Eden on OS X
Eden is crystallographic real-space electron-density refinement and optimization program that produces electron density maps with minimal model bias in a robust manner.

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Summary of my recommended installation:

Eden is now in fink, stable.  So all you have to do is this:

% fink install eden

In addition, ...

I've also now made an eden quick start page to help you get going if this is your first time running eden.

Here are my old installation instructions if you would rather do this manually:

Courier font indicates user input.   A % sign is a normal user prompt, and a # is a root user prompt.

An extremely detailed description of how to do this was written by my good friend Luca Jovine and can be linked to here .  The installation goes very smoothly when you follow his excellent directions.  This is of course a major credit to Hanna Szoke's programming skills.   Here are the essentials abstracted from Luca's description:
A.  Preliminaries:
Before you install EDEN, you must do the following, as EDEN depends on X-windows and a scientific graphing program called GRACE (aka XMGR) as well as tcl/tk/wish for full functionality.  You also need the C fftw libraries.  Fortunately, all of this stuff can be installed fairly painlessly using Fink (see  Part 3 ).  Eden is written in C, so all you need is Apple's C compiler, but when fink compiles GRACE, it will use f2c and fort77, so you are going to need an array of stuff (all of which you would want to have anyway, and have probably already done most of this if you started with Page 1 and continued through Page 2 and Page 3, so don't worry).  Here is how to do it all:

1.  Install X-windows
2.  Install the Developer Tools to use the C compiler.
3.  Install the package manager called Fink (See  Part 3 ).
4.  Install fftw using Fink.  (See  Part 3 ).
5.  Install tcl and tk using Fink.  (See  Part 3 ).
6.  Install grace (an X-windows graphing utility) using Fink (See Part 3  and the details below).  

If you compile grace from source, fink will also require you to install f2c and fort77 (a Perl script that invokes f2c) as dependencies.  If you use apt-get to install a grace binary, this may get you off the hook.

Getting the grace interface of EDEN to work :

EDEN will look for xmgr instead of grace.  To fix that I symbolically linked xmgr to xmgrace, so that /sw/bin/xmgr@ -> /sw/bin/xmgrace.  To do that, issue the command

% sudo   ln -s    /sw/bin/xmgrace   /sw/bin/xmgr
B.  Installing EDEN:
1.  Download the latest version of EDEN here and put the tar file into /usr/local/eden (or your favorite equivalent).

2.  Unpack the tar file and read the README_FIRST file.

3.  Edit the Makefile to include the following:
libs=-L/sw/lib -lfftw -lm

4.  Make other suggested edits to the Makefile, including:
mv eden /usr/local/bin/eden    
5.  Issue % setenv EDENHOME /usr/local/eden   (I put this in my /etc/csh.login file).  Issue this command before compiling. 6.  Compile EDEN.  
% cd $EDENHOME/source

% sudo make
 (or run make after becoming root).

7.  Test it if desired as described in Step 5 of Luca's installation instructions .

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