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Star Trek: These Are the Voyages of Kirk's Chair In Your Media Room

I have this friend who always wanted to make his living room into the bridge of the Enterprise from Star Trek.  And though this is not the chair he's looking for (he's a Next Generation fan), you gotta admit--this thing looks cool.  But is it comfortable?

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Can a Remote Controlled Zombie Eat Your Brain?

Want to control a shuffling mass of undead flesh?  If so... look elsewhere.  But if you want to control a simulation of undead flesh in the form of a tiny little zombie... read on!

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Electric Banana Speaks Out When You Strip It

Electric Banana Speaks Out When You Strip It
This somewhat cute, certainly sexy and supremely annoying keychain or cellphone charm speaks with the voice of one of Japan's hottest voice actresses - every time you peel it.

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Frightened Grasshopper Solar Bug Kit – Fun and Educational Jumping Robot

Like a creepy vampire, this little guy prefers the dark.  If the Solar Frightened Grasshopper is exposed to any type of light source, he begins to gyrate and jump, just  like a Mexican jumping bean!

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EyeClops Toys Change the Way Children See the World

Every now and then I stumble across a toy line that is just plain impressive.  A line that not only appeals to kids, but to adults as well.  And, if you've read any of my other stuff, you know that I'm a huge fan of any toy that tricks a kid into learning.  The EyeClops line of toys from Jakks Pacific does just that.  And these things are definitely worth looking into.

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10 Great Invention Ideas for the Best St. Patrick's Day Ever

The following are my picks for the best St. Patrick's day ever, with a few post-St. Patrick's day reconciliation-style inventions thrown in for good measure.

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Tiny Blimp a Hint of Things To Come?

Decades after the Hindenburg fell to earth in a flaming mass, innovators still carry a fascination with the concept of the zeppelin.  These range from military applications to low-cost transport... to toys.

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Star Trek Toys Boldly Go Where We've Been Before - But Look Really Cool

Star Trek has a worldwide fan base that borders on fanatical.  I should know.  I'm a huge fan (yep--even been to several conventions... but I don't wear any costumes).  When a sort of re-tooling of the Star Trek film franchise was announced, it was greeted by fans with some trepidation.  Who could ever play James T. Kirk other than William Shatner?  With this in mind, the marketing machine went into overdrive.  And part of the marketing of such a big film includes toys.  Read on to get a glimpse at what some of us fans are sure to be buying this summer.

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WowWee’s Tri-Bot – The Charming Interactive Robot for Kids

 Tri-Bot is an amazing interactive robot with loads of personality. 

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Is Barbie Turning Into a Skank?

What's next for Barbie? As an American icon, she sets the standard for girl's toys and opens up a universe of imagination for little girls all over the world. But now she comes with something new: tattoos. And some parents aren't happy about this at all. But tattoos are nothing compared to what they could do with Barbie...

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Rex the Dawg – The Robotic Farting Dog with Attitude


Rex is not your average, run-of-the-mill canine robot.  Rex the Dawg is a super-lovable pooch with some major attitude. 

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Crayola MP3 Player for Kids

Your children will have hours of fun listening to tunes with their very own MP3 player.  The colorful player, from Crayola, is sure to be a great big hit with the younger crowd. 

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5 Seriously Fun Tools For Kids In The Kitchen From Head Chefs™

Stand them, bend them, wiggle or jiggle them, Fiesta's Head Chefs™ are the most fun functional cooking tools around to encourage kids to help in the kitchen. Like characters in a band, they all play a cooking instrument. The measuring cup, pastry brush, spoon, spatula, and whisk ... each so appealing, parents will want to play them too!

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Yuruppy: The Virtual Pet You Can Rub


If you aren't up to caring for a real honest-to-goodness puppy or kitten, move over Tamagotchi.  There's a new virtual pet coming to a store near you!

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Plush Tetrapods Turn Your Couch into a Coastline

Soft Plushies Modeled After Japanese Tetrapod Beach Blocks
You may not have seen these odd "tetrapods" before but most anyone in Japan has - half the island nation's coast is lined with them. Now these angular wave-blockers have been reproduced in soft, comfy polyester plush.

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SpyBall: Remote Control Spy Camera for Kids

If you are a high-tech toy lover or happen to have a little James Bond in training, this new robotic item may be just the ticket.

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History of the Rubik’s Cube: Madness, Fun and One Man’s Obsession

Rubik’s Cube is an invention that has been torturing puzzle-lovers for decades, but one man in England has surely broken the record for perseverance. It took him 26 years to solve the mystery and he as well as his enduring wife are very relieved that it is all over. If you are a puzzle fan read on, and if you are not, read on anyway and be amazed at how deeply this silly toy has permeated our cultural psyches.

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iDuck Waterproof Speaker System: Not Your Average Rubber Ducky!

This little yellow duck is not your average rubber ducky!  The iDuck Waterproof Speaker System is a handy wireless gadget for music lovers.

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When Gloomy Bear Meets Hello Kitty, There Will Be Blood

Hello Kitty Collaborates With World's Most Violent Bear
Gloomy Bear meets Hello Kitty... or is that Gloomy Bear EATS Hello Kitty? If this violent and disturbing character combo is any indication, the backlash against Japan's culture of cuteness may have begun.

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Need Some Help Haunting Homes?: Great Idea?

Patent# US 6776687 is what is known as a Haunting Aid, and it is one of those ideas that makes one wonder exactly how much those people down at the patent office really drink every day. Glowing eyes via an LED is hardly another world or even another invention. Read on anyway and ignore that chill that just passed over your right shoulder.

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