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Author Topics : Jamie Rosen

Old Words -- Cannot Find Server: The Outdated Jamie Rosen Website
New Words -- The Limping Butcher: The Updated Jamie Rosen Website
Sentences -- Weapons of Mass Seduction: Free Fiction for the Fashionable

Photo by Frank Wu; Manipulation by J Rosen

Jamie Rosen

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447 comments found - Newest 100 - Newer 100 - Older 100 - Oldest 100

Message 492682 by Jamie Rosen on 2006-09-15 09:42:31. Feedback: 0
I'll think of something suitable to make you cool enough for us. :P
Message 492599 by Michael Greenhut on 2006-09-14 11:47:02. Feedback: 0
Hey, can I be friends with you guys too? I'll do your laundry...I'll even go on a snipe hunt with you...

Message 492590 by Jamie Rosen on 2006-09-14 09:03:34. Feedback: 0

I went to bed with a migraine as soon as I got home last night, so I haven't had the chance to get online to all the places blocked here at work.
Message 492515 by Lori White on 2006-09-13 14:43:37. Feedback: 0
Yes, you were my friend before. But now I claim it for all the wired world to see!
Message 492502 by Jamie Rosen on 2006-09-13 11:43:42. Feedback: 0
You mean I wasn't your friend before? *sniffle*

I can't get to LJ from work. I can't imagine why!
Message 492498 by Lori White on 2006-09-13 11:04:59. Feedback: 0
Jamie! You're my friend now!
Message 491470 by Ruth J. Burroughs on 2006-09-01 20:13:19. Feedback: 0
You're welcome, Jamie. I have a lot of reading to catch up on but I'll be watching for that one when it comes out.
Message 491406 by Jamie Rosen on 2006-08-31 14:46:31. Feedback: 0
Thanks Ruth!

I'm in no position to complain, I've had contributors waiting *mumble mumble* years for IQ #2.

It's no Last Dangerous Visions, though.
Message 491350 by Ruth J. Burroughs on 2006-08-30 21:12:20. Feedback: 0

Issue 77, May 2007 Bigfoot and the Barbershop in D and N.

Caaaaan't wait.

Message 491317 by Jamie Rosen on 2006-08-30 13:30:46. Feedback: 0
I have, at least, solved the mystery of the disappearing login.

If you go to the mill via www.rumormill.org and follow the link, the log in will not work. Coming here through Speculations.com works just fine.
Message 490942 by Ruth J. Burroughs on 2006-08-24 20:53:41. Feedback: 0
I just bumped David's topic up.
Message 490861 by Mystery Guest on 2006-08-23 10:58:06. Feedback: 0
I don't know, Ruth. The D&N; website isn't very detailed -- it may not even be out yet.

Message 490835 by Ruth J. Burroughs on 2006-08-23 01:35:25. Feedback: 0
Hi Jamie,

What issue was Bigfoot and the Barbershop in D and N in? The issue I thought it would be in wasn't.
Message 490797 by Mystery Guest on 2006-08-22 10:31:41. Feedback: 0
That, of course, was me, magically unlogged in.

Message 490796 by Mystery Guest on 2006-08-22 10:31:21. Feedback: 0
I've been here and there. Mostly there. Wherever there is.

I haven't put pen to paper for fictitious purposes in months, so I'd have felt like a fraud coming by more often. And the Mill has seen better days. *kicks aside some stray spammers*

Now I can't even stay logged in past the log-in screen. *sigh*
Message 490752 by Terry Hickman on 2006-08-21 19:06:10. Feedback: 0
JAMIE!!!!!! It's you!!!

Where you been, dood?? We missed you!

How's it rockin?
Message 490740 by Mystery Guest on 2006-08-21 13:37:00. Feedback: 0
Has anyone seen said issue of Dreams & Nightmares?

unable to make the logging-in stick.
Message 482621 by Jamie Rosen on 2006-04-04 07:43:51. Feedback: 0
"A Wife Up My Nose" is now live at The Dream People.
Message 477847 by Ruth J. Burroughs on 2006-02-02 21:47:12. Feedback: 0
Congratulations! I'm looking forward to reading Bigfoot and the Barbershop in D and N.
Message 477842 by Jamie Rosen on 2006-02-02 10:41:30. Feedback: 0
Thanks guys.

Most of my writing is going towards scripting Uncommon Prayers, my OEL manga with Jen White, so it's neat to have the occasional sale turn up.
Message 477819 by Lori White on 2006-02-01 22:59:52. Feedback: 0
Go, Jamie!
Message 477806 by Lawrence M. Schoen on 2006-02-01 18:06:08. Feedback: 0
Message 477795 by Jamie Rosen on 2006-02-01 10:28:45. Feedback: 0
Thanks Roach, Terry, Michael.
Message 477760 by Terry Hickman on 2006-01-31 21:31:04. Feedback: 0
Woo hoo! Cool, Jamie! That's exciting! Congrats!
Message 477748 by Michael Greenhut on 2006-01-31 19:36:22. Feedback: 0
er, Jamie, rather. =p
Message 477747 by Michael Greenhut on 2006-01-31 19:36:07. Feedback: 0
Congrats, Jaime. My first poetry sale was also to Dreams and Nightmares (issue 71).
Message 477741 by Roach (Raechel Henderson) on 2006-01-31 18:06:40. Feedback: 0
Congratulations Jamie!
Message 477738 by Jamie Rosen on 2006-01-31 17:37:18. Feedback: 0
Dreams and Nightmares have graciously provided me with my first poetry sale -- "Bigfoot in the Barbershop" will be included in a forthcoming issue.

Now I'm a triple threat!
Message 473981 by Jamie Rosen on 2005-12-06 13:32:47. Feedback: 0
As you can see, I now have a new website. It is a work in progress, and it has a rather unwieldy URL, but it is more current than Cannot Find Server, which I could no longer update.
Message 473365 by Terry Hickman on 2005-11-26 20:48:31. Feedback: 0
Hey Jamie, email me privately, 'k? My addy is on the header in my RM topic.
Message 472810 by Jamie Rosen on 2005-11-17 16:49:24. Feedback: 0
I used to be a real proponent of the "just write" school, but now that I think about it, most of what I "just write" doesn't wind up finished, and I think that was my subconscious and/or muse trying to tell me something.

Of course, some of what I "just write" has wound up being quite successful, but the wheat is far outweighed by the chaff, so to speak.
Message 472809 by Lori White on 2005-11-17 16:41:44. Feedback: 0
A lot of times I *do* get sucked into a good beginning, but one of my flaws might be a saving grace--I'm not the kind of person who can "just write" and find out where a story's going. I have to have an ending.

If course, that doesn't mean it's a good one....
Message 472801 by Jamie Rosen on 2005-11-17 13:50:32. Feedback: 0
Yes, it's amazing how it took a panel discussion for me to clue into his point, eh? Sure, an opening makes the person read on -- but the ending is the final impression they take away (if they make it that far!)
Message 472741 by Roach (Raechel Henderson) on 2005-11-16 19:15:35. Feedback: 0
Jamie, I love that quote from High Fidelity. And Gene Wolfe's making sense there (*eyes her own stories*).
Message 472730 by Jamie Rosen on 2005-11-16 16:38:02. Feedback: 0
One thing that has stuck in my mind from the panels I attended at WFC was Gene Wolfe's comment about how you shouldn't start a story because you have a good beginning -- you should start it because you have a good ending.

Looking at some of my recent failures, I have to say that's a piece of advice I should heed more often.
Message 472458 by Jamie Rosen on 2005-11-10 17:26:59. Feedback: 0
"Did I listen to pop music because I was depressed, or was I depressed because I listened to pop music?" -- Nick Hornby via John Cusack, High Fidelity

The same could be applied to writing for many of us, I think. Someone once said, "I write not because I feel good when I write, but because I feel worse when I don't." I don't see the same sort of correlation, myself, but certainly I do find I'm more inclined to write when I'm in a negative mood. Probably the inherent melodrama of writing conflates nicely with that of depression.

It's not that I'm depressed right now (well, no more than my medication would indicate.) Right now I'm just hungry and tired of work and wanting to go home, and trying to be cautious with the money while my credit card recovers from the Con. But it's interesting to think about. At least, more interesting than beans.
Message 472312 by Jamie Rosen on 2005-11-08 16:51:30. Feedback: 0
Yes, sorry I didn't see more of you.

Roach and I did meet up, though, thanks for the heads up.
Message 472295 by Lori White on 2005-11-08 15:05:08. Feedback: 0
Jamie, cool to see you for the bits I did.
Message 472278 by Jamie Rosen on 2005-11-08 12:27:50. Feedback: 0
I find it helps if you close your eyes. :)
Message 472265 by Roach (Raechel Henderson) on 2005-11-08 00:15:32. Feedback: 0
Hey Jamie, it was great to finally meet you at WFC. I'm not seeing your resemblance to the above picture. Perhaps I need to squint in a certain way? :>
Message 472259 by Clyde on 2005-11-07 23:55:47. Feedback: 0
Thanks for your thoughts...

Message 471461 by Jamie Rosen on 2005-10-25 15:52:44. Feedback: 0
I've barely worked on the WIP for the last two months, so don't look for it to be finished by WFC after all. But do look for me, if you happen to be there.
Message 467938 by Jamie Rosen on 2005-08-10 17:49:46. Feedback: 0
Yeah, well, I had 19k written on it about a year ago, I might as well finish it, neh? It's going to be a space opera/big dumb object story, which is funny because I don't tend to think of myself as writing that sort of story. My novel ideas all tend to fall into subgenres I don't really write in short fiction.

Remind me never to skip breakfast again. It sets me into a downward spiral that's hard to pull out of (although I did a decent job of it thanks to an early lunch today.) At least work's had a little bit of downtime between calls on occasion, so that I can catch my breath.
Message 467831 by Terry Hickman on 2005-08-08 22:48:25. Feedback: 0
Woo hoo!! It *worked*!!! Good on YOU, Jamie!
Message 467821 by Jamie Rosen on 2005-08-08 17:32:17. Feedback: 0
After cajoling, threatening, and stabbination from an Organization of Wicked Women, I've capitulated and will be finishing one of my many stalled novels. So look for the first draft of Echoes of Extinction to be finished by WFC.
Message 465632 by Jamie Rosen on 2005-06-29 17:04:04. Feedback: 0
Hmm. Well, it appears "Weapons of Mass Seduction" is also the name of a collection of essays on film by some guy I never heard of -- hear he's famous around those sci-fi circles, though, with their ray guns and whatnot.

It seems there's nothing new under the sun, especially when puns on current events are concerned.
Message 465259 by Jamie Rosen on 2005-06-23 18:00:34. Feedback: 0
After some confusion from readers of my usual blog, I have set up a separate blog dedicated solely to posting fiction. Weapons of Mass Seduction will feature a mixture of original fiction and reprints from my existing bibliography.
Message 463009 by Jamie Rosen on 2005-05-30 11:55:55. Feedback: 0
Well, I typed up a query letter to Marvel Comics in accordance with their submissions policy. Now I just need to find my US stamps for the SASE and it will be my first submission, of a sort, in a long time.

Most of my writing has been going towards the manga-inspired supernatural romantic comedy Uncommon Prayers, which I'm writing in conjunction with my artist friend Jen. (Whose art can be found here.) So it's not like I've been completely unproductive. I just haven't been writing prose.
Message 462984 by Terry Hickman on 2005-05-29 20:43:57. Feedback: 0
One PRESUMES so. One YEARNS for it.

One is going to kick your butt if it DOESN'T happen.

Message 462973 by Jamie Rosen on 2005-05-29 16:42:50. Feedback: 0
I now have a functioning printer, to boot.

Could submitting stories be in the offing?
Message 459695 by Jamie Rosen on 2005-04-09 16:02:25. Feedback: 0
I have regular 'net access again.

Opinions on the utility of this state differ. Reports to follow.
Message 453977 by Terry Hickman on 2005-01-11 13:11:49. Feedback: 0
YeeHAW, yippee and yahooooooo!

*flings confetti*
Message 453963 by Jamie Rosen on 2005-01-11 11:18:07. Feedback: 0
All right, Lori. It's a deal. Let's shake on it.

Message 453860 by Carol Orosco on 2005-01-09 22:22:07. Feedback: 0
I'd shake some pom poms, but I'd likely hurt myself and scare the cat. So, write already! :-)
Message 453859 by Terry Hickman on 2005-01-09 21:54:31. Feedback: 0
Hey, I'm all for that one! Come on, everybody, let's get Jamie and Lori to make the deal! Post your encouragement here! Or in Lori's topic.

What are friends for, after all?

*makes big sad puppy eyes*
Pleeeeease, you two? Keep writing?
Message 453854 by Lori White on 2005-01-09 21:36:29. Feedback: 0
Yay, Jamie! For the Honorable Mention.

Shall we do a deal? You start writing again and *I'll* start writing again.

Message 453541 by Amy Sisson on 2005-01-04 17:26:21. Feedback: 0
Thanks, Jamie! Hope to see IQ again sometime in the future!
Message 453535 by Jamie Rosen on 2005-01-04 17:03:43. Feedback: 0

By all means, go ahead. The cover was a public domain image anyway. :)
Message 453524 by Amy Sisson on 2005-01-04 14:24:17. Feedback: 0
Jamie, I wrote you an e-mail a few days ago, but then realized that if you don't have reliable internet access you may not get it. You may not see this either, but worth a try.

I'd like your permission to include an image of IQ's first issue cover on my website. It then links to the IQ page. Considering the hiatus, I could take away the link, if you prefer, but keep the cover. Or, of course, since it's yours, I will take away the cover if you don't want it up there. (But it's so much prettier with the cover!) Here's the page (and the site is still in progress): www.amysisson.com
Message 453455 by Terry Hickman on 2005-01-03 19:24:04. Feedback: 0
Whoa ho! That *is* cool! And we all do hope you DO continue to write!
Message 453446 by Amy Sisson on 2005-01-03 16:30:27. Feedback: 0
Jamie, congrats on your good news. That is No Small Thing!
Message 453439 by Jamie Rosen on 2005-01-03 15:46:14. Feedback: 0
Well, the cat's out of the bag officially, so:

My anonymously-published short story, "Creek Man", in Nemonymous #4, will be receiving an Honourable Mention in Ellen Datlow's portion of this year's Year's Best Fantasy and Horror. This is exceptionally cool. I may even start writing again.
Message 453329 by Jamie Rosen on 2005-01-01 16:57:30. Feedback: 0
Pictures of Spondy and Ember were taken at my Christmas party, so I'll be posting links once my friend gets them on-line.
Message 452588 by Terry Hickman on 2004-12-16 13:11:28. Feedback: 0
Ah. Well, that won't work either, then. I guess I'll just have to *imagine* their puddy little faces. :)
Message 452587 by Jamie Rosen on 2004-12-16 13:02:30. Feedback: 0
Well, first I'd have to get a scanner.
Message 452450 by Terry Hickman on 2004-12-13 14:42:48. Feedback: 0
Can you, like, mash their little puddy faces down on the scanner? That would work.
Message 452442 by Jamie Rosen on 2004-12-13 12:49:19. Feedback: 0
In the nonexistent camera. :/

I do hope to get some soon.
Message 452316 by Terry Hickman on 2004-12-10 22:25:44. Feedback: 0
Awww...Spondulix and Ember...*gets all mawkish & gooshy*

so where are those pictures, eh?
Message 452308 by Jamie Rosen on 2004-12-10 18:41:27. Feedback: 0
It's going all right. I have everything I need, including two kittens, Spondulix and Ember. :) It's a bit of a change, getting used to doing all the chores myself, but I'm doing decently, when I remember.
Message 452307 by Terry Hickman on 2004-12-10 18:33:14. Feedback: 0
Yikes, that sucks, Jamie! But I assume you've moved into the new apt.? How's that going?
Message 452305 by Jamie Rosen on 2004-12-10 17:56:40. Feedback: 0
Jamie Update

I'm about two business days away from giving up on the idea of having functioning internet in my apartment. I finally have a functioning computer, but something USB-related seems to have gone awry with the connection to the modem. It might be cheaper to give up the cable internet and rely on the grace of other people's internets.

But I am still alive, more or less. Writing, not so much. But alive.
Message 448768 by Jamie Rosen on 2004-10-03 22:40:25. Feedback: 0
if anyone's interested, I've put together a collection of some of my stories, my play "As Time Goes By", and a few other writings. It's really just intended as a trial-run for the CafePress print-on-demand system, to see if the anthologies I'm thinking of editing would be well-served by that service, but since it's there, I might as well make it available to the public, right? Stories in it include pieces from The Fortean Bureau, Ideomancer, Lunatic Chameleon, and several unpublished pieces. It's 81 pages, retails for $9.95 US + shipping (I know, pricey-- that's PoD for you) and is available here. If you do get a copy, let me know; I discovered after the fact that they only take credit cards, and until I find a cardholder kind enough to let me reimburse them for ordering a copy (or 4) I won't be able to see it myself. Rendering the whole 'trial run' idea a little moot.
Message 447521 by Jamie Rosen on 2004-09-23 12:07:39. Feedback: 0
You'd have to ask my readers that question. People have bought the 'zine, and presumably read it, and except for some promotional stunts I don't foresee myself switching to a giveaway format rather than a paying one. If I need ads, I'll start soliciting them, but right now I don't see any point. It's a hobby for me, not a business -- that's what my day job is for. :)
Message 447497 by ruthie on 2004-09-23 03:36:56. Feedback: 0
I think if I were to put all that time and energy into a zine I would probably have to run it like a for profit business. How do your readers feel? Would most rather pay for the fiction and not see ads?

The ads generated from a small print magazine pays for overhead, writers, editors and artwork. A lot of corporations are taking them over though. When I thought of starting one, I thought I could pay everyone except myself.

Where is Robert hiding?
Message 447445 by Jamie Rosen on 2004-09-22 13:02:07. Feedback: 0
Well, the sheer fact of the matter is that I doubt I could really sell ads for the 'zine as it stands right now. Not a high enough circulation or profile, for one thing. Plus there's the fact that I'm not sure I'd want to run ads in IQ. I like its look with nothing but the fiction, the editorial, and some art.

It's a labour of love that came surprisingly close to paying for itself, and rather than run ads, I saved some money by using classy, suitable public domain artwork instead of purchasing new artwork.
Message 447393 by ruthie on 2004-09-22 01:02:35. Feedback: 0
I think the pay along with a copy is very fair if not generous, especially for reprints. Mine are still on this site in one of the micro story contests so they would be difficult to sell.
I have 3,840 some odd words worth of micro stories that can be made longer or shorter. Michelangelo 2000, Monsieur Despair, Nothing Like Old Friends, and A Bag of Space Dust (needs a better ending) are science fiction.
Zombie Bouillabaisse is funny feghoot and Wrong Bend, possibly longer story, not published yet, is dark fantasy I guess.
As my Japanese mother says, “Back in dosin days,” when I had to go to school…. Okay never mind that story.
Back when I went to school we had to go from door to door to get ads from respectful business men and women in order to pay for our print costs. That was the only way we could afford to run a school newspaper. I don’t understand how a magazine can afford to run itself without ads. It’s the bread and butter of newspapers and zines. I kicked around some more ideas in my topic so I wouldn’t fill yours up too much. ruthie’s topic

I would really be upset if someone didn’t catch some typos or grammar errors on my work, especially as hard as I try to find mine. I run it through the grammar and spell checker but that doesn’t catch my dyslexia. Like when I write there for their or where for wear. I can’t stand it when I do it but after years of writing I realize it must be some form of disability because it never goes away and increases when I’m trying to make a deadline or when I’m on a writing jag and I’m really excited. Can’t you get ads to run on your radio gig so you can pay the writers? Also, why wouldn’t you submit to your own show?
Message 447386 by Robert Hole, Jr. on 2004-09-21 21:36:00. Feedback: 0
Jamie, that brings to mind an old newsletter I edited - I once was required to put something in "as submitted". It was a hilarious read, typos, bad phrasing, incoherant...the author was quite embarassed. [no ruthie, this is NOT aimed at you or anything you said, I'm just reminiscing]

And I'm sorry if I confused the issue of your being a paying market by jumping in with my unpaying market.
Message 447373 by Jamie Rosen on 2004-09-21 17:29:25. Feedback: 0

You may have misread my post, as my post was about a paying print 'zine. It doesn't pay a lot, but it does pay. I decided from the get-go that if I couldn't pay authors, I wouldn't bother putting it out.

Now, obviously, I wouldn't give an author complete control over how their story was presented, because I am, after all, publishing it. But then, I don't think there are any paying markets (and few non-paying ones) that do that. I'm a fairly light touch as far as editing goes, though (or so I think.)
Message 447174 by Mystery Guest on 2004-09-18 15:56:05. Feedback: 0

If people would give me gasoline for free, the bank would let me own my house for free,if I didn't have to pay Toyota for my car, if I could get groceries free etc. etc. I would be glad to give my stuff away for free too.

I think it would be hard to sell micro stories and feghoots even if they hadn't been posted. I wouldn't buy a feghoot for 27 dollars but I would buy an anthology of micro stories for 4 or 5 dollars. This way when I go to sell my novels I can sell the smaller stuff for less along with it.

Too me my stories are special and I want to treat them well.

I'm not sure if I'm frustrated so much as I hate losing control of the story and how it's presented, edited and what kind of artwork goes with it. How I visualize it may be quite different from what an editor sees and I've been burned by some editors who completely rewrote my work and posted my byline next to the work. It's just a business plan where I keep the rights and control of how the work is presented etc. etc.

best regards,

Message 447164 by Robert Hole, Jr. on 2004-09-18 11:35:39. Feedback: 0
ruthie, I can't speak for Jamie, but I know that you have to make your own choices - you indicated you were frustrated by lack of venues, the only opportunity I can offer was put forward. Whether you or anyone else makes use of that particular venue is up to the author. Heck, I'm starting to write things I won't submit to myself!!!!
Message 447158 by ruthie on 2004-09-18 06:12:32. Feedback: 0
Jamie and Robert,

Excerpt from my bio:

***Hudson Valley Writers Guild promoted summer poetry readings throughout Albany; paid to read poetry, Ruth read her fledgling science fiction instead, and was invited to read more at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute's WRPI 91.5. Bitten by the publishing bug Ruth decided she would like to be published before reading her work instead of reading her work before being published.**

I'd really like to get paid for my work or make it available to read and then read from my work. Jay is trying to think of some way of recouping hard costs for posting said work. Me too. I don't mind reading from the work for free if I have something in hand to market. So much energy, time and expense goes into writing and marketing the work, not to mention traveling if I do succeed at selling it, by the time I sell a small chapbook or somthing similar, I'd barely recoup the costs.

And there's so much free stuff on the internet it's hard to compete these days.
Message 447106 by Robert Hole, Jr. on 2004-09-17 11:55:29. Feedback: 0
And ruthie, I'm not a paying market yet, but I'll take not only micros and short-shorts, but "reprints" at radio-sf.com, so after Jamie's printed them, you can record them for me.
Message 447084 by Jamie Rosen on 2004-09-17 08:38:38. Feedback: 0
Well, ruthie, I already have my zine Irregular Quarterly, which is open to micros and short-shorts as well as longer stories. Indeed, I don't see enough well-done micros and short-shorts; too many -- my own included, sometimes -- seem more like story summaries than actual short-shorts.


I've found the layout isn't too bad, but I'm using software that was just sitting there on my gf's pc, rather than doing it by hand. I also used only public domain art for the first issue, and will likely do so again for #2.
Message 447069 by ruthie on 2004-09-16 21:45:50. Feedback: 0
I was thinking of starting a site or zine for the feghoots and micro stories or finding someone who'd buy them but everyone advises me not to start a zine. They tell me it's too costly and time consuming not to mention carpal tunnel syndrome from all the paste up and editing. Others have said there is no market of micros and feghoots.
I wanted to start a zine, site or anthology for sf named after my micro story, Michelangelo 2000, and one for funny monster feghoots named after my other story Zombie Bouillabaisse. I’m working on some graphics right now but it takes longer to do the graphics than to write the stories.

But I'd also like to do some more Kineko Takekoshi short or continuing stories. The teeanage forensic student and her robot dog, TenTen.
Message 446179 by Jamie Rosen on 2004-09-07 13:09:55. Feedback: 0
Developments in JamieLand:

Good News -- Lindsay has herself a job.

Better News -- It's full-time.

Worse News -- It's 3-11, Monday to Friday. :(

Well, it'll be harder to get in touch with each other on the phone, and we'll be limited to weekends together. *sniffle* But more important than that is her having a job, and hopefully one that she likes.
Message 445904 by Robert Hole, Jr. on 2004-09-01 23:30:45. Feedback: 0
Thanks Jamie, I wasn't worried that you hadn't responded, only worried that you hadn't gotten it.
Message 445900 by Jamie Rosen on 2004-09-01 21:59:23. Feedback: 0
The Best of Barry Malzberg

I just finished the above-mentioned book today, after reading it over the course of several years. Why the delay? Malzberg is a writer best sampled over time, rather than gorged on all at once. Read too many of his stories in a row, and the similarities blur them all together -- the bleak, sometimes acerbic wit; the impotence and resignation of the characters; the worlds at once absurd and all too believable. Read them over time, and the similarities become themes instead, while the stories themselves each have a chance to stand out.

Finishing up this collection feels like it should be some sort of landmark, as every day for years it would sit there with a receipt marking my place. And reading the introduction to the last story, wherein Mr. Malzberg proclaims his decision to leave the science fiction field for good (this was two decades ago or so) only reinforces this feeling.

But there's no landmark to mark, I must say. I've been tired lately, and so tired of writing to some degree, but that's just a result of my body and mind trying to adjust to my new work schedule -- certainly no cause for the renunciation of the genre, or writing, or what have you.

But let me say -- read you some Barry Malzberg. He's fun, if an acquired taste.
Message 445892 by Jamie Rosen on 2004-09-01 20:08:10. Feedback: 0
Bob -- I have received it, I'm just mulling over the best response. :)

I also have very little time these days; I decided to pick up some plus-time at work, with the aim of cashing it in for some time off down the line, so I've been a bit busier.
Message 445870 by Robert Hole, Jr. on 2004-09-01 17:08:32. Feedback: 0
Very good luck is wished regarding the "good shape" bit.

YAY!!! for a place of your own. It's wonderful. Wish I could find one I could afford. Sigh. :)

If you've NOT received an email from me, please let me know.
Message 445857 by Jamie Rosen on 2004-09-01 14:38:40. Feedback: 0
Another step closer -- purchased myself twelve months of tenants' insurance for the apartment.

The only downside to all of this is that there are people in the apartment at present; their lease doesn't expire until mine starts up, so I may not get to move anything in ahead of time like I'd hoped. With luck it'll be in good shape, though. :)
Message 445745 by Jamie Rosen on 2004-08-30 20:37:45. Feedback: 0
Terry -- Don't worry, the virtual tour shall take place.

As for the kitties, well, considering I've had to struggle to not buy one already, I think it's safe to say you won't have to wait too long for that either. :)

And my folks are being super-generous and, in addition to letting me take some extra furniture we have lying around (ie coffee table, kitchen table, sideboard), they're willing to contribute up to $1000 (Cdn.) towards my furniture needs.
Message 445739 by Lori White on 2004-08-30 19:45:27. Feedback: 0
Yup Amy, you've lived a lot of places.

When did you work for Locus? Have we met?

I have not lived in a lot of places. I'm in Daly City now. Before that it was Oregon, then bopped back and forth across the Idaho/Montana border. That's it.

Gots itchy feet that never do get scratched....

Message 445737 by Terry Hickman on 2004-08-30 18:55:42. Feedback: 0
YeeHAW, Jamie!!! Your OWN PLACE!!! Wow, is that going to be fun for YOU! But--you ARE going to give us a virtual tour once you've got it all set up the way you want it...I hope? (*Before* the creative mess gets started, heh. If you're like me, a new place--or a newly re-organized office--looks great, like a magazine spread--for about two days. Then the piles start spontaneously generating...)

So--then a couple of kitties, eh? And photos of THEM??

I know--I'm demanding. I'll shut up now.
Message 445731 by Jamie Rosen on 2004-08-30 17:56:16. Feedback: 0


Cool beans -- I just got approved for my brand new apartment (which, might I add, will be mine, all mine!) Two bedrooms -- one shall be converted to a library -- hardwood/parquet flooring -- utilities included -- first month free.

I'm pretty stoked. Now, as long as I don't get canned again. :/
Message 445662 by Robert Hole, Jr. on 2004-08-29 23:55:15. Feedback: 0
No worries from this end either Terry. You couldn't know we've already been talking - but _I_ thank you for the clarification "just in case".

Jamie, I'd be happy too. I'll send you an email with my postal addy, and the information I'll want to give credit.
Message 445661 by Jamie Rosen on 2004-08-29 23:24:45. Feedback: 0
No worries, Terry -- at least not on my end.

Bob, thanks for the compliment! (Great, now I feel like the Canadian Bulldog.) If you think you might like some of my stuff for your station, from what you've heard, I'd be more than happy to send you a CD-R.
Message 445656 by Terry Hickman on 2004-08-29 22:34:40. Feedback: 0

I guess I'd better make that last comment perfectly clear: he's looking for people to sub things for his planned station. I did NOT mean he was looking for things to, you know, plagiarize. Robert would never do such an evil thing. He's a cooool dood. And I have no idea whether he was thinking that Jamie Rosen might make, you know, a potential contributor.

*double sigh*

I should learn to just keep my, er, fingers quiet.
Message 445655 by Terry Hickman on 2004-08-29 22:32:14. Feedback: 0
Hey Jamie, watch out, that RHole guy is fishing for stuff for his online SF radio station...heh. He knows where the good artists are, eh?
Message 445647 by Robert Hole, Jr. on 2004-08-29 21:37:11. Feedback: 0
Cool music, man.

Cool sight, too.
Message 445644 by Jamie Rosen on 2004-08-29 21:15:07. Feedback: 0
I know. I wish I had some right now, but the family has Laid Down the Law.

There was a study done recently that indicated that people work better when they're around their pets. But alas, no pets at the office as of yet.

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