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Not found handlers are used to present alternative content when a url doesn't return a page. This will go through the standard handlers and show how to create and setup your own.


What is "Not found handlers" ?

"Not found handlers" are exactly what they sound like, some logic that will search for an alternative page in the umbraco content tree and return it's content instead of the page not found. You can have as many handlers setup in a system as you want to handle different kind of scenarios.

A not found handler is based on the INotFoundHandler interface so you can very easily build your own handler (if you can code in .net that is), if you can't then umbraco already comes with a handful of prebuild handlers which are pretty flexible and can be used in alot scenarios instead of coding your own from scratch. 

So let's first take a look at the standard handlers and then finish off building our own simple handler and installing it in umbraco.

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