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Los Angeles, CA

APR 11, 2006 06:00 AM

Exene Cervenka is the gold standard for what all punk rock musicians should be. She is uncompromising, self deprecating and a real renaissance woman. She of course came to fame in the 1970’s with the seminal punk band X. Since then Exene has had numerous other bands and her latest, Exene Cervenka & Original Sinners, has just released their second album titled Sev7en. It features Jason Edge and members of the band The 7 Shot Screamers.

Buy Sev7en

Daniel Robert Epstein: What are you going to...



Portland, OR
September 2004

APR 11, 2006 11:09 AM

Exene is the coolest. Ever.




New York, USA

APR 11, 2006 12:03 PM

BuckKnuckle said:
Exene is the coolest. Ever.

She really is. I love her!



Portland, OR

APR 11, 2006 02:02 PM

American Superhero. I based my ideal woman around her persona when I was 14 and it hasn't changed much since. I love the Devil Dolls!




I'm lost

APR 11, 2006 04:05 PM

all hail the queen!! i LOVE Excene! My hero!!



October 2002

APR 11, 2006 05:39 PM

BuckKnuckle said:
Exene is the coolest. Ever.




Baltimore, MD
February 2005

APR 12, 2006 12:14 AM

Wow cool - now I want to meet her wink.

One of your best interviews - you really seemed to get into her - like I had no idea she made collages and I love the comment on how the trash has changed biggrin.



Oklahoma City, OK
August 2002

APR 12, 2006 12:25 AM

The last part of the interview was especially interesting to me. A few years ago I tried to get an interview with her for SG, and her publicist seemed interested, but said that after she'd shown Exene the site, she'd turned it down. It's really too bad, I could've died happy after getting to have a conversation with her.

So anyway, really nice job.

[Edited on Apr 12, 2006 by Keith]



Portland, OR
January 2003

APR 15, 2006 10:36 AM

Well, I think it's unfortunate that she says the last band she fell in love with was the Blasters in 1980. There's been some very great (and yes, UNUSUAL) bands since then, so if she hasn't found them then she isn't looking too hard. I'm not saying "I hate Exene. She's dumb," or anything at all like that. I've generally liked X, and the fact that she's branched out and done other bands and artwork is great. I'm just saying she's dead wrong suggesting there's nothing great or new in music since 1980, and should read up on/ check out things a lot harder. Also, in an ironic twist, she seems to frown on '60s garage revivalism because it's not "new," but seems okay with '50s rock revivalism. Guess that's a matter of taste.
As for the last paragraphs, I'm fine with someone saying women can aspire to accomplishing more than porn (which, to me, Siv, Cherry, Isadora, Gadget, and countless other women on here in fact do), but when a strong woman says she "doesn't identify with Feminism" because "it has bad connotations," I want to smash my heeeed into ze wall. Feminism is what she as a woman (or what anyone, men, whoever) makes of it herself; she doesn't have to let it be defined by others... still, I like the things she says in the last paragraph. That makes sense, and is a lot less frustrating to read.

Anyway, interesting read; agreed with many things she said, and I have lots of respect for her, but just had probs with those points.

[Edited on Apr 15, 2006 by Cheech]



Philadelphia, PA
June 2003

APR 17, 2006 11:39 PM

My hero. She's just amazing. Thanks so much for this interview. love



Philadelphia, PA
June 2003

APR 17, 2006 11:48 PM

Cheech said:
I'm fine with someone saying women can aspire to accomplishing more than porn (which, to me, Siv, Cherry, Isadora, Gadget, and countless other women on here in fact do), but when a strong woman says she "doesn't identify with Feminism" because "it has bad connotations," I want to smash my heeeed into ze wall. Feminism is what she as a woman (or what anyone, men, whoever) makes of it herself; she doesn't have to let it be defined by others... still, I like the things she says in the last paragraph. That makes sense, and is a lot less frustrating to read.

Cheech! kiss If she wants to say she doesn't identify with "feminism" that's fine for her. You can't be a man and critique her for feeling that way. I don't identify myself with the "term" of "feminist" but I'll suck a person's blood to get my "feminist"-style views across. She's always been an artist ahead of her time. When some people think of certain labels ("feminist", "acitvist" etc) they think of protests and zany stuff and for some people who are just employing these ideals anyway, they don't want outside generalizations that might be one sided.

I think judging from the final paragraphs this was a hard interview for her. She clearly is confused about this site and possibly hasn't even seen it judging from her remarks.

On the side, there's an Exene interview here with 10 comments...I think that's so sad and reflective of the day.




I'm lost

APR 26, 2006 09:05 AM

great interview, very interesting.



I'm lost
November 2005

MAR 30, 2007 11:24 PM

I saw her show a few years ago in my land, I think it was a Thursday night show at the CourtTavern down in Brunswick land. For bands hitting gigs from Philly to New York city its a mid-way stop between the weekends. anyway the show was good I wish I had a chance to chat with Exena but it was not to be, however I drank a few ales with her Daughter!
she was cool as hell.
I'm with a good friend and a cat who I knew in High School ( so its 4 of us) but wasn't in with- if you know what I mean.
So its like we all have to work the next day- but what the fuck everyone is in a great mood you know? 2 am and only about 10 or so people left in the Court, I ask her about the tour and she's telling us stuff like I cant talk about on this site you dig?anyway you know when things are good
-what happens next? yeah -"the spoiler wakes up"
The cat from H.S. starts asking Exenas daughter to kick him in the balls !
So my friend ,myself and her just stop and look at each other and he goes again-
c'mon kick me in the balls kick me in the- and so she does it and I'm like
" what the fuck"
never have I've been so embarrassed as the cat is bent over as the whole bar looks on.
we had another ale and all left, why cant some cats just mellow out- miao!!



Aurora, CO
September 2004

MAR 31, 2007 06:49 PM

i've always wondered: how do you pronounce her name?



Las Cruces, NM
March 2006

JUN 03, 2008 01:33 PM

whatever, I don't even consider X punk or important. she's delusional. puke