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Probe gets clearest glimpse yet of cosmic dawn

21:40 17 September 2009

The recently launched Planck spacecraft has imaged its first strip of sky, revealing the afterglow of the big bang in unprecedented detail

Rare meteorite found by 'fireball' observatory

19:55 17 September 2009

Robotic cameras that spotted a bright meteor, or fireball, in the night sky have led scientists to an unusual rock that holds clues to the early solar system

Raptorex – a prototype T. rex

21:05 17 September 2009

Long before Tyrannosaurus rex ruled the planet, its diminutive ancestor Raptorex was terrorising smaller animals in what is now northern China

When opposite charges repelMovie Camera

19:05 17 September 2009

The stand-offish behaviour of some charged water droplets could result in new purification technologies



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