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Re: Vinh's translations and appologies

> Anh Vinh
Hmm ... why do people keep assuming that I'm older than they are? :-)
You're not the first, nor the only one, so I'll let it pass this time.

> Your translations are much better than mine :))

Well, I haven't seen yours yet ... :-)

> I think I'd doing well when to^i co' the^?  hie^'u  ngu+o+i ba.n  V.N.
> no'i  cho  to^i  o+?  so^  la`m.
> You are so appologetic lately in your writings.

Haven't I always? :-)

> Well, we're all flawed, have judgement lapses, make mistakes, especially me!
> What you've shared has been very human and touching lately.
Nah, isn't it rather pathetic to be so heart-on-sleeve though? (no smiley here)
In any case, ke^? chi nhu+~ng lo+`i cu?a mo^.t ke? tha^'t ti`nh. :-)

"Ah, s'il e'tait ici, s'il me voyait ainsi ...."

No, I'm neither a damsel, nor beautiful, I'm just a pathetic lovelorn chap!
And were he to see me like this, I wouldn't blame him for wanting to run
away either! :-)  No, not even my feelings could touch the one I most long
to touch, then what good are words, especially pathetic words of mine?
Oh well, even if they aren't touching, at least they're cathartic ....

I do miss him though, in spite of myself, isn't that pathetic? :-)

> Your Doi Dien offerings the last few weeks were very moving.
Credit should be due to the authors of those pieces, I'm but the second-hand
handmaiden of such beautiful thoughts that you find moving.  After all, for
some of them, I can claim no credit other than typing and posting! :-)

> Anh Minh (Mark)  - mpls

Hey ... if you're "anh" too, then what kind of disorder is this on
account of age? :-)  Well, then perhaps you shold spare me the "anh"
bit from above. 

