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  • OnLive.jpg

    thing is it's not enough income to support hardware companies. Agin amd and invida is proof of that with shares. when crysis came out invida made a ton of meny.

    dam the site is not giving enough time to edit my writing. sorry i think faster than i type.

  • OnLive.jpg

    You know what don't think for a second millions of pc game fans don't care and don't see these things. I mean to say by the way. In the above post

    right now both amd and invida are not doing well. If intels graphics card is successful. Alot of pc gamers are looking at intel new project offset game and gaphics card by the way . I f that graphics cards sells really well amd and invida will have alot of problems. This also spells bad news console hardware companies. Amd with 80% of their hardware in consoles. As for Ibm well you have seen how much the cell costs sony. It is also the reason sony can't drop it price tag on their ps3.

    Agin hardware companies don't make money on old hardware. there is no point in buying new hard ware right because there is no high end games yet. The only high end game i see in the future for pc is alan wake, operation flash point and maybe.

    but at the end of the day onlive is the better product. it spell doom for consoles if it works. It's only a matter of time.

  • OnLive.jpg

    ok compare all the top pc game sales to consoles and you get my point. Sorry what mean to say is, onlive will affect hardware sales just like console sales are. However alot pc gamers will see no point in buying hardware no more,in past we would buy pc with our hardware for the best games. Also alot of pc gamers don't like sony or mico soft. onlive is good for us pc gamers because now we would have a company to repusent us and cater to us pc gamers. Hardware companies and micro soft pretty much betrayed us. You know think for a second millions of pc game fans don't care and don't see these things. Agin we live on the net, we have access to alot of information. Yea pc's will always be around but the price of parts may go up in the future. why less gamers buy parts. AMD and invda might go bankurpt with out as meny gamers or people buying parts.

  • OnLive.jpg

    If it wasn't online it would have been something else. high production costs and retail pretty much doom consoles.

    it's only a matter of time

  • OnLive.jpg

    people who fight agisnt pc gaming and pc gamers are alot like this

    Must people who play on consoles are kids. Mom's and dad will be looking at cost . Now online will be cheaper to play than a console. It can be hooked up to your tv. No need for any big noisy consoles. You will be playing cuting edge pc games on online. For game devs they will be making alot more profit on their games than consoles. DD has got rid of the the middle man like gamestop. So game devs will be making what they love the muct pure profit.

    agin the world doesn't play on console they play on the pc. where do you think a game dev is going to make the must money? Wow made 2 billlion while console games make only millions.I could go in to alot of reasons why pc gaming is better. there is so meny links on that facts on that topic. Now that online is here I can play all genres on my pc and tv. Game devs will not have to worry about high production cost now too. over time onlive will get cheaper if it takes off. If onlive doesn't work something else will come on the pc seen. I would like to say flashing gaming could compete with onlive too.

    who do you think buys hard parts every year? Big companies only buy so much computer s a if that! there was a article done some time back that people 60% or 70% people buy pc's for games. pc gaming made companies such as invida.

    hardware companies don't make money on old hardware AMD is good proof of that by the way. I would also invida share last year is proof of that compared to now. Oh don't say it's because of the recssion amd before then too.

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