreases attention span in affected individuals, potentially having similar effect to being spoon-fed Fox Entertainment Group programming. Ramifications towards instant gratification preference are as of yet unknown.

Fruit of the faggot-tree

In closing, using firefox is fine, but promoting firefox like a crazed maniac makes you a FAG.


See Also

  • Getfirefox - Fagfox HQ.
  • Epiphany - Exactly the same, but more useless.
  • SeaMonkey - Almost the same, but much more useless.
  • Firefox 3 - Almost the same but a complete piece of shit.
  • Chrome - Google's latest attempt to pwn all your Internets.

External Links

Personal tools
