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  • The film was beset with a variety of production difficulties; among other things, the studio burned down and Brian Jones was arrested for cannabis possession.

  • Director Jean-Luc Godard was called to England to make a film calling for the legalization of abortion. Shortly after his arrival, though, England relaxed its abortion laws, and his film became unnecessary. Godard agreed to remain in England on the condition that he could make a film with either The Beatles or The Rolling Stones. The Beatles declined the offer, but the Stones promptly accepted, claiming they were avid fans of Godard's work.

  • Director Cameo: [Jean-Luc Godard] Bringing drinks and cigarettes to The Rolling Stones near the end of the film.

  • Director Cameo: [Jean-Luc Godard] In the final scene, Godard can be seen running on the beach in a blue raincoat and a white tennis hat. He pours red paint from a bottle onto Anne Wiazemsky, before she is lifted by the crane in the final shot.

  • The producer of the film added film of The Rolling Stones performing the completed version of "Sympathy for the Devil" at the end of the movie in an attempt to make it more commercial. Jean-Luc Godard was so incensed by this that he punched the producer during a talk at London's National Film Theatre.

  • Producer Iain Quarrier re-cut Godard's original ending. Godard was so enraged when he discovered this at the film's premiere that he punched Quarrier in the mouth.

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