Art Brut, CSS, Bonde, Voxtrot Make Great Escape

Steve McQueen = huge Voxtrot fan
Art Brut, CSS, Bonde, Voxtrot Make Great Escape Art Brut, Voxtrot, the Besnard Lakes, CSS, and Bonde do Role are just a few of the bands who will play Brighton, England's massive Great Escape Festival from May 17-19.

Great Escape will feature over 150 artists at 20 venues across the city, rocking you by night, and chatting to the people by day in special interview sessions.

Among the other artists slated to descend on Brighton: Annuals, British Sea Power, 120 Days, Dan Le Sac vs. Scroobius Pip, Future of the Left, Loney, Dear, the Rakes, the Magic Numbers, Good Shoes, Priestess, Elvis Perkins, Nouvelle Vague, Archie Bronson Outfit, Les Breastfeeders, Hello Saferide, Land of Talk, Micah P. Hinson, Help She Can't Swim, Noisettes, James Yorkston, iLiKETRAiNS, and a band called (seriously) DANANANANAYROYD.

For the festival's full lineup, visit the Great Escape website here.
Posted by Dave Maher on Tue, Apr 3, 2007 at 11:15am