Tatting-Related Email Lists

There are two really great tatting-related email lists to which I belong, e-tatters and Tat Chat. Both of them are a great place to learn techniques, meet other tatters, ask questions and share your accomplishments! We also share original patterns and of course, the occasional off-topic stuff.

Here are the list websites and instructions on how to join:


e-tatters is a rather technical tatting list run by Kersti Anear. Sign up at her website. e-tatters is supported by Onelist.

Tat Chat:

Tat Chat seems to have been a collaborative effort. It is a more "chatty" list, with tatting information sharing the spotlight with some off-topic postings like jokes and other stuff. Ron at Pinkpig is the list "mom". Sign up here.

I can't emphasize how much I have learned from both of these groups. Both of these are fantastic lists, so if you want to improve your tatting be sure to join at least one!

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